Lua's Magic Save 1.3.1

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Death no longer stops you taking loots, Another casual mod for casual players

MOD IS DISABLED by Default, Check config.json

  • No Save
    • Default Item: Golden rooster 5bc9bc53d4351e00367fbcee
    • If you bring NoSave magic item into a raid (Item can be changed in config.json)
      It won't save even escaped, just like offline mode
  • Always Survived
    • Default Item: Silver Badge 5bc9bdb8d4351e003562b8a1
    • If you bring AlwaysSurvived magic item into a raid (Item can be changed in config.json)
      This will save raid progress even killed, just like survived raid
  • Can be used with Extra Special Slot
    • Only save items can be equipped on this slot
    • Beware, Slot UI has half visual, easily misses it
    • Magic Items are must in the inventory before raid (pre-raid), Pick-up from in-raid won't be effected
    • There is bug when you died with "AlwaysSurvived" item, It still removes some of item ex) money
  • To Searching Item ID
  • Version 1.3.1

    • Fixed "UseExtraSpecialSlot" item found
    • There is bug when you died with "AlwaysSurvived" item, It still removes some of item ex) money
    • Supported "akiVersion": 3.2.1 / 3.2.2
  • Version 1.3.0

    • Updated types for SPT 3.2.1
    • Fixed magic save item remove
    • Added "RemoveNoSaveItemAfterUse" and "RemoveAlwaysSurvivedItemAfterUse" config
    • Supported "akiVersion": 3.2.1
      • Also It should works on 3.1.x and 3.2.0 and replaced previous download link
  • Version 1.2.0

    • Added "UseExtraSpecialSlot" and "UseInventorySlots" config
      • If you set this true, adds extra special slot to use just for the mod and It only can be equipped with save items
      • Also if you set "UseInventorySlots" to false as default, mod doesn't check inventory but extra special slot
    • Default save items has been changed
      • No Save: Golden rooster 5bc9bc53d4351e00367fbcee
      • Always Survived: Silver Badge 5bc9bdb8d4351e003562b8a1
    • Now save items are getting removed upon raid ends
      • Known Issue: sometimes or some items might not getting removed by mod, there is no fix atm, enjoy it.
    • Supported "akiVersion": 3.1.x
  • Version 1.1.0

    • Updated for Typescript
    • Refactored code a bit
    • Supported "akiVersion": 3.1.x
  • Version 1.0.1

    • Supported "akiVersion": 2.2.0
  • Version 1.0.0 (2.1.2)

    • Package updated for Aki 2.1.2
  • Version 1.0

  • Updated for 3.4.1 (changed saveProgress to savePostRaidProgress).

    Changed default config to use cheap green or red armbands from Ragman (green is always save, red - no save).

    Did some basic testing, seems to work as intended, including Labs, etc.

    Didn't test special slots. Enjoy.…

  • Hello. Does this (will this) support the latest SPT-AKI 3.3.0? Thanks

    • I have no plans to update my mods on SPT anytime soon, currently i'm in inactive mode.

    • 01/05/2023 - For those liking this mod and wondering, I tested it with SPT-AKI 3.4.1. For me, a [No Save] item "EYE MK.2 professional hand-held compass" in the Special Slot worked. Upon dying, the profile was not save and put back exactly as it was. However an [Always Survived] item "Leatherman Multitool" in the Special Slot did NOT. Upon dying, the game freezes immediately on a black screen, with save errors repoted in the console. Had to Alt-F4 out. Just letting usersknow what I found.

  • Lua. Hello again. I did extensive testing with version 1.3.1 abd SPT-AKI 3.2.1. Details of every scenario are below, including having "both" items in the inventory at the same time. Basically the [No Save] option worked perfectly with any item I tried, and the item was never "lost/consumed" after the raid. The [Always Survived] option however had some issues, mainly with whether the item was "lost/consumed" after the raid. I believe I see the reason why certain items are lost and others are not. If you look you should see the pattern as well. Using the Tarkov Item Finder database, you will see the items "lost" are all from only (2) categories [Stackable item] and [Barter item]. This means "Money" and "barter only" items. ** Roubles are the ONLY exception, as they work, and are not lost. I believe the reason for this is they are slighly different than the Euros and Dollars. If you look on the Wiki site for all (3) ( ), Roubles do NOT "Spawn in stacks" where as the other 2 types do. There is way too much of a pattern here for this not be at least part of the cause of the issue. I hope this helps you in troubleshooting and possibly "fixing" the issue. If NOT, then a caveat in the description stating which "Item DB categories" are not being saved. Thanks, and again, I love this mod....

