Featured HollywoodFX 1.4.4

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Make battles look cinematic and immersive by rebuilding almost every single impact and special effect from scratch. Realism is not the aim, but the mod doesn't go overboard.

What on God's green earth is this?

The various tarkov special effects are somewhat anemic, or completely missing (e.g. shooting ground with grass generates no impacts at all). HollywoodFX is a mod that represents the wholesale engoodening of special effects. Think EFT RAID. Think the Lobby Scene from The Matrix. Think John Woo movies. If your target isn't covered in smoke, debris and sparks after emptying a mag into them, we aren't doing it right. That being said, I don't want to go overboard and turn it into a complete joke. The idea is to strike a nice balance.

Screenshots really don't do this mod justice, there are a bunch of videos at the bottom of the page. NB: the videos are now quite outdated, a lot of new and high definition effects have been added. I'll update them at some point.


  • High resolution, artisanal and handcrafted impacts for every single material type in the game
  • Special impacts depending on camera angle, impact angle and lots of randomization to prevent repetition
  • Special treatment of flesh, body armor and helmets
  • Bullet energy based impact composition. The bigger the bullet, the bigger the oomph.
  • Battle Ambience: lingering smoke, dust, etc for that authentic RAID vibe.
  • Fully compatible with Visceral Combat & Borkel's Bloody Bullet Wounds - this mod is meant to be used alongside these.
    • If you get crashes, please join one of the discord channels pinned in the comment section and drop me the logs. The mods are fully compatible, if you are crashing, there's something cursed in your modlist or installation.
  • Fully compatible with FIKA but doesn't require it. Only installs into player setups, not the dedicated host.
  • Uses billboards wherever possible to reduce the CPU impact


  • Muzzle blast dust/debris if firing near the ground/wall/cover
  • Disable rendering blood when the player is hit (ie don't clutter the screen when you get domed)
  • Special effects based on armor/helmet material (ie different impacts on level 1 vs level 6 armor)
  • Special impact effects when using tracer rounds. Flammable materials like paper, fiber, rubber should be set on fire occasionally. Nothing leery, just enough to look interesting.
  • Get rid of the excessive/blinding flash when shooting at metal surfaces with a shotgun
  • The effects don't work in the hideout for some reason
  • Object specific effects, e.g. gas cylinders, lamps, electrical equipment, barrels
  • JSON based effect definitions to allow people to make and share presets
  • Replace the current placeholder texture sheets with custom renders.


There are too many to list, the whole SPT and FIKA modding community helped make this happen. Without the respective dev teams, neither SPT or FIKA would exist. To name perhaps the most influential individuals (in no particular order):

  • ssh (without his SDK this mod would not exist)
  • Fontaine
  • Hazelify
  • Goofbol
  • EpicRangeTime
  • jpdarkone
  • RetroLogic
  • A dozen or so concerned horses

...and many others who made suggestions and took time to provide feedback.


  • Version 1.4.4

    Tuned the finishers for slightly more oomph

  • Version 1.4.3

    * Finishers now play irrespective of the death being visible or nearby, resulting in more blood splash around dead bodies you come across.

    * Fixed a minor incompatibility between FIKA and the finishers (thanks Ozen for reporting).

  • Version 1.4.2

    * Fixed VC incompatibility

    * Minor tuning of finishers for more variety

  • Version 1.4.1

    * Scaled down blood splatter size

    * Made blood splatter size adjustable

    * Added toggle for ragdolls dropping weapons

    * Tuned down effect sizes slightly to enable more scaling for big guns

    NB: If you want to get back the impact sizes in 1.4.0, set the effect size to 1.15. I advise that you try playing with the current size. It's only a touch smaller but actually makes the truly big guns feel much more punchy in comparison.

  • Version 1.4.0

    Note: Fairly chunky update again. I recommend that you back up your configuration and start with a fresh setup.

    * Overhauled blood & gore

    * Finisher effects for killshots with volumetric blood

    * Bleed-like effects now get attached to the ragdoll

    * Penetrating shots generate high definition blood splatter behind enemies (16 different varieties)

    * Bleed drops variety and quality vastly improved (16 different varieties)

    * Bullet wound decals now appear on dead bodies as well

    * Ambient smoke improved

    * Dynamic ragdoll reactivation! No need to keep active ragdolls eating your CPU.

