Server Value Modifier [SVM] 1.9.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

"This should be in SPT by Default" kind of mod. Standalone extensive All-In-One Server mod that comes with User Interface with more than 666+ fields to tinker.

  • Version 1.9.1

    SVM 1.9.1 FOR SPT 3.9.0-3
    HOTFIX [H1]- 8:40PM 07.24 GMT+3

    QoL and fixes, trying to catch up with SPT ;-;


    TUE Stash and Gamma

    New section enablers for Currency, Cases and Secure cases.


    Currency section was reworked: GP Coin was added but BSG currency design was removed due to fact I cannot scale with coins.

    Holiday events and snow were reworked and now posses mostly full functionality that SPT has to offer.

    (Forgot to add this in Greed changelog) Bosses on Reserve were changed - now Tagilla is there by default and there is optional field to add bosses from Streets.


    Russian locale has misaligned fleamarket field

    SCAV regenerate even if you did a PMC run

    SCAV section tooltips were in code but not binded to fields

    [H1] Currency Enabler wasn't saving properly

    [H1] Missing Ukrainian tooltips in Events


  • Version 1.9.0

    SVM 1.9.0 FOR SPT 3.9.0-2

    I think I never had so much attention to my mod than this release, have fun lads!


    Bosses on Health Resort event, (including an option field to include guards, if you have a death wish)

    will not add the quest however, IIRC it should be in SPT by default already

    Skier/Peacekeeper squad chances (Event).

    New fields to insurance section.

    New fields to accommodate new version of EFT - Additions to Ground Zero.

    Ukrainian and Korean localizations to UI - by celebrutu and 루퍼, 고라니.


    Internal naming and functionality to work with new version of SPT.

    AI PMC margin was split into two fields.

    Insurance price multipliers were expanded to contain the field per trader levels.

    Reverted the functionality on flea option for selling items with 'Found in raid' tag, instead of removing that option - it does the opposite.


    SCAV pockets/health to not reroll scav on extract.

    Cases disappearance.

    UI fixes related to presets.

    Pockets compatibility with UI Fixes.

    PMC names and karma weren't pointing to all possible places.


    Cultists everywhere - AI issues.

    AI Debug - deprecated functionality.

    Durability setting in pre-raid - doesn't exist anymore.


  • Version 1.8.3

    SVM 1.8.3 FOR SPT 3.8.1-3

    2 steps forward, one step back. This is mostly a fix rather update.
    Follow comment section if you're curious about google block


    Clarity for sub-sections


    Turned Quests 'Misc' and 'Ammo Stack' into subsections with switchers - one is user request and second is a mandatory action for profile-editing field.

    Recolored Quests 'Misc' and Raiders everywhere' due to causing issues. Added a tooltip to 'Raiders everywhere'
    Reverted half of functionality from new repeatable quests feature, they cause fatal problems I cannot deal with yet - now the options will only affect already replaced quests, but not newly generated ones.
    Increased storage time cap to 720 hours.
    Limited Reward Spread for repeatable quests to 0-2, because otherwise people would have negatives in rewards.

    Header of UI having a wrong font
    SCAV Pockets and health are now being saved both when you die and extract, again - The solution is not pretty tho. Still broken, but now it's worse, check pinned comment
    Insurance storage time were non-functional due to internal change, fixed.
    PMC stats wasn't being able to change on it's own without other similar sections were enabled, fixed.

    NEW PRESETS ARE RECOMMENDED, Or at least just load-save your current one and be sure to enable ammo stacks if you were using them.

  • Version 1.8.2

    SVM 1.8.2 FOR SPT 3.8.1-3
    40 releases, 500k downloads, wooo! I'd better not fuck up this release.


    Remove timer for new quests - those 24hours blocks are no more

    Drastically increase trader stock quantity - experimental non-balanced feature to forget about stock amounts

    Allow to sell items with no 'found in raid' tag - self explanatory

    New PMC names that represent EmuRC and Fika Communities.

    Disable Fence's for coop extracts - By a user request (hf Leaves)

    Remove reputation penalty for quests reroll

    Multiplier of a cost to reroll a quest


    Header of UI, the icons are placeholders for now, I may edit them properly later.

    Scaled the window size and made it able to move the window via grabbing on any non-control spot.

    Loader.json is now being a part of archive by default instead of being generated - user request (MO compat)


    Heat Factor and Glukhar on Labs are back in UI - I am blind, what can I say.

    Hideout values have an additional digit to be used.

    Proper values and limits for Fleamarket

    Fixes related to altered Scav Health and Pockets when you extract from the raid,

    was only functional when you die

    English and Russian typos, UI scaling for certain texts.

    NEW PRESETS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - due to fact Fleamarket and PMC names were changed and new features got released.

    Sadly the release got rushed due to fact I've got blackouts - Therefore I did not include custom presets, you've got to wait for lads to upload them on their pages.
    Otherwise - hmu in DMs/Discord/Comments to include your link on this page.

