Lua's Locale Manager 1.1.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Update locales and mangages in files, Plus easy to share

Update game locales and manage in files
Check the comments section for sharing locale files

  • Update and Manage locales in one or multiple JSON format files
  • You can make a translate for mods and share with this mod
  • Create JSON file in locales folder and automatically loaded
  • It may overwrites other locales by load order (file name)
  • To check default locale files and format

    • Aki_DataServerdatabaselocalesglobal

  • Shared Locale Files List

    You can reply on this comment for sharing locale files.

  • Would you like to open a new repository on GitHub so that users can translate PR at any time?

    • Could be but I would prefer to suggest on upload in here as a config mod like Zico's

      Mod itself is a config loader, you don't have to PR for locale and no need to be single gaint file

    • The warehouse is only used to receive translated languages

      This is just a small suggestion from me

    SamSWAT - VEPR-12 "MOLOT"

    // Korean translation completed //
    Locale files are separated by tags before their names.
    For example, "weapon_SCAR-H"

    번역파일은 계속 추가될 예정입니다.
    항상 멋진 모드 감사합니다 :)…yHDMc4Ma/view?usp=sharing

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