    * Removed blood effects appearing when the local player is shot at

    * A lot of foundational work under the hood to make further work easier & more efficient

    Thanks to Devraccon, Arttumiro, Soren and all the kind people on the SPT and Fika discords for testing and providing feedback, much appreciated!

    NB: This is the last major release before the migration to SPT 3.11. See you on Tarkov 0.16!

  • Version 1.3.3

    Fixed minor graphical glitch where the center of metal impacts would overdrive the shader and result in a black splotch.

  • Version 1.3.2

    Significant effect design tuning pass after the recent lighting system release.

    * Everything is much more punchy, more oomph but the definition and visibility of effects has actually increased.

    * A lot of the debris has seen further randomization and improvements to reduce jarring repetition

  • Version 1.3.1

    Tweaked the impact shockwave to be quite a bit nicer

  • Version 1.3.0

    Chonky Update!

    Probably some testing needed to iron out imperfections.

    * Dynamic ambient lighting to adjust the brightness and visibility of the effects. On average, things should be more visible, but less bright and weirdnesses like effects being black when it's overcast should no longer be an issue. The system needs tuning so please let me know if things look whack.

    * Cinematic ragdolls! Things die quite a bit more theatrically now, with arms flying.
    * Empty bullet casings hang around a configurable amount of time (60s by default). Their size has been increased slightly to make them more visible.

    * Shotgun pellets now generate proper kinetic energy. Bsg set their weight too low by a factor of 10. This means ambience and ragdoll effects apply properly now.

    * Replaced remaining bsg dust puffs at impact with much neater ones with less cursed lighting.

  • Version 1.2.1

    Hopefully addressed a report that amandsense and loot radius were broken by the 1.2.0 version. It was likely due to my clumsy attempt at making dropped weapons work as part of the dead body.

    Thanks to FiveF for the report.

  • Please join the SPT or FIKA Discords for support

    Discord allows us to easily discuss your issues in real time.

    You can upload logs, share videos or we can even hop on voice chat.

    Beta releases and new features are as a rule discussed in our Discord threads.

    Join the thread #Janky's Emporium of Jank in #mods-development (SPT) or in #mods-releases (FIKA)


    Heart 1
    • I have a mistake and need help. How can I contact you?

      I encountered an issue with the AI death gun still firing infinitely while using this mod online

      Happy 1
    • My sister/brother in Christ read the message you just replied to. The answer is literally 100 pixels above your question :D

      Join the SPT Discord and steer your attention to the thread #Janky's Emporium of Jank in #mods-development

      There, I can help you.

      Happy 1
  • Note on Windows Defender being an ass

    The false alarm is being issued for "Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml" which is a machine learning based detection (figures) that plagues a lot of apps that are suddenly successful. Defender sees HollywoodFX.dll spreading across machines out of the blue and flags it.

    There's not much I can do but wait until enough "reputation" is built that this stops happening. Well, I could buy a Code Signing certificate for $200 a year, but more than the price is the extra hassle and faff of sorting that out, so we'll just have to bear with the status quo.

    If you don't trust me (which is understandable!), the source code is always available on github and you can inspect it and compile the library yourself. It's really quite simple.

    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
    • I was able to download it fine now.

      Heart 1
    • Like i said you should be able to report it to microsoft

    • Already done this, but it'll take weeks/months to build the reputation.

      Heart 1
    • This is very common for all new client mods, as well as updates for client mods. Reporting it to Microsoft does nothing unless you never touch the DLL again, as the next update would get flagged as well. You see this in a good 70% of mod comments after a new SPT update when mods are being updated

      Thumbs Up 1
  • He always forget to change version in code xd

    • Ehh who cares about minor version numbers lol

  • This mod is picking up some momentum, great job! Really enjoying messing around with it. And to be honest, that cat photo was a great pick, also a fun sight on the "updates" page.

    Heart 1
  • I don't know how feasible it is but it would be very cool to have an option to weaken the ragdoll force when using a silencer. I think the force is just right for that power fantasy of a loud gun but i feel like silencers try to fulfill a different fantasy and it doesn't fit all too well if the enemy corpse does a backflip when you sheath kill them

    • That's fair, unfortunately the silencer actually increases the kinetic energy of the bullet as more powder burns in the barrel and the bullet speed is increased.

      I see your point though... I'll see if I can determine that the bullet was shot from a silenced weapon. It's not trivial unfortunately as the "bullet ballistics data" doesn't contain this information.