  • Version 1.8.1

    SVM 1.8.1 FOR SPT 3.8.0
    This one is a hell of a ride as well with 'happy accidents'
    Additional limiters to 'Inventory and items', 'Hideout' and 'Traders' - Should avoid people setting values too high so they won't stuck in server loading.
    Keys section got a new field, 'Keys Usage threshold'.
    Section enablers are more visually clearer and functional.

    Removed unused elements in the class

    'Remove FIR requirements for quests' field

    'All containers' field

    'Killa' was missing in Bots section.

    Regeneration values minimum values were changed from 0.01 to 0.

  • Version 1.8.0H4

    SVM 1.8.0 For SPT-AKI 3.8.0
    [H1 02.04 4:37 GMT-0][H2 02.04. 22:15 GMT-0]
    [H3 03.04 22:05 GMT-0]
    [H4 04.04. 1:51 GMT-0]

    [H4 Reupload 04.04. 3:07 GMT-0] Forgot to include newer .ex

    Since the website is fully functional, it's time to list all the changes.
    F.A.Q Section.
    Inventory and items - Flare pistol into special slots

    Hideout section - Stash size
    Traders - Quest assort, Removal of barter and currency assorts, Trader assort price multiplier.
    Loot > Airdrop - got a field to adjust amount of gear (armors, rigs)
    Raid Settings - Add a level restrictions to Ground Zero(Yes, you read it right, AKI doesn't have a restriction for it by default) Snow, disable current events.
    Case Space Manager - Waist Pouch and Dev case.
    CSM> Custom Pockets -'Hide Special Icon' Plugin - allows to disable the visibility of inventories of cases that is inserted into Special slots, Made by Nexus4880 exclusively for SVM.
    User Presets made by Yansen and Puppy.
    The Executable, aka GFVE was remade from scratch on .Net 6 with a new name called `Greed`.
    Completely reworked the system how presets are being stored, applied and manipulated within
    Reworked the system to enable sections, they are now outside of fields inside tab items.
    Licensing, Visuals, Disclaimer of not owning materials, new font, text all over the place.
    A lot of relocations of certain fields.
    Currency stack field in 'Inventory and items' got expanded for more customizability of currencies.
    Infinite keys got expanded for an own sub group.
    Hideout section - a lot fields have been changed to be multipliers, `Remove Constructions requirements` got separated in 3 options for variety.
    Stock time was reduced to affect only Fence and was located to Fence settings however both minimum and maximum now.
    Insurance and repair sections were merged into one and it is called 'Traders Services' + Clothing settings went there as well.
    Clothing got expanded into multiple options - user request.
    PMC Section - Bear Names and Usec names were merged for convenience.
    Numerous fields got reworked to support 3.8.0
    Raid Settings - AI Amount multipliers settings
    Repeatable quests - Levels, Experience, Roubles, Items, Reputation.
    Bots - Spawn per zones and Limits per locations
    PMC Section - Add all keys, Add all containers
    I will not list the whole list in terms of test release (Which also had 10 reuploads in total, yeah, you haven't seen worst yet)
    Therefore I'll just list uncovered and solved so far:

    [H1] Fixes related to app crash on saving empty fields,

    [H1] 6.8 not being added to ammo stacks,

    [H1] missing goons in boss spawn chance section,

    [H1] tooltips related to trader assort and selling.

    [H1] also removed some old loggers

    [H2] Fixed Insurance storage time sharing same number as fence stock size

    [H2] Fixed removal of FIR requirements in tags (untested tho)

    [H2] Fixed misalignment in traders section.

    [H3] Fixed Waist Pouch and Dev container taking no effect

    [H3] Band-Aided Some inconsistency while reloading/saving presets.

    [H3] Added some limits for fields related to hours to mitigate some user errors, plus some other fixes that could remove hanging in server terminal - RELOAD/SAVE YOUR PRESETS JUST IN CASE.

    [H3] Fixed typo related to skills

    [H3] Fixed Prapor/Therapist insurance values being backwards CHECK YOUR CHANGES HERE AS WELL IF YOU USE TRADER SERVICES.

    [H3] Added Yansen's custom preset

    [H4] Fixed Bots Armor/Weapon Durability, might require your attention to adjust numbers properly

    [H4] Boss Weapon Durability minimum and maximum can be adjustable now.

    [H4] Fixed `None` to `NoBots` in AI Amount selection. (I bet Chomp is disappointed at me on this one)

    [H4] Fixed Default `MIA At the end of the raid` to be true, including default user presets that come with SVM.

