All Quests Checkmarks 1.0.0

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Tired of having to remember what items you have to keep for future quests? This mod adds new checkmarks for items that are required in future quests. It also works with Fika and shows items required by your friends!

  • Loving the features in this and seeing as tarkov somewhat handles hideout requirements through wishlisting it doesn't feel much of a loss in that regard coming from MoreCheckmarks.

    Extremely minor preference but I don't suppose you would consider an option for no bullet points?

    • Thanks. Talking about bullet points, I can make this customizable.

    • Nice, that would be amazing.

      I had another idea when customising the colours that you might be interested in implementing. If the colour of the FiR icon could correlate to the text colour somehow? I realise it doesn't quite translate 1 to 1 so maybe not such a simple feature. Alternatively a way to customize text and icon colours individually or even just being able to change the default yellow for current quests FiR icon would be great.

    • Sure, all these things seem easy to implement so I'll add them when I have some free time in the week.

    • Thanks!

  • Hi, are there any chance that Collector quest could have it's own color ?. Or just a chance to select if the user want's to have a different color for this ?.

    • Hi, I really like this idea. I'll add it in the next version.

      Heart 1
  • I wish the two could become one. Kinda hate how More Checkmarks does quest tracking, but love everything else.

  • Hi! Can I use this with Item Valuation mods?

    • Haven't tried that as I'm using LootValue mod, which works perfectly fine. So I can't give you definitive answer, however you can try and let me know, if it works. If it won't work together, I'll add it to list of incompatible mods.


  • whats up my bro.. Tell me what is the difference from more checkmarks? Is it the same? even more?

    • Well, this mod does a lot of things that MoreCheckmarks doesn't do. I've just expanded description a bit to outline all the differences from MoreCheckmarks mod, but basically it's oriented only around quests, does more checks and filtering than MoreCheckmarks and what's most important for me it works with FIKA so I don't have to aks my firends over and over "Hey, do you need [some random item] for quest?".


    • Alright I am going to download the mod and put it on a test.. Can I add the mod in the middle of a save?

    • I did it on my server and nothing broke. This mod doesn't touch anything in database so it should be 100% safe, but as always, it's better to make backup just in case. However it should be perfectly fine to add/remove it at any time.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Well if you wanted only quest a checkmark , you can do that in "MoreCheckmarks" lol

    "showBarter" : false,

    "showCraft" : false,

    "showFutureCraft" : false

    Unless something else... xD

    • Maybe, but this mod does a lot more checks, for example: works with operational tasks, blocks all unreachable quests (event ones), has more config options to include/exclude non-FiR quests, include/exclude quests for loyalty regain and supports FIKA if you use it to play with your friends.

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