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Version 1.8.1
- wizard83
upload to github
Version 1.8.1
- wizard83
Fixed: Bots spawned at start of the raid cannot be disabled.
Version 1.8.0
- wizard83
Hello, with the recent Questing Bots 0.9.0 update, this mod is no longer compatible with it
Error img
wizard83 Author
Questing Bots have own AI Limiter. This mod must be removed from your spt.
Oh I see, thanks for the reply.
Thanks for the mod! This has helped my performance tremendously!
This mod seems to crash my game:
Thanks very much, great mod!!!
Hey man I can't seem get this to work. Even on a fresh spt install and only this plugin enabled bots are still spawning in like mad and killing my frames? Whats going on?
wizard83 Author
mod must disable farest bots which already spawned and give you increasing fps. mod have no effect on bot spawn system.
Nah man thats what I mean the mod doesnt disable bots at any distance I set it 1 and 0m and was still hearing gunshots and frame drops
wizard83 Author
i don't read code of the mod. just fix compatibility with 3.10. but after reading code see issue. will be fixed
Thanks dude 🙏
its compatible with moar? or its an alternative
this limits the distance they spawn in game so no fights going on the otherside of the map.... nothing like MOAR and will improve FPS etc
Moar is suppose to limit bots but for some reason it absolutely tanks my fps. I am on the verge on hanging up the gaming controller until they release a new version of spt that addresses the massive performance loss over 3.9.X
I recently built a new pc (i7-14700k , 4070 super ti) with good ddr5 etc, game runs off a pci-4 m.2 drive that has fast write speeds and all that good stuff. did the boot. config edit to all 20 cores working. with a few mods installed, dls on quality, sain and looting bots, ill get 200+ fps, then the game spawns in bots and ill get dips to 80 but then returns to around 100-120.
i tried moar with sain and that's it for mods, 50 fps LOL
3.9,x i had like 50 bots running around, sain, questing bots, looting, bunch of mods and always had over 60 fps with a i7-9700k and a 2070 super. 3.10 is just unoptimized right now.
Hopefully this can be a decent stop gap, but then you get DEAD raids so you can have a decent fps. Even at over 100 fps the game still has some nasty studers. and every 3 raids or so, the game will crash on loading a map with no errors given. NEVER had issues with 3.9.x
Its pretty horrendous man, but its all we got for now, its a shame the devs rolled back access to older versions of spt
thisa limits the distance they spawn in game so no fights going on the otherside of the map
Same sh...t. we have something that crashed fps in 3.10.
i think SAIN already has a built in AI limit config now
I think questing bots had one but it hasn't been updated yet. Cant see any limiting options for sain.
The SAIN performance options limit the AI behavior as affected by SAIN, not the AI presence, distribution, etc. The original AI limit wholly disabled these bots. They are different things.
SAIN only modifies in-combat behavior, not general activity. That's why people point out a lot of things they see as wrong with bots even with SAIN installed. This means the AI limiter in SAIN is not the same as this one.