    [H4] Fixed `Load last preset`

    [H4] Added a text changer if save/load was successful.
    Known Issues: Might as well call it TODO list.
    Missed tooltips,
    Missing limits for fields,
    Typos in both localizations,
    Trader quest assort can cause a server exception, due to trader mods
    Application errors on startup - If you happen to have it, i'd rather recommend you to contact me in discord and include your Event Viewer logs.
    TO CHECK: Quest FIR requirements.
    Planned for next version:
    Attempting to return some fields in one way or another.
    More advanced way to adjust AI, manipulating minimum/maximum of AI via multipliers per map.
    As usual, more tooltips, proper text, a lot of stuff needs to be added in F.A.Q.

    Thanks for everyone contributed within early access release.
    Lacyway, DeadLeaves, Hallow, AtonicX, Yansen, Puppy, Flowless, Mephyr, TheSparta(As usual), Guidot. (Sorry if I missed someone)
    And thanks to many of you who reported listed issues so far.
    Have fun.

  • Version 1.7.2

    1.7.2 [19.11.23 20:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.3
    1.7.2H1[01.12.23 2:45 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.3

    Just a little one, nothing to look at >_>

    Added user Submitted preset: Yansen's Personal Overhaul by well... Yansen.
    Also updated Oraceon's and Vampucio's Preset to latest one uploaded on their links.
    Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM


    Individual item property changer field checker

    Default sizes of Keycard holder and Injector (Also updated those values in SVM Default, Yansen preset and in my one as well)

    Size of preset field on English localization

    [H1] Fixed PMC Hostility chance pointing to null - whoops, thanks to Lasko for pointing out.

  • Version 1.7.1

    1.7.1 [03.11.23 14:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.1
    1.7.1H1 [03.11.23 15:12 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.1
    Minor UI hotfix for custom fields, feel free to ignore if you are accustomed how it works

    That's quite the ride with fixes.

    NEW PRESETS ARE RECOMMENDED, but not mandatory, you can just save-load yours and adjust new fields to your likings.


    New field in Raids section - Wave multiplier - this was in plans for ages, allows you to edit AI amount multiplier in Pre-raid options

    New field in Player section - Character XP per action - currently it's not much, but it allows to edit amount of XP given per PMC and SCAV, and their Headshot bonus, I plan to add at least 4 more fields to this box in the next update.

    Added Streets coop extract into extractions settings - that was missed in 3.7.0

    Added Oraceon's Preset into main once again, for all the info you can check here:
    Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM

    Added User Vampucio's submitted preset.
    UPD: He has own page with that preset now, probably updated as well, check it out


    Resized preset name field - Come on Oraceon, couldn't you make it a little bit smaller? :D
    Turns out I only did that on Russian Localization, smh.

    Checks for Quotes and commas in GFVE - there was a check before, but it did quite the opposite as it does right now, I removed it and forgot to add an alternative, one of biggest causes of issues on the previous update

    Moved Post-Raid XP multipliers from Raids section to Player section - because it's more XP related than raid really.

    Ammo stacks backend were rewritten - it is more comprehensible and generally less junk, so if any Modder wants to include their ammo - I'll be happy to provide.

    Daily/Weekly/Scav Elimination quests now include more fields, that is separated by a range of levels, to accomodate with that - New fields with Minimum/Maximum required kill for each quest type.

    Refreshed and rewrote Event `All bosses in Customs` by user 'At0m1cDust', It will mostly follow `Bosses & Rogues Wander` spawn points.


    AI to PMC Converter: Sniper scavs were defined differently. Fixed

    `Cultists everywhere` were bugged due to case sensitivity. Fixed

    Russian locale got one of options (`OP Armor repair`) dislocated in GFVE, ending up unable to access. Fixed

    Fixed the wrong boolean value in `Disable random placement of containers` in loot section

    Fixed visual field related to USEC/BEAR ratio

    Fixed and added compare checks for Airdrops and Quests values

    Added missing Russian translation of changelog

    Updated Quests fields to be on par with default AKI, that was partially missed in 1.7.0

    Lack of notes in my Preset - I swear they were there.

    [H1] Custom field check was pointing to wrong localization message, fixed.

    1.7.0 was quite lively update, thanks for everyone reporting issues, hopefully this one will be less messy.

  • Version 1.7.0

    1.7.0 [15.10 22:40 GMT+3] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.1
    1.7.0H2 [16.10 1:30 GMT+3]
    1.7.0H3 [16.10 2:41 GMT+3]
    1.7.0H3Reupload [16.10 4:05 GMT+ 3] Windows flagged as virus, false-positive due to assembly error Wrong timestamp, .7z doesn't have timezone data, if you have the issue, there is drive link in comments, problem will autoresolve itself in 6 hours.

    Promised in week, here ya have it you seagulls, don't blame me for bugs now >;c


    Scav Daily quest in Quests section

    New fields in Airdrop and loot section - Remove randomized container placement and adjustable weapon boxes in airdrop crates

    New fields in Fleamarket - Added event related offers

    New options to Case Space Manager - Custom pockets can have up to 5 special slots + You can edit filter to allow single cell cases you'd like.

    New boss was added to Boss spawn chance section.

