Saryn's AI Slop Traders 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Want AI generated photorealistic slop waifu girls for your traders? Here you go!

Want AI generated photorealistic slop waifu girls for your traders? Here you go!

Example Images

Code shamelessly stolen from the Alternative Trader Pics mod by jbs4bmx (Thanks!)

If you have a bunch of traders you want to scroll between you'll need Kaeno TraderScrolling as well

Currently this mod contains images for:











PS: No, I don't want to hear your opinion on AI images in the comments. Go away.

  • please boss no more ai slop...

  • I also made AI slop trader icons too but a lot more "spicier" gooner shit. I don't know if i should release them here ever.

    • I think it's probably not a great idea, there's no way to like +18 restrict it. There's plenty of other places for people to fulfill that urge.

    • Yeah i mean there is no nudity or anything i think it's pretty safe but yours look way more close to original so recommending people to stick with this mod.

      Heart 1
  • You know what ? This is fine. I won't use it, but it's fine. Unlike the other ....FuRrY mod...

    Thumbs Up 1 Happy 1
    • K. Glad I have your permission, thanks for the endorsement.

      Happy 1 Thinking 1
  • no-thanks-resident-evil4.gif

    ? 1 Heart 2 Happy 5