    Key: (NS)No Save | (AS)Always Survived | (S)Slot | (R/P/B)Rig/Pockets/Backpack | (P)Pouch

    - No Save - Everything works

    - *** Golden rooster NEVER lost

    - Rooster (NS)(S) - Kept Rooster

    - Rooster (NS)(R/P/B) - Kept Rooster

    - Rooster (NS)(P) - Kept Rooster

    - Always Survived - Partially works

    - Keeps the FIR status

    - Requires pay for healing

    - Badge (AS)(S) - LOST Badge

    - Badge (AS)(R/P/B) - LOST Badge

    - Badge (AS)(P) - Kept Badge

    - Both - Results

    - *** Chooses SLOT over Inventory

    - *** Chooses (AS) over (NS)

    - Rooster (NS)(R/P/B) - Badge (AS)(S) -> (AS)

    - Rooster (NS)(S) - Badge (AS)(R/P/B) -> (NS)

    - Rooster (NS)(R/P/B) - Badge (AS)(R/P/B) -> (AS)

    (Always Survived) Items that were saved

    - Roubles - 5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f - Stackable item / Money (*** Does NOT Spawns in stacks)
    - 5.56x45mm M855 - 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567 - Stackable item / Ammo

    - Bottle of water - 5448fee04bdc2dbc018b4567 - Food and drink / Drink

    - Can of RatCola soda - 60b0f93284c20f0feb453da7 - Food and drink / Drink

    - Can of beef stew (Large) - 57347da92459774491567cf5 - Food and drink / Food

    - Army crackers - 5448ff904bdc2d6f028b456e - Food and drink / Food

    - AI-2 medkit - 5755356824597772cb798962 - Meds / Medikit

    - Salewa first aid kit - 544fb45d4bdc2dee738b4568 - Meds / Medikit

    - ER FULCRUM BAYONET - 54491bb74bdc2d09088b4567 - Knife

    - EOTech 553 holographic sight - 570fd6c2d2720bc6458b457f - Compound item / Weapon mod / Functional mod / Sights / Reflex sight

    - Valday PK-120 (1P87) holographic sight - 5c0505e00db834001b735073 - Compound item / Weapon mod / Functional mod / Sights / Reflex sight

    - Propital regenerative stimulant injector - 5c0e530286f7747fa1419862 - Meds / Stimulant

    - Morphine injector - 544fb3f34bdc2d03748b456a - Meds / Drug

    - Meldonin injector - 5ed5160a87bb8443d10680b5 - Meds / Stimulant

    (Always Survived) Items that were NOT saved (Lost)

    - Dollars - 5696686a4bdc2da3298b456a - Stackable item / Money (Spawns in stacks)

    - Euros - 569668774bdc2da2298b4568 - Stackable item / Money (Spawns in stacks)

    - Zibbo lighter - 56742c2e4bdc2d95058b456d - Barter item / Lubricant

    - Golden rooster - 5bc9bc53d4351e00367fbcee - Barter item / Jewelry

    - Silver Badge - 5bc9bdb8d4351e003562b8a1 - Barter item / Jewelry

    - Can of Majaica coffee beans - 5af0484c86f7740f02001f7f - Barter item / Other

    - Toothpaste - 57347c93245977448d35f6e3 - Barter item / Household goods

    - Disposable syringe - Disposable syringe - Barter item / Medical supplies

    Thumbs Up 1
  • If I use the silver badge, I should keep everything I have on me even if I die, right ? If yes, the mod does not work for me and yes, I have enabled the mod in confing.

    • Setting is "config.json" >>"UseInventorySlots" in to "true" seems to work.

      It may be a little unfriendly that there is no explanation.


      I thought, but if you put this setting, it seems that the item will work just by existing in the stash. umm...

    • I will give it a try, thanks for the info.