    New examples for Individual Item property field - related to stash settings

    [H3] Added new checks to avoid one of repair fields due to a difference between 3.7.0 and 3.7.1

    Bots loadouts were reworked into new section - PMC - Generational and chance fields were removed, new options were added to accommodate losses, caused by a different approach of items distribution among AI types.

    QoL to Custom boxes such as Flea/Fence blackmarket, Usec/Bear names and Individual Item Property Changer - you can discard follow JSON syntax - aka no more quotes and commas

    Midcore was moved to Experimental caused by an issue related to insurance

    Repair fields were moved to Insurance, eventually merging Insurance and Repair together + Repair price multiplier was reworked to `Repair price markup`, due to visual bug that doesn't show the price being modified.

    Server Launcher delay was increased to 5 seconds to avoid launcher not running the game.

    Loot dynamic containers limits were increased to 40x, due to AKI default values

    Fleamarket blacklist behaves differently now

    Individual item property example had a wrong ID for EOD stash on English locale - wasn't a thing in Russian one, that's why i haven't noticed for so long.

    Bots section and Fleamarket fields were updated to work with 3.7.0 and above - duh

    [H1]My preset Fence's Blackmarket wasn't updated.

    [H1] Individual property field name was wrong due to GFVE recent internal reworks - fixed.

    [H2] Fixed repair causing null in intellect causing profile corruption

    [H3] Removed debug loggers from repair
    Plane height from Airdrop section

    Settings for Rogues/Raiders/SCAV from bots loadouts section, for the reason mentioned above.

    Still haven't released/Planned:

    Settings suggested by alimoncul related to Kill experience and Armor stats.

    Wave amount multipliers.

    Additional presets made by Oraceon and Fire Hawk (Feel free to contact me if you want to have YOUR preset in 1.7.1

    Maybe something else that I forgot to add

    There will be more stuff coming up in next week or two, I need to compensate the lack of features for the skipped month.

  • Version 1.6.6

    1.6.6 [07.08 23:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.6.0-3.6.1

    Totally didn't took me a week to do all the little things


    2 new events - All bosses on Customs and Goons on factory

    Included Oraceon's Balanced Preset into main build - It is not properly updated with recent functions 1.6.5 and 1.6.6 brings, but it should be completely functional
    For the preset info you can look here:
    Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM


    With the release of Goons on factory - I added fields to adjust Goons and Killa spawn chance on factory - for a lil' element of surprise


    Fixed the possible amount of fresh points

    Fixed Minimum/Maximum values checks on airdrops

    Fixed max bot cap for factory

    Removed unused lines related to minimum durability of a gear to be sold to traders

    Removed duplicate line related to Midcore

    Changed couple of values to match vanilla AKI (Not like i'm not doing that every version anyway)

    Added a check to avoid Softcore/Safe Exit being triggered by SCAV runs


    There is a lot that needs to be done, but i'll let it to the next month, first of all, PoE league is incoming :D I'll be helping with solving the question of energy, specifically solar and invertors, after that - I'll probably start giving more attention to quests and events.
    I haven't forgot about filters for mod compatibility and requests related to mask/helmet filters and place switch, but had no time to work around it yet.
    Props for those reported issues from previous version and my lads who worked over translation, taking quite a toll from me.

    Quick notice 10.09.24: Ground Zero airdrop chance is missing in the SVM code, if this feature is important for you, feel free to find airdrop section and insert this line within similar ones. (around lines 540-550)

       Airdrop.airdropChancePercent.sandbox = Config.Loot.Airdrops.Sandbox_air;

    The container/loose loot are fine, sorry for the inconvenience.

    Until next time.

    Thumbs Up 3 Heart 3
    • Hello. I was using Currency stack per cell.

      However, after this 1.9.1 update, I found that when I set and saved the Currency stack per cell and then entered the game, it was not applied.

      So, I loaded the preset again and found that the Currency stack per cell item was disabled.

      When I set and save the preset, it appears to be activated, but when i enter the actual game, it is not applied, and when i come back and run SVM, when i look at the Currency stack per cell item, it is deactivated. I wonder if this is intentional or a bug.

    • Crap. Yep, there is a Greed Error. I changed the field in class but not in UI pointer, Hotfix incoming.

      Happy 1
    • Great ! Thank you so much !

    • Link is updated, redownload and refresh your preset.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Works fine now ! Thank you so much <3

      Thumbs Up 1
  • { templateId: '628cd624459354321c4b7fa2' }

    [Client Request] /LootValue/GetItemLowestFleaPrice


    { templateId: '656fad8c498d1b7e3e071da0' }

    [Client Request] /LootValue/GetItemLowestFleaPrice


    { templateId: '655746010177119f4a097ff7' }

    First off great mod, this is a must have.

