ScavCat Redux 1.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.0
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Why problem make when you no problem have you don't want to make?

Helloooooooo immm backkkk, miss me? Well enough crying human. I need you to find my cans on Tuna i forgot at Dorms.

This mod requires ADVANCED TRADER FRAMEWORK created by yoshka

This mod was originally created by DonutxLord

This is a (hopefully) faithful recreation of ScavCat. it took me a while to make and the selling prices aren't as good as the original, but everything will sell for at least 2x original stock price. I will add more trades and further look into pricing.


Scav Cat sells cases. These cases are ALOT. Cheaper.

This mod lowers the prices of alot of the cases in game.

Also includes TerraPlane 300 slot backpack....


Cheeki cat DEMANDS you use this mod. If you dont. He cant afford to buy moar Vodka.

When you insure with Scavcat, you will always get items back.



Pistol Case


Key Tool

Holodilnick Thermal Bag

Weapons Case



Waist Bag

Boss Container "Massive secure container. More than 100 slots"

Removed some broken items.

Caution, this mod is very game changing. Very easy to make money by selling items to SCAVCAT.


Revised 1/22/20 by SixGod

NOTE: Since I did not actually make this mod and I'm just updating it with ATF I will NOT be offering support if your game breaks, I tested mine thoroughly with only ATF installed and it works great :)

Thank you SO MUCH yoshka <3 for helping recreate our most loved trader with your mod.

Also Thank you DonutxLord and everyone else who helped for your magical trader . Enjoy.

  • What are the odds a 3.0 update might be comming?

  • An update would be much appreciated, 2.3 just released.

    • ill update and thoroughly fix everything when ATF for 2.3.0 drops :)bugcatrainbow

      edit: if it drops

  • can u update this mods

  • Insurance Doesn't Work.

    You need To Add A Dialogue.json File With Actual Dialogue Because If You Don't The Game Gets Confused.

    At least Test The Mod Before Release.

    Edit: The Dialogue File contains Dialogue That Is Sent To The Player Within The Messenger.

    For Example When You Die With Items Insured By Prapor He Sends You A Message Saying "My Guys Went Looking For Your Stuff"

    Your Mod Doesn't Have A Dialogue File So The Game Gets Confused Because It Doesn't Know What Message To Send You

    You Have To Add A dialogue File To The DB Folder And Then Add This Line To Mod.js:

    dialogue: JsonUtil.deserialize(VFS.readFile(`${filepath}dialogue.json`)),

    Edit 2: Add This To Your Dialogue.json File:


    "insuranceStart": [



    "insuranceFound": [



    "insuranceExpired": [



    "insuranceComplete": [



    "insuranceFailed": [




    PS: You Have To Add The "dialogue: JsonUtil.deserialize(VFS.readFile(`${filepath}dialogue.json`))," Line Under The "base: JsonUtil.deserialize(VFS.readFile(`${filepath}base.json`))," LIne.

    Edit 3: Also Change the Insurance Price Coef To 10 In Base.json

    Like 1
    • Good job, man!
      Insurance started to work when I:

      1) Update Advanced Trader Framework to 1.4 version and;
      2) Did what you suggest in Edit 3: "Also Change the Insurance Price Coef To 10 In Base.json"

      Thank you very much. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

      Thanks 1 Like 1
  • i may honestly just be stupid but i cant figure out how to get this to work with the ATF mod

  • ok guys I have another problem 😅. I came back to the game 20 minutes ago and scavcat doesn't show up any items. I tried to change lvl in profile and after this for one match items showed up and after reopening the game, items have gone again.

    • Does the problem still occur after restarting the server? Did the console spit out an error?

    • yup. I saw only one error while exiting the map with the item left in raid. that's insurance error. that's all.

