Carl's SCAR-H "Improvements" no

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Makes the SCAR-H's textures match the vanilla Tarkov artstyle a little better.


Sam's SCAR is finally here and it's every bit as excellent as we've all been hoping it would be! ...except the textures leave much to be desired. Very much, even, if you're someone who gets autistic about textures like I do lol.

The gloss/roughness maps are set up in an incredibly wonky way that makes it look as if the gun has been freshly oiled, and this combined with some normalmap goofiness results in the weapon having this weird sheen that makes it look like it's made of freshly-lubricated silicone. Now, I dunno about you, but I don't think having a gun reflect light the same way a recently-used dildo does fits the Tarkov art style very well, does it?

This mod adjusts the normalmap axes to be less wacky, tones down the shininess and reflectivity back to sane levels, and adds a bit more variation to the diffuse textures to match the way Tarkov portrays wear on weaponry. Both weapons now have more realistic hues and overall, at least in my opinion, look much more natural in Tarkov. Again, only my opinion though, so I'd recommend you still make the final call for yourself.


Replace the original /SamSWAT-SCARH/bundles/assets/content/weapons/scar-h/textures/mk17mod0_textures.bundle with the one in this mod's .zip file. You should probably back up the original mk17mod0_textures.bundle to somewhere safe on your computer just in case you don't like the way the new textures look, however. Always good practice.






As you can see, the tan SCAR is now a lot less gross! Woo! As for the black SCAR, well, the improvements aren't quite as obvious and frankly I do not blame you if you like the way the original looks better. The tan SCAR may be much better but the black one, eh. I dunno.

  • Version no

    As much as I rag on Sam for his texture work in this mod's description, the SCAR-H is an absolute masterpiece and I have nothing but respect for the man. I mean, he's basically Tarkov Jesus at this rate. I don't want any of y'all nerds to think that I don't like SamSWAT and don't value his content, because I do, okay? Figured I should put this at least SOMEwhere on the mod page just so nobody is confused, that's all.

    I'd give you a cookie for taking the time to read this, but I ate it. Sorry.

  • Can confirm this works in SPT-AKI Version 2.0.1

  • It looks better, my opinion, thanks!

    Maybe you can reply to my question as follows:


    Please advise if any combination of accesories to add suppresor to this weapon.


    Thanks in advance.

  • He ate the cookie. :(