Progressive Flea Market 1.0.0

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This mod re-balances the flea market, and makes each item dynamically locked behind the players level.

Please report any issues you run into in the comments.

Also, post any suggestions or features you wish existed.



  • I've not done a ton of testing on this mod, and it may have issues. I'll try and solve them ASAP when you report them.

    Thinking 1
  • Not exactly same but you could add new trader levels and add all the barter weapons/gear/ammo to a new level of traders also the weapons and gear that you can only get from raid

  • spear is 20k? and many high tier armors are not restricted.

    • Hmmm, I guess they don't have any price data on the spear. I can probably add a price override config and then add some of those in there. Which ammos are you referring to?

    • pretty much every high tier armor like defender-2 and high mobility kit.

    • Armors are not restricted, but they don't really give any benefit as they don't have any plates in them.

  • I like the intention of the Mod but it seems not working for me... :(

    Your JSON says Grenade Lunchers are Lvl 40 ... I'm 25 and still see them in Fela-Market.

    Just installed the Mod with SPT-EFT Manager.

    Also have undone disableing the BlackList.

    • I might have forgotten to check MSGL and FN40Gl, you can add those to the config yourself in the meantime.

    • I'll wait till next Update

      I'm anyway tending to make ma changes with SVM more back to Vanilla.

      It's OK

  • this is awesome

    • (I never got to test it since mods are constantly updating so i havent got my game setup yet hehe, I'm happy to see it out though!)

  • :/