Scav Karma Expanded 4.0.3

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Scav Karma Expanded lets you configure the Player Scav generation to your liking.


Scav Karma Expanded

Scav Karma Expanded adds missing scav karma features to SPT-AKI.

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  • Version 4.0.3

    Compatible with SPT 3.2.0 and later.


    • Fixed black screen after player scav generation

    Full Changelog: 4.0.0...4.0.3

  • Version 4.0.0

    Error for scav karma levels other than 0.


    • Added compatibility with SPT version 3.20 and later.
    • Added modular config system granting easy config management and overview over changes made.
    • Changed the health system to accept direct health value instead of multiplier.
    • Some other stuff currently don't remember.

    Full Changelog: 3.0.2...4.0.0

  • Version 3.0.2

    Compatible with SPT 3.1.1


    • Updated for SPT Version 3.1.1

    Full Changelog: 3.0.1...3.0.2

  • Version 3.0.1

    Compatible with SPT 3.1.0


    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.1.0
    • Added loading info

    Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.0.1

  • Version 3.0.0

    Compatible with SPT 3.0.0


    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.0.0
  • Version 2.3.0

    Compatible with SPT-AKI version 2.3.1



    • Fixed name change of overwritten method in SPT-AKI 2.3.0
  • Version 2.2.0

    Not compatible with SPT-AKI version 2.3.1 (Does NOT break the game).

    The problem is that the function that is overwritten
    in the package.js was renamed to generatePlayerScav



    • Added option to modify health for different scav karma levels. By default off.


    • Updated itemGeneration for scav karma level 6.
  • Version 2.1.1

    Compatible with SPT-AKI version 2.3.0



    • Updated for compatibility with SPT-AKI 2.3.*
  • Version 2.1.0

    Compatible with SPT-AKI version 2.2.*



    • Updated equipment spawn chances for different karma levels
    • Updated modification spawn chances for different karma levels
    • Updated added & removed equipment for different karma levels
    • Updated item generation for different karma levels
  • Version 2.0.1

    Compatible with SPT-AKI version 2.2.*



    • Fixes loadout config for negative scav karma.
  • Has anyone tested this with 3.4.0? Working?

  • Citharus,

    Okay did some initial testing. You have some issues/concerns. Everything was done with a clean new [ (23 Aug 2022) *** add SPT-AKI 3.2.4] user profile and ONLY additional mod [Kiki-ScavTweaks] to allow the SCAV timer to be set to 0 so I could do runs right in a row. Used ONLY your included 0.json.

    1) You have Server Console errors when the [AGS-30 20x29mm automatic grenade launcher] is equiped. This should probably NOT be the value/item for the ["FirstPrimaryWeapon":] in your example 0.json file. Also you start way overweight (68) with carrying it.

    2) The game "hangs" upon end of run if you do NOT have the appropriate "level" .json file. So when I did few runs, and the once the Scav Karma Level/Rep got negative, the game hung. Once I added a -1.json file, it no longer did. So really you need/should have at least the -2 and 0 thro 6 .json files defined and included.

    3) Since your modifying "health":, you should include a disclaimer in the instructions. Modifying health values modifies and changes the actual user profile .json file. And without setting the values back to default, just removing and stop using the mod, will leave your profile with the changed values forever. This is not a problem with your mod, any/every/other mods have the same "disclaimer" in their descriptions.


    1) Why do some values take/accept a value of 1000? Wouldn't 100 be the max?

    2) Will you be updating the Wiki []? It is no longer applicable with the recent changes.


    1st Run:

    Rep: 0.20 - Killed 6 USEC/Bear and exit -> Rep: 0.27


    [Client Request] /client/game/profile/savage/regenerate

    No caliber data for 5d52cc5ba4b9367408500062 - weapon_zid_ags30_30x29, falling back to default -> 5d70e500a4b9364de70d38ce

    Weapon with tpl 5d52cc5ba4b9367408500062 has no magazine or chamber

    [Client Request] /client/items



    2nd Run:

    - Got a AGS-30 20x29mm automatic grenade launcher (*** NO AMMO)

    - *** Could NOT use any food, or equip a grenade, could not drop the weapon, could not loot, could not equip knife????

    Rep: 0.27 - Just DIED (got shot) -> Rep: 0.27


    [Client Request] /client/game/bot/generate

    bot generation failed - unable to find bot with type assault in cache

    unable to find bot assault isPmc: false in cache

    [Client Request] /client/game/bot/generate



    3rd Run:

    Rep: 0.27 - Killed 1 SCAVS and exit -> Rep: 0.26


    NO warning or errors



    4th Run:

    Rep: 0.26 - Killed 3 SCAVS and exit -> Rep: 0.21


    NO warning or errors



    5th Run:

    - Got a AGS-30 20x29mm automatic grenade launcher

    Rep: 0.21 - Killed 4 SCAVS and exit -> Rep: 0.14


    [Client Request] /client/game/profile/savage/regenerate

    No caliber data for 5d52cc5ba4b9367408500062 - weapon_zid_ags30_30x29, falling back to default -> 5d70e500a4b9364de70d38ce