  • This absolutely changed the game for me. Vibes are immense. Thank you 🙏

    Heart 1
  • what's the fps impact of this mod?

    • Generally quite low to none. If you have a potato PC, it won't improve matters for sure. You can turn off the various features if you feel they have a big impact.

    • i was asking cause this game doesn't utilise most of my hardware, struggle to get 60 fps on most maps ;-;

      can raytrace far cry 5 on ultra no problem though

  • This is an essential mod now js.

    Heart 1
  • Thank you for making such a great mod. Is there an option to adjust the amount or size of the blood decals that are scattered on the ground when bots die? It looks cool, but it feels a bit excessive for me.

    • Heya, I agree! There's a patch going out tonight tuning some of the stuff, including this.

      I'll add an option to configure the ground decal size, there isn't one at the moment.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Size has been toned down and made adjustable!

    • Thanks for the update. I tried using the original values, and without much adjustment, it now seems just right.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • It kinda breaks visceral ragdolls. Bots sometimes have your ragdolls sometimes his.
    Edit: nevermind the ragdolls for some reason stopped having leg hitboxes for me.

    • This turns the ragdoll stuff off if you run it with VC.

    • Fixed the issue where bullets wouldn't impact ragdolls after death with VC installed

    • Thank you so much.

  • Any chance of getting a mod with only the sound-rework? :D

    • Sorry, you are asking for a mod that only adds better sound effects?

      This is already in the works.

  • if i blast bots with granate and shoot shotgun on them , will they fall apart like in visceral combat mod for fikas? will granates tore bodys apart? bugcatheadbumping bugcatchillin bugcatrainbow

    • Nope, I don't plan to recreate Visceral Combat features. If you want dismemberment, just use VC.

    • How does one find "Visecral Combat"? Definitely not on here.

    • It's on the Fika discord. Join there and search for visceral combat.

    • Thanks!

  • Another big update coming tonight!

    • Overhauled blood & gore
    • Punchy finisher effects for killshots
    • Bleed-like effects now get attached to the ragdoll
    • Various touch-ups and improvements
    • 3d bullet wounds
    • High quality body blood decals
    • Wall blood splatters improved
    • Ambient smoke improved
    • Ragdoll optimizations
    • Performance optimization and improvements across the board

    I might be able to get ragdoll reactivation to work - a perfect solution to the fps impact caused by ragdolls remaining active forever. Ragdolls will get turned off as usual, but reactive when shot.

  • If i have visceral combat do i have to disable anything or will it disable by itself? Like the shell casings or ragdolls? Also what are you adding in the next update? I'm curious and can't wait.

    • It's probably best to disable shell casings if you have VC. The ragdolls get disabled automatically and you cannot enable them until you uninstall VC.

    • Ok, thanks.

  • damm this woul be nicer in my 3.9.8 build ...

    • Same dude, same.

    • Unfortunately, a backport would be too much effort. However, I recommend upgrading to 0.16 when it comes out in a couple of weeks because there are going to be some significant graphical improvements thanks to BSG implementing a much better lighting model.

  • is there any way to keep ragdolls but removed the gun flying out of their hands? I love the effect, its sick...but with fika it desyncs the gun and cannot be looted from the body.

    • It doesn't do anything to the lootable item from the loot screen. Are you sure you can't loot it? I tried on my end and can loot guns just fine.

    • Fwiw I'll add a toggle to prevent the gun from dropping.

    • I've been waiting for this feature but i dont see it in the new version, did you add and i'm blind or ?

    • Argh, apologies - I implemented it but forgot to add the configuration for it :D

      Will push out a fix tomorrow.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Gun dropping now has a toggle!

  • Can u help me? I'm very concern about this update line: *Ragdolls! Disabled when Visceral Combat is running to avoid conflicts.* Is Visceral Combat a mod? what do you mean by that? I appreciate your help :)

    • Visceral Combat is a mod yes. If you don't know what it is and aren't running it, you don't have to worry about that update line.

  • sorry does the shotgun make a dust? because am shooting a wall with flecheette and wont make a dust :(

    • Sorry, what do you mean by dust? The lingering dust that appears after a lot of shooting?

    • yes

    • Ah ok, I'll take s look - it should work. Other types of shells do spawn it.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • sorry for bothering you and i hope everything will go smooth ^^

      Heart 1
  • Hi everyone, does everyone have microfreezes and slowdowns with this mod, or is it just me?