    • Insurance is broken at the moment. I am gonna update ATF later to fix that

      Like 1
  • that mod is great but... now idk what I have to do. while trying to repair slick with our scavcat... well... game crashed. now when I try to get in the game I have a critical error. {Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact [...] Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int64'. Patch 'SCAVCATREDUX.salesSum', line 1, position 105685} Does someone knows how to fix it without deleting the account?

    • I've also received this error, and it corrupts/non-usable the profile. Happened on a new profile after moving an item from a raid. Removing the mod does not fix it once you get this error ;(

    • Got the same exact issue but i tried with my own custom trader. meaning there's probably something wrong with ATF idk (could be mods conflicting too i've got alot of mods) :( got an issue with insurance as well some kind of trace error can't locate insurance start something i kinda gave up trying to fix it


      managed to find a way to access your profile just follow these steps Adams-_ :

      1- backup your profile in user profiles and open it with notepad++

      2- press ctrl+f on your keyboard to bring your search bar

      3- search SCAVCATREDUX or sales sum and go to the one for that specific trader

      4- sales sum should be NULL change it to any amount 1478270 for example

      and that should fix it.

      if it doesn't search 204391cf64bab2a402c35986 if it stackobjectcount under it is null change it to idk :P 399722 and check the sales sum from step 4 save and hopefully that works <3 hope that helped

      Thanks 2
    • As far as I know are the "repair_price_coef" and the "insurance_price_coef" in the base.json with a value of 225 way to high especially for the insurance. Repairing the slicc which is already quite expensive with such a high multiplier might have caused a stack overflow in which the repair price goes into a negative value.

      I would recommend to change the "repair_price_coef" to something like 100 or 150 at max and the "insurance_price_coef" to something in the 10-30 range.

      From my testings the repair and insurance should work fine with the recommended numbers, but I didn't really test it extensively. I didn't really try if you actually get the gear back after dying.

      Other mods shouldn't conflict with ATF in theory, but you can never really know. There can be problems if you have a modded trader and you add trader in ATF with the same traderID.

      Always remember to back up your profile while using any mod!

    • well, changing values in profile helps ^^<3 thank u so much, and I also tried to change values with repair_price_coef... I don't have this line in scavcat soo just add it from another trader base.json and then try?

    • Yeah I just tested it and without the "repair_price_coef": you get exactly the Error with the game crashing and corrupting the profile.

      Here is the base.json I used and tested. This should work.

      Thanks 1
  • made a post about this method of getting this mod to work again in the comment section for SCAVCAT

  • <3<3<3<3

    i missed mr. scavcat :3

    take my roubles meow !

    Like 1
  • Insurance doesn't work due to the insurance price coef being too high.

    The Fix Is To Go To: \user\mods\zzzAdvancedTraderFramework\db\traders\SCAVCATREDUX\base.json And Remove The Insurance Price Coef And Repair Price coef.

    And No Removing Those Two Lines Don't Break The Mod

    Like 1
    • sorry to hear it doesn't work correctly. Glad you found a fix for yourself. though my insurance does work so I'm not too sure what's causing this. If more people continue to report this then ill update the file. :)

    • I have the same problem, can't buy insurance, but buying items works fine, although the problem isn't that big.

    • Removing the "insurance_price_coef" and "repair_price_coef" is bad idea because it does break the mod and corrupts the profile, if you repair without those lines.

    • OH So Thats Why I Get A Trace Error When I Die With Items Insured By Scav Cat.

      So Can I Just Set The Insurance Price Coef At 0?

    • I haven't tested it with 0. I think that should work, but the default traders have values in the 10-30 range.

  • does this also have insurance like the original version?

  • Doesn't work, writes that package.json is missing.

    • youre not supposed to put it into the mods file itself. ya need to put it into the trader frameworks DB file.

      Thanks 1
    • Alex_Kozek  please install ATF linked in the description, then put SCAVCATREDUX in the db/trader folder. then move scavcat png into db/avatars ;)  

      Thanks 1
    • Thank you.

      Like 1