    I am not sure if SVM is causing this error but it started to show up after adding this mod. I started getting these [unhandled] "errors" after installing SVM. I figured I'd ask because I can't get this error to stop. It spams several of these errors in the server log and I had one instance where I got a "back-end" error on the flea. The game seems to run fine but this error populates. If anyone has a suggestion on how to stop this please let me know :)

    • Well, it highlights a different mod, 'LootValue', be sure it's installed properly, and try to change the load order so it loads after svm.

      Load order is mods folder names in alphabetical order.

  • Do changes only apply after you create a profile or does it work even after you play on said profile? because after a play on said profile any changes i do after dont get applied

    • Certain changes like pockets, health and energy/hydration stats will not apply on newly created profile, therefore you need a game restart after profile creation.
      The rest, or most of it will apply whether new profile or not.

    • thanks, love your mod btw

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Вітаю. У мене з'явилась проблема після того як я обновив EfT до версії 0.15 але залишив старий SPT 3.9. Сам SVM працює справно, але плагін HideSpecialIcon.dll провокує помилку відображення інвентарю, він просто зникає. Підтверджено практично що проблема іде через цей плагін.

    Ниже прикріплюю записи помилок із "escape from tarkov/logs/errors" і знімки екрану, якщо потрібно щось ще, то надам. Дякую за один з кращих модів для цієї гри.

    • Клієнті моди працюють тільки в рамках однієї версії клієнта.
      Чекайте оновлення SPT, з ним я оновлю SVM включаючи цей плагін.

  • все установлено на максимум, но не работает!

    • Значат стоят другие моды которые заменяют эту механику, такие как BSP,Swag+Donuts, Если же идет речь про прочность - ALP.

  • Підскажіть, будь ласка, я викрутил спавн Goons на 100, але вони не спавняться кожен раз на картах, теж саме і для боса карти Customs.

    • Якщо є інші моди які змінюють шанс появи боссів - то вони є пріоритетом, і всі налаштування треба робити в них, такі як Swag+Donuts або BetterSpawnPlus.
      Вони не працюють з опціями із SVM

  • I cannot get the Flea market to buy my items. In my attempt to increase the price point for most items in the game, it thus made my items unable to be sold in any way. I've tinkered with every setting, but I can't seem to get the flea market to work now. Got any ideas on how I can boost the price range from .80-1.4 to 2-5 and still have it, so the Flea market bots buy my items? If anyone has any ideas, give me a holler


  • For some reason no matter how low I put the multipliers for loot I don't see a difference and there is still a lot of loot. Loot mods being used & the load order:





    • Those loot mods probably override default spt system, therefore svm is not taking an effect.

    • AH, Gotcha. I thought that svm would take priority due to the load order but it makes sense if it changes the default. Thanks :)

    • SVM is very basic by its nature since it mostly works within existing features and DB within SPT, most things you see is in it were already made by SPT team, therefore it's better to use narrow-specific or whole game overhaul to load after it due to nature of those mods to carry own DB for specific cases or overriding vanilla methods.

      There is like 4-5 exceptions in total, it'll be whole pockets system, quest-reroll, event override callback and softcore solution.

    • Understood. I was under the impression it was the go to mod for managing the experience with other more specific mods used after it for more aggressive / focused goals. Thank you for providing me this information!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey Ghost, I saved my preset for the SVM, and booted up the server then booted up launcher, but the launcher said no server found. Do you know what is going on?


    Also on the server it says in blue "

    SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, Want some music recommendation? Check Geneburn... Nah, i'm joking, Check Motionless in White.

    SVM Preset - Noname - successfully loaded"

    It was working fine until I downloaded the .NET 6 and did my preset. Now it doesnt say the server is active.

    • Is those are last things being said by the server? did you 'select' it chance? aka there is a way to halt a server process by selecting the internals with mouse, by unselecting it could release server and will continue to function, if unsure - just restart.

      You should see green text that server is ready.

      There was also a case when some users did select way too huge assort size (items on sale) for fence or big amount of stuff in fleamarket.
      I can suggest to turn off those sections and try again if restart with no changes did not help.

  • Thanks so much for did this mod, but can you do a chinese language for this mod?

    • It is already finished by Volcano for 1.9.1 however i post poned its release for next version, due to news that 3.10 is in the works and already in the testing phase and some other circumstances.

    • Thank you :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

  • Hi, I don't know what to touch or what to activate to make the configuration that I activate in traders work in the part that says: No “found in raid” requirements in quest. I activated it and it does not work, that is to say the traders do not receive the items, is there any logic or just this function is not working for the moment, Thank you.

    • Are you sure you're looking at proper quest and applied the change?
      It will affect all vanilla traders + traders that were loaded before SVM, it WILL NOT affect repeatable (daily/weekly) quests however.

      Heart 1
    • It is a mission with daily fence, I guess that's why it did not work or I misunderstood the message, thank you very much and congratulations for such an incredible mod, you helped me a lot to streamline several processes <3

    • there is a jaeger quest called shady business, it is to deliver flash drivers and at the time of delivery it does not let them, it should be clarified that it is not a daily or weekly mission.

