Fin's In-Raid Modding 1.4.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Allows all weapon parts to be modded in-raid, while minimizing weapon generation errors (missing grips, barrels, etc. on bot weapons)

This mod functions similarly to Ereshkigal's also similarly-named AIO option, however it also includes modifications to bot generation that should prevent bots from being generated with weapons that are missing vital parts.

This mod is fully compatible with FAIT (From my tests so far, anyways. I can't fully vouch for how it interacts with every combination of FAIT's hundred-ish options), however it may not be compatible with other AI-loadout altering mods.

A note on making other mods compatible, for modders:

  • Version 1.4.0

    Version 1.4.0 for AKI 3.1.x

    • Compatibility update for AKI 3.1.x
  • Version 1.3.2

    Version 1.3.2 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.2 - (July 1, 2022)

    • Should now apply for all raids
  • Version 1.3.1

    Version 1.3.1 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.1 - (June 30, 2022)

    • Fix for 'BotGeneratorHelper is undefined' issue
  • Version 1.3.0

    Version 1.3.0 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.0 - (June 26, 2022)

    • Updated to work with AKI 3.0.x
  • Version 1.2.0

    Just a package file update for 2.x.x compatibilty

  • Version 1.1.0

    Version 1.1.0 for AKI 2.2.x

    • Compatibility changes for 2.2.x
  • Version 1.0.0b


    • FIRM (Yes. I am sticking with this awful acronym) should now filter out invalid mods automatically, which should stop if from puking up errors when encountering the KS-23, or modded weapons with invalid IDs listed as mods.


    • Small bugfix
  • please update 3,5,4

  • Fin, real love this mod, i can play in SPT without any others mod but this is essential for me, i real hope you'll update in-raid-moding soon, but if you waiting till 3.5.0 release i got it

  • hi can you pls update for 3.4.x pls

  • best gun i ever used was thanks to mod. a -1 recoil bp ak 762. saddest day was do to mod. i cant preset make another. now gear feared

  • Good day!

    please update the mod for use with the new version of AKI

    Help me please! AUTHOR! Come back to us...

  • AKI 3.2.2 Mod works, but some bots lack various parts of weapons. And a sniper on a rock in the forest, without any weapons at all, poor guy =))

    • ;-; It seems AKI changed which functions are used to generate mods. A fix is on the way, but if it's not out tomorrow it won't be out until the weekend.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • any updates on mod progress?

    • I tried on 3.2.3 - the server "swears", but the mod works. If it is not essential that some parts of the weapon are missing (and in some moments, bots continuously shoot from the finger), you can be patient =))

  • Still works with 3.2.1 as far as i can tell

  • in my situation this mod works only in first raid and after it isn't, server reload help but again only on a one first raid, no issues with other mods

  • This mod is giving constant error messages whilst in raid in =

    • Yes, same problem here.

    • Should be fixed now. I had FAIT altering the same parts of AKI, and FAIT did it correctly, so that hid the error from me until I tried running FIRM on its own.

    • Thanks Fin!

  • i think this mod has some bug or other mod Interference

    i have some error

    like this

    "(some option) is undefined"

    so not spawnning AI

    • The same problem. The AI is not loading.

    • Same thing keeps happening to me, I don't know what to do other than get rid of it until fin addresses the problem.

    • same issue for me as well, hopefully fin will be able to fix the issue easily

    • Should be fixed now. I had FAIT altering the same parts of AKI, and FAIT did it correctly, so that hid the error from me until I tried running FIRM on its own.

    • Thanks for the mod, everything works. Great job!

  • I have noticed that the bug with the missing parts only happen if you leave the server running long enough, restarting solves the issue but only temporarily, maybe this will help?

  • Been playing SPT for awhile but decided to add some mods for quality of life changes like this mod. I must not know how to install the mods because they just say that "package.json is missing" when i start the server up, but its there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Bots still spawn with junk guns, missing handguards, foregrips, etc in AKI 2.1.1. I do have FAIL installed, but not FAIT. PMCs spawn with appropriate, functional gear.

    • If you have any other mods that alter bot loadouts, or have in-raid-modding enabled from another source, that can cause this issue. The first thing I'd do is check to make sure this isn't a mod incompatibility issue by trying to run with only FIRM installed.

      Testing on my end, when this is the only mod installed there were no improperly-generated weapons appearing in the raid. The same was true when FAIL and / or FAIT was installed alongside it.

      Edit: During a run this morning I had a single raid where nearly every weapon was broken. I have no idea why, and when I ran another raid with the exact same settings there wasn't a single broken gun, and likewise for the two testing runs after that. X.X I'll try and dig a bit deeper on this one.

    • I figured out the problem. I don't have any mods that modify SCAV or PMC loadouts, but I do have AKI Configurator and I had set the SCAV loadouts to a number greater than 30 so that I would see more variety in gear. When I changed it back to 30, the default number, the problem resolved. It looks like if AKI Configurator tries to generate more than the default number of unique loadouts for a bot type, it breaks the loadouts for that bot type when used combination with this mod.

    • That's interesting. Thanks for the pointer, I'll see if I can't figure out exactly why that happens, now that I've got a cause I can look into : >

    • Alright, so I did some additional troubleshooting tonight and I don't think its an ongoing conflict.

      I set the SCAV loadouts to 30 (AKI Config default) and ran a raid. 12 SCAV kills, 12 perfectly good guns. I then set it to 60, expecting maybe only the loadouts over 30, so half of the guns, to be affected and got another 12 SCAV kills with 12 good guns. I then tried 250 and 260 SCAV loadouts thinking maybe it was a problem with an 8 bit value and going over 255 was a problem. Nope, 2 more raids with 12 and 11 SCAV kills respectively and all guns were working fine with all vital parts. I then set SCAV, PMC, and Raider loadouts to 300 each and ran another raid. All PMC and SCAV guns were intact and working fine.

      I did notice that when you set a loadout number to a new value in AKI configurator, it generates loadouts one time and use the same ones over and over. I had the same exact MK18 show up over and over again on PMCs through a number of different play sessions, so AKI Configurator isn't generating new loadouts every time.

      I think that installing this mod with AKI Configurator already installed may have introduced a one time error affecting all of the SCAV loadouts. When I went back and changed the AKI Config value back to its default, it re-generated all of the loadouts and made nice-nice with this mod along the way, correcting the problem. Changing the loadouts back to their previous problem values doesn't replicate the problem, so I don't think its an ongoing conflict.

      I was going to uninstall this mod, set the AKI Config number to 1 for SCAV loadouts, confirm that I get the same SCAV loadout on all SCAVS, then install this mod and see if it breaks the one loadout, then change the AKI Config number to 2 and verify that I get 2 good loadouts once it has re-generated the SCAV loadouts.... but that seems like a lot of work when it seems like the problem has solved itself haha.

      I hope this helps.

      Like 1
    • I've made a few tweaks and bugfixes on my end, and.. Much like you, I've found that this problem seems incredibly random and hard to replicate, but I pushed out the tweaks I've made so far as 1.0.0b. I'm still looking at some other changes I can make, however, and I'm hoping to push them out as well over the weekend.

      I really appreciate your willingness to experiment and hunt for bugs like this, as well. -Even if we didn't find much, it's an incredible help to have data and starting points to work off of : >