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Reupload for 3.10 due to demand - see the original IncreasedFOV modpage
No support given since I am not the author
Available mod settings (Hotkey: F12)
- Download the mod
- Open the archive `` with 7-Zip
- Drag and drop the `BepInEx` folder into your main SPT folder (where SPT.Server.exe is)
- Profit
Demonstration video (yes, it's from SAIN, just do what is being shown)
Version 1.0.4
- Devraccoon
Is it work on 3.11.1 spt?
nope , it says 3.10
Devraccoon Author
You missed three different mentions. One in the title, one in the version label, one in the description. Have you considered reading carefully? It'd have helped you greatly.
Jokes aside,
no, this only works for 3.10.
reading? whats that
Thanks Dev!