    Weapon with tpl 5d52cc5ba4b9367408500062 has no magazine or chamber

    [Client Request] /launcher/profile/info



    6th Run:

    Rep: 0.14 - Killed 6 SCAVS and exit -> Rep: 0.03


    NO warning or errors



    7th Run:

    - Got a AGS-30 20x29mm automatic grenade launcher

    Rep: 0.03 - Killed 4 SCAVS and exit -> Rep: -0.06

    MAJOR ERRORS and the game locked up gave [Backend error: Request timeout] trying to go back to the main menu

    Had to [Alt][F4] out


    [Client Request] /client/game/profile/savage/regenerate

    Error: Cannot find module '../config/levels/-1.json'

    Require stack:

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\utils.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\generators\CustomPlayerScavGenerator.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\mod.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Container.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\Program.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\ide\ReleaseEntry.js

    1) If you want to compile the package/file into executable, please pay attention to compilation warnings and specify a literal in 'require' call. 2) If you don't want to compile the package/file into executable and want to 'require' it from filesystem (likely plugin), specify an absolute path in 'require' call using process.cwd() or process.execPath.

    Error: Cannot find module '../config/levels/-1.json'

    Require stack:

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\utils.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\generators\CustomPlayerScavGenerator.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\mod.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Container.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\Program.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\ide\ReleaseEntry.js

    1) If you want to compile the package/file into executable, please pay attention to compilation warnings and specify a literal in 'require' call. 2) If you don't want to compile the package/file into executable and want to 'require' it from filesystem (likely plugin), specify an absolute path in 'require' call using process.cwd() or process.execPath.

    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15)

    at Function._resolveFilename (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1955:46)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)

    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)

    at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1855:31)

    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)

    at adjustPlayerScavKarmaSettingsWithKarmaSpecificUserSettings (C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\utils.js:6:22)

    at CustomPlayerScavGenerator.generate (C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\generators\CustomPlayerScavGenerator.js:44:80)

    at ProfileController.generatePlayerScav (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\ProfileController.js)

    at ProfileCallbacks.regenerateScav (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ProfileCallbacks.js)

    Error: Cannot find module '../config/levels/-1.json'

    Require stack:

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\utils.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\generators\CustomPlayerScavGenerator.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\mod.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Container.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\Program.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\ide\ReleaseEntry.js

    1) If you want to compile the package/file into executable, please pay attention to compilation warnings and specify a literal in 'require' call. 2) If you don't want to compile the package/file into executable and want to 'require' it from filesystem (likely plugin), specify an absolute path in 'require' call using process.cwd() or process.execPath.

    Error: Cannot find module '../config/levels/-1.json'

    Require stack:

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\utils.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\generators\CustomPlayerScavGenerator.js

    - C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\mod.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Container.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\Program.js

    - C:\snapshot\project\obj\ide\ReleaseEntry.js

    1) If you want to compile the package/file into executable, please pay attention to compilation warnings and specify a literal in 'require' call. 2) If you don't want to compile the package/file into executable and want to 'require' it from filesystem (likely plugin), specify an absolute path in 'require' call using process.cwd() or process.execPath.

    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15)

    at Function._resolveFilename (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1955:46)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)

    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)

    at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1855:31)

    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)

    at adjustPlayerScavKarmaSettingsWithKarmaSpecificUserSettings (C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\utils.js:6:22)

    at CustomPlayerScavGenerator.generate (C:\NoScan\Games\EFT\user\mods\scav-karma\src\generators\CustomPlayerScavGenerator.js:44:80)

    at ProfileController.generatePlayerScav (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\ProfileController.js)

    at ProfileCallbacks.regenerateScav (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ProfileCallbacks.js)

    [Client Request] /launcher/profile/info

    [Client Request] /launcher/server/version

    • Wow, thank you very much for the report!

      Problem 1:

      I didn't actually mean to include 0.json in the release which is the reason why you get errors when generating a scav with a AGS-30, it only worked for me because I manually added the magazine and ammo to the bot templates.

      Problem 2:

      Thank you again, I didn't realize I forgot to add a check if the file actually exists. I fixed it for the next release.

      Problem 3:

      I set the health for one time to some number and reset it after. In the profile it was also reset so it seems not to be a problem.

      Question 1:

      I think you mean the probability of the whitelisted equipment. In the SPT code a random equipment is picked by multiplying the equipment with the probability and putting it in a list, so if you have one equipment with the probability 100 then there are 100 copys of the equipment in the list but there could also be another 100 other equipment pieces. Maybe probability is the wrong choice of word and its called something else.

      Question 2:

      Yes I will update the wiki but it might take me some time.

  • Is it possible to code the AI scavs to not kill the player when engaging PMCs? I always get targeted even if I just kill PMCs or help the scavs kill PMCs.

    • When you're a scav they won't engage you if you don't attack them

    • Not in my case though, scavs would still go for me even if I just target PMCs. I thought it was my mods but the mods that I could possibly see would affect their behavior are Lua's spawn rework, custom spawnpoints and SPT realism. The rest just affects stuff like food, the flea, recoil, keys, etc.

