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A Simple plugin that enhance greatly your raids by modifing pmc AI spawning system by mimicking Live Pvp
Ai PMCs Amount is now tied to real players amount per map ex : factory is 4-8 players
All Ai PMCs now only spawn once at start of the raid and use only real players spawns
Scavs and PMCs loot are now realistic like Live EFT
bro don't be stupid, do you go in a raid with loot in your backpack ? do you even take a pistol ??
scav don't have meds, food & stims anymore
reduced various % chance of stuff for scav and pmcs
nothing to configure , everything is working by itself , actually compatible with fika
some improvments can be made, but i want to release it and get people feedback first
Version 1.1
added Compatibility with fika
It says scavs don't have meds/food/stims, but in live tarkov scavs do have meds and food, and very very rarely stims.
вопрос,как настроить что бы еда у диких хотя бы почаще была, ну это бред, убил 20 диких ни у 1 из них не было даже попить или поесть. Это дико
es-ce que t'as un chien ?
20 sauvages n'ont pas de nourriture et de boire ce non-sens, comment peut-il être mis en place bien réel
Hello, do you know how to configure the mod a little? I'm trying it out and the truth is that it feels very good but... I got into one of the customs and I felt very pressured, the bots kept coming, any advice?
you can use a mod that modify bot behaviors, i think about SAIN or some mods like this
Did you fix your issue? im constantly being pushed and bombarded by ai, they will sometimes even ignore other enemy players just to get to me.
bruh this mod has nothing to do with ai behaviaor lmao
I noticed that this mod doesn't work where the boss is on the street, and there's a small chance it doesn't spawn PMCs or doesn't work on other maps.
Progress on this mod? Any future update dev?
Haha, keep up the good work bro!
great mod for pmcs raids! but scav raids feel off theres way too many pmcs still alive/left on the map at the 15 min mark and such a small amount of scavs
next update will fix that : )
why in lighthouse doesnt spawn pmc bro wtf, i think u are not have fully compatible with fika or sain
for me on gz (lvl15). tonns of scavs no pmc at all
i will look into it, but i don't encounter this issue
Yea pls, idk why are only scavs or raiders in lighthouse
I am planning to do testing, but I’ve gotten a report that this is not compatible with my port of “Entry Point Selector” it appears that ALL PMCs spawn with you at the chosen spawn point. I will test for myself tonight or tomorrow.
who is the OG and where can i get his plug in
SAIN compatibility?
Is it possible to put extra spawns, mid raid?
Is it Valen's progression compatible?
PMC spawn now in right number. But most in big squads 4-5 ( no solo or duo squad ).
Also the scav spawn is to high for my opinion and to fast respawn. The PMC fighting for there lifes at the beginning and dying most of the time in under 3 minutes round time. So "Shooters born in heaven" Quest not working
The Scavs spawn all at the Same time and in a high number. And that is the problem. that the reason why the pmcs die so fast.
Also from the feeling, scavs are really hard now, they shooting like lasers and from really far distances.
(Testing Area : Ground Zero, Streets of Tarkov, )
This is just how the BSG spawns work now. If you want different scav spawns you need to use MOAR. I have no issues encountering PMC's but have their AI turned up more and scavs turned down in SAIN.
it definitely seems a bit overboard. just had a round where i spawned on shoreline->weatherstation. within 6 minutes had 9 scav kills, not including the scavs the squad of PMCs that turned up and the two additional at the end before i left
Are you sure this only does spawning? it feels like it's messing with the AI, or maybe causing SAIN to not work. im getting shot from insane distances, and unrealistically pushed. Like being in Big Red and shot by birdeye from fortress. (and PMCs too being insane). ever since i installed this.
yh has been very strange. im unsure if it's this, or me getitng to level 20 has overridden the SAIN / That's lit stuff
Same honestly pmcs are crazy with this mod.
If you use SVM, make sure that the SCAV to PMC converter is turned off (AI PMC/AI Types into PMC converter), otherwise the server will issue an error.
Thank you, just ran into this issue.
Any informations about working now right with fika?
not same spawnpoint, right spawnlimit?
i have updated it, its working now
i will try and give you feedback then
This look promising
So just to make sure you just make a random number of pmc to spawn depending on the map, they all spawn at the start and have no loot in their backpacks and that's it ?
The spawns are actually really good the only problem it has the same problem as vanilla eft or rather it doesn't fix it's pmc behavior which is they don't shoot each other, same faction or not they just don't.
Also I have noticed pmcs are actually harder to fight, does this mod do something to difficulty of pmcs ?
So been messing around a bit with the Fika issue. It seems the first method you patch never fires, moving that stuff to the next patch seems to work, but run into the issue of all the pmc's spawning at the same location and murdering each other. Also L170 of Plugin.cs seems to cut the number spawned in half of what it should be.
I'm still messing with it a bit (didn't have time today obviously) but don't really want to do a PR as it seems to be very... in flux? And I'd be changing a lot of it.
Also just IMO, but the server side stuff with the gear generation changes should probably have a config option to turn off.
thanks you very much for this insight ! will looking into it
Great mod!
Apologies if this has been asked before - I use SAIN, MOAR and ALP. Will there be any incompatibilities?
This is a MOAR alternative
moar will conflict as both mods are changing spawns
Thanks bran, dietre.
I have the same issue: only one PMC spawns on all maps. I’ve tried adjusting NPC spawns on the map with FIKA, but it’s still the same.
I’m using FIKA, Sain
Other than that, the mod works perfectly for me. Great mod, and I hope the PMC spawn issue gets fixed soon.
