ModParameter 1.0.1

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Easily customize weapons, ammo, and PMC stats in SPT with a user-friendly GUI.

ModParameter - Customize EFT SPT in a Few Clicks!

Abstract :

ModParameter is a mod for SPT that allows you to dynamically modify weapon statistics, ammunition properties, and PMC attributes through a simple and intuitive GUI.

With an executable (.exe), you can adjust essential game elements in real time without manually modifying SPT DB files.

Folder :

Place folder on ==> \spt \user\mods\ModParameter<===

The `ModParameter.exe` program is the core of the graphical interface.

To function correctly, it must remain in the root of the "ModParameter" folder, at the same level as the "src" and "py" folders.

Use the console (`cmd`/`PowerShell`) to display the terminal and execute `ModParameter.exe`.

How It Works :

( *note :

All Features was not show on vidéo.

You need to restart the server for the changes made through the interface to be applied 8o )

1) Weapon Customization :

  • Search for a weapon by name to modify its individual parameters.
  • Select a group of weapons based on their caliber and apply changes to all simultaneously.
    • remove/add weapon from the list

Modify key attributes :

  • Ergonomics
  • Vertical and horizontal recoil
  • Weight
  • Fire rate
  • Camera behavior during recoil

2. Ammunition Customization :

===> Convert all bullets to tracers with 2 clicks <===

Filter by caliber to modify ammunition quickly :


  • Flesh damage and armor damage
  • Bullet velocity
  • Penetration power through armor
  • Add or remove tracers, with color selection
  • Stack size to adjust the maximum number of bullets per pile

3. PMC (Player) Customization :

Adjust recoil and stability management settings:

  • Reduce movement on aiming while you walking (stability on walking on scope)
  • Global recoil and position-based recoil (standing, crouching, prone)
  • Sway intensity depending on posture
  • Bullet impact effect on the player’s camera

4. Advanced Modification Management :

  • Auto-save: Your modifications are saved and reapplied at each launch.
  • Selective deletion :
  • Reset a specific weapon or a group of weapons
  • Remove modifications for specific or all bullets
  • Fully restore default values with one click

All specification on on folder.

If this mod interests people, I may add the ability to modify additional PMC characteristics via the graphical interface in the future or introduce new customizable objects such as magazines, backpacks, etc.

Feel free to leave a comment for any issues related to the mod’s functionality.

Thank you all and happy gaming!

Thx to help me to implemente JS code

  • Version 1.0.1

    • Fix UTF-8 error load JSON
    • fix load SOST / RRLP
    • fix no node_module required on load TS
    • fix hight value PMC attributs
    • fix 12 ga ammo file not find
    • Add new feature PMC (reduces movement while walking on aiming)
  • Version 1.0.0

  • 12 gauge ammo seems to be missing

    • 12 gauge = 12/70 ;)

    • Yes, but it spits an error.

      Exception in Tkinter callback
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "tkinter\", line 2068, in __call__
        File "customtkinter\windows\widgets\", line 554, in _clicked
        File "WindowComponent\", line 441, in <lambda>
        File "WindowComponent\", line 462, in on_click_result
      FileNotFoundError: File '12/70_8.5mm_Magnum_buckshot.json' do not existe / not find

      applies to every 12 gauge round.

    • My bad i fix it

    • Done

  • Hey there! I have a couple of questions about the functionalities of the mod:

    - Can you change the caliber of a weapon? i.e.: changing a 9mm to .45
    - Can you duplicate ammo to tweak the status? i.e.: duplicating a 12/70 BMG to increase bullet speed & pen, without compromising the existing caliber.

    Also, how safe is the file? I'm getting some GitHub, Google, and Windows alerts for Viruses/Trojans.

    • 1)Weapon caliber: I’ve already tried changing the caliber, but it’s much more complex than I initially expected. If you assign a different caliber to a weapon, it triggers a cascade of changes in the game. The weapon won’t have the correct magazines for those rounds, so you also need to modify magazine compatibility, and so on.

      2)Duplicating ammo: In the game, if you want to create a new item, you need to regenerate its in-game hierarchy along with several other subtle adjustments. It’s possible, but I need to look deeper into it. i'm on it. i try to creat item with : ""

      3)The file is safe. The issue comes from the .EXE file (the mod’s UI interface), which triggers antivirus flags. I’m trying to find a method to prevent this false positive. If you still have doubts, every line of code is available on GitHub:

      Heart 1
  • "SPT-AKI" <.<

    Happy 1
  • i think something wrong with your mod or your pc, beacaus of this…d56639a813ea063031c0d5dfa

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I don't think so. I'm trying to resolve it. My program's .EXE file is just a Python script packaged with PyInstaller without a Code Signing Certificate, which is why every .exe file without a certificate gets flagged.

  • The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: Error


    Error: Command failed: "E:\SPT\SPT_Data\Server\@pnpm\exe\pnpm.exe" install axios@^1.8.2 p-queue@^8.1.0

    at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:890:11)

    at Object.execSync (node:child_process:962:15)

    at execSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:2115:30)

    at PreSptModLoader.autoInstallDependencies (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PreSptModLoader.ts:493:17)

    at PreSptModLoader.importModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PreSptModLoader.ts:158:22)

    at PreSptModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PreSptModLoader.ts:54:24)

    at Program.start (C:\snapshot\src\Program.ts:26:35)

    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\src\ide\ReleaseEntry.ts:19:9)

    at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1930:22)

    Did i mess something up? or is there something wrong with the mod?

    • Edit, i installed Node.js and i came across a new issue

      Mod: ModParameter-main package.json requires name property

      Mod: ModParameter-main package.json requires author property

      Mod: ModParameter-main package.json requires version property

      Mod: ModParameter-main package.json requires license property

      Mod: ModParameter-main package.json contains an invalid version string

    • Thx u. I fixed the local import of the modules required to launch the mod. I had left the node_modules for loading the JS. let comment if issu persist

  • Error detect !

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "main\", line 25, in <module>

    File "main\", line 18, in main

    File "main\", line 8, in __init__

    File "main\", line 12, in setup_ui

    File "WindowComponent\", line 71, in __init__

    File "WindowComponent\", line 75, in run

    File "Utils\", line 122, in load_all_json_files_without_mod_ammo

    File "Utils\", line 82, in load_json_and_add_path

    File "json\", line 293, in load

    UnicodeDecodeError: 'cp950' codec can't decode byte 0xd1 in position 77: illegal multibyte sequence

    • Oh, cp950. Are you Asian user ? ? ? Ok i convert to UTF-8 for all usage case :D. Thx u !

  • are there any pics show how this mod working ? ^^

    • Done :

    • change in realtime ! amazing ! :thumbup:

    • Not in Real Time, need to restart server after change with mod GUI. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I had to make some cuts so the video wouldn't be 20 minutes long. 😄

    • ok! I see! Still a wonderful mod !

  • I could be getting a false positive from windows defender but my download is being blocked from github for a virus detection. Just giving a headsup

    Thumbs Up 1
    • thx. Windows doesn't like .exe files. I'm trying to find a better packaging method for the .exe file so that it's not detected as a false positive.

    • No worries, just giving you the headsup incase other ppl start mass commenting on the issue, it roots to a script file that defender is getting angry with.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • would this allow increases to arm stamina without effecting weapon weight or giving it crazy fast ergo?

    • I can absolutely add the ability to adjust the stamina management for aiming.