    • jackrippergame,

      I use this mod exclusively, and did extensive testing with version 1.3.1 (Aug 19, 2022) against SPT-AKI 3.2.1. I tried 12 different items (including the default Silver Badge 5bc9bdb8d4351e003562b8a1) for the Always Survived option, I was UNABLE to ever get the game to "Always Survived" by just having the item "in the stash". It needed to be in either the Rig, Pockets, Slot, Backpack or Pouch in order for it to take effect. NOT sure how (mod version/game version) you were able to get it to work with just having the item in the stash.

  • Injector cases NOT in your secure storage gets deleted when you die with white ornament. Everything else seems to work

  • Hello. I want to love this mod. Did a few hours of testing, and you have some issue.

    Set config.json

    - "Enabled": true,

    - "UseExtraSpecialSlot": true,

    - "UseInventorySlots": true,

    Add (6) Roosters and (6) Badges in you stash

    Put a Rooster in the Backpack

    Run a raid, it will [No Save] and will leave the Rooster in the backpack and take one out of your STASH???

    Then WITHOUT closing the game, remove the Rooster, and put it the Badge

    Run a raid, it will STILL [No Save]???

    Same thing happens if you start the game, use the Badge, then switch to the Rooster, it STILL does the [Always Survived]

    It appears how ever you are checking the "addition" of one of the two items, you are not then rechecking for "changes"? Just a thought.

    • will do test some more later on

    • Just wanted to let you know. Thanks

  • Great mod. I had an issue though. The [No Save] option "kept" the Christmas tree ornament (Violet) in my Stash. Thus I could use it over and over. However, the [Always Survived] option did NOT keep the Christmas tree ornament (White)??? Everything else from the raid was kept and not lost, but the ornament was gone. So it's basically a "one time use" feature? Is it supposeto work like this? If so, can you make it so the item is kept? Thanks

    EDIT: If you put the (White) ornament in the Pouch, then it DOES keep it. ONLY lose it if it is in the Vest, Pockets, or Backpack.

    Also, the item is actually named Christmas tree ornament (Silver), not White......

    • It should keep the save item either way, looks like when you died on the raid with Survive Save item, It still consumes the item I don't know why and It shouldn't.

      for now I'll let this way and fixing it later

    • Thanks for confirming. Again, love the mod. Thanks for all you do.......

  • Is it possible to update this mod to the latest version?

  • Theres no way this works for the latest Aki?

  • Will there be an update to Aki 3.0.0?

  • So wait I just put the 'White" ornament in my inv? in game it says silver but its the same id as the one in this mod so like if I put the silver ornament in my inv is the mod supposed to work?

  • just a heads up incase you aren't aware. the mod is listed for 2.2.3 compatible but upon server startup a compatibility error is listed when playing 2.2.3 using mod ver. 1.0.1 which is listed as current ver. ty for the mod and have a nice day.

  • update the mod for version aki 2.2.0

    • current aki version is 2.1.2 not 2.2.0

    • SPT-AKI 2.2.0 │

      │ │

      │ This work is free of charge │

      │ Commercial use is prohibited │


      Server: executing startup callbacks...

      [INFO] Importing database...

      ModLoader: loading mods...

      [ERROR] Mod Original by Lone Simon (B&B Mod - NoSave), Lua-Magic Save is out of date and incompatible with the current version of AKI. Mod is built for AKI 2.1.2, while the current version is 2.2.0. Please download an updated mod version or contact the mod author

      [SUCCESS] Started webserver at

      [SUCCESS] Started websocket at ws://

      [SUCCESS] Server is running. Happy playing!

    • You don't get it do you? Mods in hub only supports stable builds not dev build.

      If you want to run this mod on dev build, that's on your own.

  • for some reason this wont work for me. ive changed the object to a red ornament to see if that would fix it but it still wont save my stuff if i die.

    • What's your config?

  • does this mod just add the Christmas ornament item to your inventory to use it? or do I need one to start with

    • You need to bring required items into inventory before raid, pickup items while raid doesn't work.

    • I understand that, I guess what I meant wasnt clear, Im sorry about that.

      What I meant is, how do I get the required item? Is it added to my account via mail or another way? because as far as I am aware, you cant find Christmas ornaments naturally right now

    • Flea market is the easy way or loot from raid.

      If you couldn't find a default item then I suggest to change the item ids by edit config.json.

      Like 1
    • Got it, thank you. New to modding this, and wasnt aware I would need to have the item.

      I swapped the ids to the vasaline and was able to get it to work. Thank you.

      Thanks 1