Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Credit goes to him for his well put together mod.
This mod is meant to ease the burden of a hardcore playthrough making it more enjoyable.
The Interchanger:
Allows barters for all quest keys so that you no longer have to go jacket hunting to progress.
Trades rare items and keycards for GP coins
(She will be insanely busted with flea available)
Download Instructions:
-Download this mod
-Unzip and locate the folder db
-You should be able to drag and drop that file into the ADVANCED TRADER FRAMEWORK
(Tarkov Offline 2.1.2usermodszzzAdvancedTraderFrameworkdb)
Version 1.1.0
- Meiosis
-Decreased the number of Intel needed for GP trade ( 1 Intel > 1 GP )
This is due to the update to RandomLootGen
-Added a trade to Foxy ( Portable defibrillator > Tetris )
This is to make up for the fact you need it for a quest key trade, you can now do the craft for Defib.
Instead of hunting down a Tetris.
Version 1.0.0
- Meiosis
The Saiga Shotgun Trade bugged the game out.
I couldn't start the game after server restart. I had the gun on me.
Error - "Expected item at location 1" - contact us at the forum
I had to delete the following from profile. Then just for good measure i deleted the Powermag also.
Seems Fixed now
Missing package.json folder.
Meiosis Author
Missing package.json implies that you don't have base files for the mod,
This means you did not download ADVANCED TRADER FRAMEWORK.
You can find more in-depth download instructions on my overview page for this mod at the bottom.