    • The game has a lot of stutters and microfreezes due to the ai. You'd need to run Performance Improvements or a dedicated host to fix them.

    • I hope you will optimize it over time for solo players, I have a powerful enough PC but there are micro freezes and fps drops.

    • That's not what I'm saying. The base game itself has a ton of microfreezes and stutters because of the AI, it's not this mod. That being said, it may of course exacerbate the existing problems. How much VRAM do you have? The mod is quite heavy on VRAM and if you have less than 4gb there'll be a struggle.

      For what it's worth, I don't get microfreezes and stutters due to this mod, neither am I getting reports from others.

      The general fix for these issues with the game (irrespective of this mod) is either to install Performance Improvements or use the dedicated host setup. The latter can easily increase FPS by 20-40 and most people use it to play singleplayer.

    • My PC: 7800x3d, 4080 super, 48 gb of RAM, with the mod there are freezes and drops in fps, without the mod everything is fine.

    • Ok, can you please come to the discord (either SPT or Fika)? I'll need more information, like your modlist, logs, and details like when do the stutters happen. This is not the right forum to discuss these things.

  • Hey, how can I disable only blood on clothes? Too much for me, npc becomes a blood smoothie instead of realistic amount of blood. Caused 2 or 3 updates ago

    • I'll add a config thingy to scale the size of the blood and disable it.

    • Oh, thanks a lot! I really need it ;D

    • The 1.2.0 release has these config settings now!

    • WOW. Are you a hooman? XD So fast updates, incredible!

  • Respect to the Author. The mod is cool. Updates fly out like from a machine gun) I hope the author has enough time to sleep. This is important.

    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
  • Will you do sometimes HollywoodSFX?

    Just in case that is a option for you: i am quite experienced in sound design and i have hundres if not thousands of high quality sound files at hand.

    Would love to redo the impact and riccochet sounds, but i am lacking the experience in coding to do so. So if you would be up for a collab, let me know?! Would sent you some examples immediatly ;)

    Heart 3
    • Thank you for the kind offer! Hop on discord and am happy to discuss.

    • I cant find a discord on your modpage, so i take it you mean the SPT Discord? Already on there; teamson - or do you have any place specific?

    • Join the thread #Janky's Emporium of Jank thread in #mods-development

  • you should make flying tiles when you shoot the factory bathroom walls

    Heart 1
    • Oh my god, yes!!

    • Unfortunately I have no (nice) way of detecting them :(

      They are classified as "concrete" like most of Factory.

    • maybe by texture name? I know they have unique names like "plinka" or something, you could check the material to see what it's called then add flying plates

    • That's possible, but I'd like to avoid doing string comparisons on every impact. I haven't given up though! There's a todo item to generate specialized effects for stuff like barrels or gas canisters, which have a similar problem and thus will likely need a similar solution.

  • hi, love the small details w this mod it adds immersion! deff sound be in official game lol. btw how do i update this mod? and do i need to download fika to even get vc? or no?

    Heart 1
  • It is just AMAAZING what this does to Tarkov... Wow!.... really that's all i can say. I don't think i'll ever go back.

    Heart 1
  • cb64d300-5205-475a-919f-09096fb13c81_text.gif

    Heart 1
  • Gah! Some really cool metal surface impacts effects (shockwaves like we had pre 1.1.0) are not showing atm. Bugfix release tonight.

    • i'll wait for the bug fix and then download.

  • Hey mod author, where can I find Visceral Combat? I read that it is a perfect companion but I can't seem to find it, haven't use your mod yet (I will now as of writing this). I remember hearing that there was a mod here on the workshop that did the gore but was removed (this was before I came along. I'm from 3.7 i think not sure). Is there anyway to download Visceral Combat?

    • It's in the fika discord .

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ah alright, I'll go there. thanks boss

    • Do you know of any version of Visceral not requiring FIKA?

    • No they all require fika, but you don't have to install anything, VC already comes with the required dll.

  • If you downloaded 1.1.0-RC1 and it was missing the folder structure, please redownload. I fixed it now.

  • Pack up files intro HollywoodFX folder.

    • Apologies - updated the file now.

    • Next time also update version in plugin.cs, unless it was intentional.

    • It's now updated. Fwiw it's not a stable release yet.