Mark Found In Raid 1.0.0

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Mark things FIR

Hey y'all, sorry I've been away for a while. Mental health, life, insanity blahj blahj blahj. I'm too lazy to go back and get things so here's a mark FIR status. Hopefully it completely works now. Tested minimally but seems good. Lemme know if any situation doesn't work and I'll try to fix it. Hope you enjoy, love y'all <3 <3 <3

  • can you use this alongside found in raid ?

  • Items what i take on the raid or items from pmcs doesn't get FIR status.

  • how to use this mod ? or how can I find out this mod is working ? ^^

  • whats the difference between this mod and "actually foudn in raid" mod?

    • Actually Found in Raid will make loot from AI PMC have the Found in Raid status, while my mod runs after you extract to give the Found In Raid status to everything in your inventory

    • Thanks for the mod. You may want to add "my mod runs after you extract to give the Found In Raid status to everything in your inventory" in the Overview. Seeing how this mod changes everything in your inventory to FIR, not just what is gotten from the raid.

    • Does that mean you could buy something on the flea market, and it'll be marked as FIR after a raid even if it's in your stash? That'd be helpful, because I can't seem to find another TerraGroup Labs access keycard for Jaeger's Fishing Place quest for the life of me.