    • I tried to reproduce with a similar quest of Skier - 'What's on Flash Drive' and found possible reason.
      Are you sure you have proper flash drives?
      On 3.9.8, there is 2 types of them, and only `secure flash drive` is acceptable for quest.
      Other than that - There is no other reason that should cause an issue, even if it shows the line
      Even if it wasn't `found in raid` it should trigger the 'in raid' requirement of the quest.

  • hello. When will you up. Hahaha just kidding this is awesome mod.

    I have a question. I think I have a idea of the answer but I'm not sure and don't want to mess with setting until confirmed.

    What does ai types into pmc converter do.

    I never see any snipe scavs and the setting is 0. But I would like to turn them on to match eft. I also want to increase scavs. I used donut and did pmc on start up more scavs but on woods I never see anyone at all.

    • It does what it says on the tin.
      it rolls a chance you set to convert certain type of AI into PMC.
      Mind you SwagNuts will override SVM, if you plan to do anything related to AI - do it in the Swag

    • thank you. I found out I was hovering my mouse in the wrong spot to get the tin lol .

      Now I gotta figure out why no sniper scavs and why the boss guards aren't spawning. That's a swag and donuts thing I reckon so I'm off to dig. Appreciate all you do.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello, I have this issue that I can't sell any items in the flea (I can seel them, but no one buy them), I changed a lot of settings, even try to use the deafult, but no one still buy my offerts, even when I buy something from the flea, it's found in raid, but I turned off that settings, so it should be not FIR.

    I don't know how to fix it, I don't use any other mods that has flea change settings.

    • i have been trying to figure this issue out aswell but its hard when you have to wait the whole 11 hours before you find out it didnt sell. I know in previous patches this setting worked before you could input 100 into the field and it acted like 100% chance and it would sell within the next hour if not immediately. i have tried the following default settings which is how i play normally, 100, and maxing it out at 1000000, even tried messing with the sell chance multiplier by putting it really high and really low, next im going to try the disable the whole flea market tab all together and see if its a greed thing or another mod issue.

      EDIT: Turning the flea market tab off worked for the most part i listed items way below their normal sell price IE: ammo case for 20,000 rubles and it sold instantly, did the same test with default settings and flea tab turned on and now im waiting for ai to buy it

    • I do not know what is the cause.
      Here's debug, white is vanilla settings, yellow is SVM, the only difference SVM does on default settings at the moment is defines `base`, a value that is not being defined nor used, a left-over from previous versions, it should not cause any errors and will be removed next version.
      Except that - it just follow default values, if anything causing errors - i cannot follow what exactly.
      Maybe due to fact SPT uses typescript now and it has defined interface it could throw an error, but then it would be consistent and i'd have ton of reports about it.
      Therefore, i don't know as of now, i will look into it when i'll be transitioning to 3.10 however.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • what is this

    error code :

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'receivedGifts')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'receivedGifts')

    at ProfileHelper.flagGiftReceivedInProfile (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ProfileHelper.ts:330:25)

    at GiftService.sendGiftToPlayer (C:\snapshot\src\services\GiftService.ts:157:28)

    at SeasonalEventService.giveGift (C:\snapshot\src\services\SeasonalEventService.ts:552:30)

    at SeasonalEventService.updateGlobalEvents (C:\snapshot\src\services\SeasonalEventService.ts:351:22)

    at Object.action (D:\EFT(MOD)\EFT\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:110:34)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:61:68)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:34:25)

    at SptHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\SptHttpListener.ts:130:22)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'receivedGifts')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'receivedGifts')

    at ProfileHelper.flagGiftReceivedInProfile (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ProfileHelper.ts:330:25)

    at GiftService.sendGiftToPlayer (C:\snapshot\src\services\GiftService.ts:157:28)

    at SeasonalEventService.giveGift (C:\snapshot\src\services\SeasonalEventService.ts:552:30)

    at SeasonalEventService.updateGlobalEvents (C:\snapshot\src\services\SeasonalEventService.ts:351:22)

    at Object.action (D:\EFT(MOD)\EFT\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:110:34)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:61:68)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:34:25)

    at SptHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\SptHttpListener.ts:130:22)

    How can I solve it?

    • Seasonal events huh.
      Did you enabled Christmas before creating a profile? That's the only thing that comes up in my mind.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I faced a problem that cannot run the game

    the error is:

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'reserve')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'reserve')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:578:41)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:26)

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'reserve')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'reserve')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:578:41)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:26)


    • Something related to loot section, a conflict with the other mod? old preset? can't know for sure.

    • Got the same problem trying to load most recent spt version. Sucks because i can't play spt without this mod, it is a must have for me. Maybe it longer works for most recent 3.9 patch or something.

    • It works on 3.9.8, that's all i can say.
      If you have issues - that means there is a different factor in play, something that affects Airdrops to be exact.