Thank you very much, best regards.
hoping the same
hopefully soon that pmc spawns working with fika 
great mod but without pmc not
Good afternoon, the PMCs are now being generated correctly. Thank you very much for fixing it. Best regards.
What about perfomance? if mod spawns a live like pmc amount, fps should be increased, right?
zero inpact on performance, the script/plugin is run only once when the game is starting, after that nothing is running
Can confirm only 1 pmc spawning with Fika. A super lightweight spawn mod like this would be exactly what I want so hopefully we can figure out the issue.
with moar it was possible to set up difficulties for bots
I know you can do it with SAIN as well, but it worked very good for me as a combination SAIN hard preset with 0.85 hardness set in MOAR
is it possible to have some settings here?
We testing it 4 hours.
At Factory only 1 other PMC spawns sometimes. In 5 Raids 2 Times.
At Customs, no other pmc spawn and bosses are buggy. They do nothing.
Also Scavs are brainless now.
Only Server Value Modifier used for optimizing bots, but there on " AS in online"
And the PMC on Factory, had only a gun, 2 mags, a chestplate, backpack, but not meds or other stuffs with level 34. So loot is to low for survive for himself?^^
thanks for the report, i will definitely talk with fika team for helping me support this : )
what other installed mods do you have at the same time with fika ?
yeah, a major part of ai loot is gone, witch reflect Live eft experience
Thats Lit -> with FIKA Thats Lit Sync Mod,
Dynamic Maps
PMCs won't spawn when boss is disabled in raid option.
(I don't use moar, performance improvement and lootingbots)
pmc ai are considered bosses in the game, you can't do anything
Oh, didn't know that.
I can spawn PMCs with moar with disabled bosses option bcz somehow moar can do it while we have PMCs.
Thanks for the reply.
How is this mod without Questing bots? My assumption for the reason no other spawning mod spawns at the actual spawn points is because the PMCs dont really move around without QB so at the beginning of the raid this would feel good but later on they would still be around their spawn. I may be wrong though if this has changed in 3.10
If you are using SAIN, put pmc hearing distance up a bit and they are travel to investigate noise, then patrol around whatever zone they r in. (from what i've seen so far) but ive only tried interchange and customs, which spawn pmc is areas that scavs would be close. I hear fighting in the raids so far.
I increased looting bots distance from 75 to 200, so far I think it made a huge difference specially on bigger maps like woods.
Thanks for the replies, that makes sense. I will wait until it is fika compatible anyway but this could be amazing when QB comes out if it already works pretty well
Going to try/test it out now. MOAR spawning mod absolutely TANKS my fps for no reason. I get over 80 with just spt spawning with increased wave amount and increase max bots. Install MOAR and REDUCE the amount of stuff on the map, zombies off. i get like 15 fps and its unplayable. I can't figure out what the heck other than tarkov/3.10 and moar are unoptimized and affecting my cpu.
Which is only running around 40% use and my gpu is like 30% in 2k yet i can't play the game with MOAR.
Fingers crossed this works for realistic spawns of pmc.
thanks for the upload
glad to see im not the only one having this issue in 3.10 and MOAR
did your performence improve now ?
This mod has zero impact on my fps which is back to around 55-60 under full map of bots (no zombies)
I go into the database and change max bots on each map to about 15 more as well.
even in close fire fights with 3-5 scavs or another pmc in the mix never below 55 now. completely playable.
in 3.9 whatever b4 3.10, i could run over 50 bots on like woods with no issues at all. 80 fps , 3.10 is kicking my pc's arse lol
If u got MOAR and Performance Improvements together, that's the reason why fps drops. U can only choose one
While I have only one of them everything is perfect
Nope, I did a fresh install with only Moar and sain and it was unplayable. I have decent cpu but its older now i7-9900k but my cpu never runs past like 40% and my gpu barely is used on this game so i dont understand, other than my cpu gets owned on single core with bots spawning maybe.
3.9 whatever i could run like 50 bots at a time with sain and get 80 fps, now i can barely get 20 bots with moar and its 15 fps.
with lots of mods and sain, looting bots, NO MOAR and like 35 bots, the lowest ive seen is 45 but that was full rashla squad fiting 3 usec pmc, couple scavs in the mix and the arena fighter event boss guys came running from stronghold to dorms to cause caos while i watched it all from top of 3 story lol . it dipped to 45 when like 4 nades went off at once.
Ive started to order in some new pc parts for a new build, so once that is completed I might have better results with moar but im in no hurry to make a new beast just to use moar haha
Heh, cool story! For Tarkov Ryzen CPUs r better as I see. I want to rebuild my pc too with red side parts instead of my i5-13600 + 4060ti with 32gb ram. Waiting for ryzen 5 9600x3d lel. And want to pair it with 7800xt or 7900gre. I got same problem with MOAR but it was caused by MOAR+Perf.Improv. They work good separately but not together(for me ofc.)
Hi! Can you make only spawn version? Because bots' loot and equipement, also their count affected by ur mod. Kinda pointless due to other mods existing with the same functions. For example, I got ALP, LootingBots, Lega Medals and I definitely don't want to change any thing of these mods. I just want to have right spawns of PMCs and that's all
just delete "mod" part of this mod, and keep "bepinex" part
Can the author confirm that this "fix" statement is true?
"mod" section have item generator file that change properties of items that spawns in bot pockets.
i just deleted "mod" section and checked pmc spawns - all ok, they spawn at real pmc spawns
also i use MOAR with 3.5x pmc spawn
red and yellow - pmc
I assume this isn't compatible with MOAR ?
Also is this just pmc spawning ?
not tested with, try it, if it break make your choice
i will see what i can do for compatibility later : )
yes it change only pmc spawning not scav, like interchange is still madness
compatible with MOAR