    • could be a problem with spt itself, just got the 3.9.8 version yesterday, been playing on 3.8.3 where the mod works perfectly, I'll try reinstalling spt to see if that works.

    • Wait...Are you sure you're on 3.9.8?…sets/configs/airdrop.json
      In 3.10 however, there is no field for SVM to alter.…sets/configs/airdrop.json

  • Does anyone know , What should I do to make all bosses appear on all maps with 100% chance ? thx

    • Granted you do not use other mods that would alter this - Greed > SCAV and Bosses section, crank everything to 100.

    • But this does not include all maps, such as woods, streets, and lighthouses

    • Wdym?
      There is fields for types of AI per map, and just types of Bosses that spawns on those maps.
      Shturman spawns only on Woods, therefore it's just `Shturman`, Kollontay spawn both on Ground Zero and Streets of Tarkov, therefore he has 2 fields.

    • Ah, I get it.
      You want all bosses on specific map for example.
      That goes above SVM scope, you might be interested in SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points

    • The setup of SWAG doesn't work for me, I can only use SVM and sorry I use Google Translate :P

  • This website is the most active mod website I have ever seen, and all the authors are constantly responding to questions and updating

  • Firstly, thank you for the incredible work. On the mai page we have the option AI PMC/AI TYPES INTO PMC CONVERT IN %/SCAVS. Searching the source code of GHOSTFENIXXS Personal.json i found this:

    "AItoPMC": {

    "PMCtoCursedScav": 20,

    "SnipertoPMC": 0,

    "PMCtoScav": 30,

    "ExusectoPMC": 5,

    "PMCtoRaider": 7

    My question: the source code ""PMCtoScav": 30" am i converting 30% of PMCs to SCAVs?

    Thank you for your attention and sorry for my english, i'm using google translate.

    • It's a chance to convert a scav into pmc, per each scav spawn, therefore ratio wise it can be more or less, depends on your 'luck'.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is it possible with the next update to add an option to change the extraction time like for car extraction?

    In many extraction points, there are bootable bodies, crates, and bags, but not enough time to do it as you have 5 to 6 seconds before you go out!

    • image.png?ex=66d5c5ba&is=66d4743a&hm=b4e2b7820a3d9e3dc0a54a435ea191d14d1769461708026cfe6740926f231a07&
      It does exist, if you're talking about extractions like Roadblocks in Customs or Woods where there is a lootable spots - that's BSG design. (and those are not car extracts)
      Most V-Ex doesn't even have loot spots nearby, really none in Woods, Interchange, Customs, Ground Zero, Shoreline, can't say for others however.

      I can technically alter extraction timers of general-use ones, but i bet it's gonna be a niche thing, so low prio.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • GhostFenixx
      Hey mate! I know you're majorly Ukranian- and Russian-speaking, this lead to miscommunication there. The first sentence explicitly says that he means extraction points with normal extraction times, while asking to make their extraction times configurable the way it already is with V-exes. And yup, I think the demand for this option is pretty darn high. Even in Woods half of ectraction points have containers or loose loot around, and this is annoying to jump into green zone and run back from it every four seconds. The opportunity to crank the extraction time up to 30-60 seconds would make this look less ugly.

    • Ah, that's not the native language that it the issue, it's im just blind idiot and did not notice 'like' in 'extraction time like for car extraction'.

      However i did respond in both cases, one of them hits the one he cared for.

    • For anyone that wants this, Interactable Exfils lets you turn on/off the timer with the push of a button.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • 👍👍

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Is there a way to make ammo stacks higher than the max on the modifier?

    • Why? How many boolets you want to put into one slot you crazy.
      You can edit your preset manually, but it is highly not supported, voids your warranty and brings demons on your soul.
      Search for `Round`, you're supposed to find 4 fields related to it, for each round type.

    • Mainly so I dont have to have multiple stacks in the stash screen. Thanks! This is, by far, the best and my favorite mod for this game!

  • I am looking for intructions hov to modify specific item properties but "Individual item changer" says (Read FAQ) but sadly I can not find any examples or tips how to use it. don't wanna change those values manualy in the file this feature seems to be more painless <3 Any help ?

    • image.png?ex=66d09802&is=66cf4682&hm=fd09b35d9a86022caa44693398fd437f2b42dc89f59ecddc9d8ebbfa9537bab8&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=605&height=376
      All i can do is to link you exact faq text and examples.
      Copy line, throw into IIC, save, apply, see how it behaves.

      Heart 1 Thinking 1
    • Thx <3 That's the one I was looking before in the previous versions <3

    • Seems like this image vanished again

    • Yeah, Discord is doing something with the links to avoid such usage.
      Known, couldn't be arsed to post it on different place to be permanent, screenshot contained greed's faq, nothing that you cannot witness yourself.

  • i have a couple of mods installed so i'm not sure which was causing this, but i was having an issue where raiders wouldn't spawn on reserve despite their spawn chance being 100. after messing around i figured out that if you have glukhar and/or rogues spawn rate at 0, raiders just don't spawn for some reason. setting those boss spawn rates to 1 made the raiders come back. hope this helps someone.

    • Interesting take, can't say it make sense though.
      Just a friendly reminder to not mix BSP/SwagNuts and SVM's boss chances options.

    • I went trough the same problem and it's caused by raiders spawn config (the ones on train station can spawn right after the raid starts but those in the bunker later) here is example JSON code from => 'C:\SPT 3.9.x\SPT_Data\Server\database\locations\rezervbase'

            "BossChance": 40,
            "BossDifficult": "normal",
            "BossEscortAmount": "2,2,2,2,3",
            "BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
            "BossEscortType": "pmcBot",
            "BossName": "pmcBot",
            "BossPlayer": false,
            "BossZone": "ZoneRailStrorage",
            "Delay": 0,
            "ForceSpawn": false,
            "IgnoreMaxBots": true,
            "RandomTimeSpawn": false,
            "SpawnMode": [
            "Supports": null,
            "Time": 1470,
            "TriggerId": "",
            "TriggerName": ""

      Look at the "BossZone", "Time" and "BossChance" you have couple of options you can set manualy a spawn chance on specific raider type location. Look for:

      "BossZone": "ZoneSubCommand",

      and change spawn chance to 100% it should work. You can even set

      "ForceSpawn": false, to "ForceSpawn": true,

      don't forget to make screenshot in case you F***d something up ^^

    • SVM would override that value in bots section, but there is no correlation between this and other AI types.
      I do not think your mention is related to his issue.

  • I kinda need some info on this one sorry if this question was asked before but In the Player and Skills tab do the multipliers are default settings from eft or are they changed cuz i only changed General skill progress to 2.0 from 1.5 and my metabolism skill was like im level 17 now im 47 in one raid is that normal or im drunk sorry for bad eng.

    • Metabolism being broken by BSG for quite some time.
      Other than that - It's not specifically default for Live, due to fact SPT has 1-2 fields a little different, and default SVM tries to stick with default SPT values as much as possible.
      Increasing general multiplier does increase to 2x but you'll just hit skill fatigue faster, and that will limit you on most skills, so I wouldn't call it exactly 2x.

    • THX a lot sorry for the late response i needed to repair my pc. Thx for the info il try and tweak some more find the rights spot Keep up the good work brother save raids

  • Is there a way to change the timezone wit this mod?

    • If you mean the separation of time, like for both raid timers to have more or less than 12 hours - no.
      Only time acceleration.

  • Every time I apply my Config I get this Error:

    I close Server and Client when applying Did I do something wrong?

    SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, The Holy Fox is gone

    SVM Preset - standard - successfully loaded

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'success')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'success')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (X:\SPT\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:2383:106)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:13)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'success')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'success')

    at MainSVM.postDBLoad (X:\SPT\user\mods\ServerValueModifier\src\SVM.js:2383:106)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:51:13)

    • Hi, I found the Problem I loaded your personal preset and it works now. I don´t know which option broke it, but it works now.

    • success...were you doing something related to quests? do you have custom traders?

    • I've just had this issue too, did some testing around quests and it was 'Unlock trader offers behind quests' that was the culprit for me.

  • it wont applie my setting nothing work not even restart

    • same. I dled 3.9 and noticed it was 3.9.8 and this says support for 3.9.0-3.9.3. I think that's the problem. Not sure how to fix other than wait for update.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Not related, everything works for 3.9.8, otherwise it would announce that, either there is compat error with other mods or you installed/saved/applied mod wrong.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • its the only mod i have some options working and some dont work like global price value when i chance nothing happent or the server wont connet

      edit: when i start the server it says:

      Mod: SVM Version: 1.9.1 loaded by: GhostFenixx
    • You need to look for blue colored message, if that shows - at least preset loaded, if server won't connect - meaning there is another factor at hand making the line that SVM is the only mod quite non-believable,
      I really can't help without pointing exact errors or functions that doesn't work.

    • It's working for me now. Thank you. Favorite mod!!

  • Guys, i got this problem: "Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'reserve')". Who knows how to fix it?

  • Hi, just wondering what the setting "Override default chance of SPT PMC waves" does. Thanks. :)

    • SPT has 2 ways to spawn PMC in your raid, Convert from other AI types and initial spawns when raid starts.
      The latter is what SVM modifies with this field, instead of having 15-30AVG spawn chance, you can set your own.
      At least it used to work this way before, seems like they added new fields related to this function as well (or i was blind when was making this one to begin with)
      Albeit that function is only made for Shoreline and Factory as of now, at least what i can see by looking into:…ets/configs/location.json

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Tried enabling Christmas event and Halloween event and both would only load to splash screen. Not sure if this is a common problem, but it is what I ran into

    • i was about to post this same thing. what ive noticed is it only does this when starting a new save with them enabled. if you make your character then exit you should be able to turn the settings back on