    • I only play with my own mods at the moment, so I can guarantee this behavior is not caused by Scav Karma. Make sure in the raid settings “scav war” is disabled.

    • Varcolac, then something is wrong with yoursetup. I did extensive testing with this mod, and NEVER did a scav attack me without first being engaged by me, NEVER. This mod directly is NOT the issue.

  • so there is no level presets and i must create them from scratch manually?

    • SPT 3.2.0 added default presents which represent the game pretty good. So i decided to let users chose which things they want to edit and thus making the configs clearer.

    • I don't know how clear the configuration instructions are so please ask if you have problems

  • Yea was here to ask if the mod will be continued or not ?

    • It appears @citharus hasn't replied or commented to anything after Aug 18, 2022. It's a shame. I loved this mod, and can confirm it does NOT currently work with game version (19 Jul 2022) *** add SPT-AKI 3.2.1 and beyond. Still hoping @citharus will at least respond to lets us know if he is planning on updating it.


    • It will be continued and I just published a new version.

      Heart 1
  • Hello. Is it compatible with 3.2.x (3.2.1 or 3.2.2/3.2.3), and/or are you planning on updating it? Thanks

    • Ii updated scav karma to the newest spt version with several improvements. Please let me know if you experience issues with the mod.

  • @citharus, im still on 3.0 and i dont actually see your mod show up in the server?

    • There was a version in which I forgot to add a loading message, maybe you're using this version

    • That could be, im using the 3.0 version.

      the loadouts are so meager at 1.54 karma, and not seeing the load message i was second guessing if it was working or not :p

    • You can change the config to have more and better gear if you want

  • Is it compatible with 3.2 ?

  • Could you please tell me to where should I Put the config folders files? To ./SPTARKOV/BepInEx/config or ./SPTARKOV/BepInEx/plugins folder? :/ Thank you the answer forward!

    • No you don't have to put the config anywhere :S. Just move the scav-karma folder from the zip into user/mods. This is a server mod and thus doesnt use BepInEx.

      Thanks 1
  • SPT-AKI 3.1.0
    Mod citharus-spt-expanded-scav-karma is incompatible with SPT 3.X.X

    • Sorry I used the wrong zip file. Please download again to get the new and correct zip.

      Thanks 1
  • Modloader complains that your 3.0.1 version is not compatible with 3.1.0.

    • Sorry I used the wrong zip file. Please download again to get the new and correct zip.

      Like 1
  • the 2.1.0 link broke

    • You can find the other releases on GitHub

      Thanks 1
  • Afternoon. Love the mod. Will you be updating it for SPT-AKI 3.0.0? Thanks

    • Yes I will update but I might take some time

    • See you just updated it to SPT-AKI 3.0.0. Thank you so much......

  • Download link still throws error 404

    • Sorry, please try again.

  • I keep getting this error message when trying to download this mod -

    • Appears "citharus" has it down, may be updating it......

      Thanks 1
    • Well, I did find some changes made in the github. Here

      Hope it help :)

    • Yeah, I just ended up cloning the GIT into a zip and then putting that folder into my AKI mods folder. I've yet to try it in-game, but I dont get any errors starting up the server, so I assume it'll work just fine until Citharus posts a release via this mod page.

    • I'm so sorry I forgot to actually publish the release... The link works now. Sorry that I only answered so late.

      Thanks 1
  • Citharus, love this mod. Will you ever be able to make it compatible with SPT-AKI version 2.3.1? Is it even possible? Thanks

    • Yes it can be compatible, and I plan to update it as soon as I get my PC working again.

    • Thank you so much

    • I just updated an it should work now! Glad you like the mod.

    • Verified it's working with SPT-AKI 2.3.1. Bumped up all the values in the 1.json thru 6.json level files, and I get lots of starting equipment for the Scav.

      I have 2 questions though...

      1) I never seem to get a flashlight on any gun even though all .json have ["mod_flashlight": 100,].

      2) I'm confused as to what this setting in the config does? I changed it from the default of true to false and I don;t see any difference. What should be expected if setting to false? Just need a different clarification/example maybe. Thansk again

      - removeEquipment

      - Setting removeEquipment tofalse will cancel the removal of gear for your scav

    • For 1:

      The modification modifiers come from SPT itself, so like you, I am not 100% curtain what all does do. But 'mod_flashlight' setting is only relevant if a tactical modification slot is available. It could be that there is some error in the weapon generation from SPT itself, but I have no idea.

      For 2:

      The setting, when set to true, makes it that some gear is removed for some karma levels. For example, when set to true, and you have a karma level of 1 you won't spawn with Tier 3+ Armor.

      If you set it to false, you could spawn with Tier 6 armor and other more valuable equipment.

  • Hey, i have a question. Is there a way to increase scav hp using this mod? In 12.12 bots are terminating me, so i would really like to pump up my chances. Thanks alot

    • In the new version 2.2.0 you can set the multiplier for the health under overwriteHealth in the respective configs. You also have to enable the overwrite in the config/config.json

  • hey i just have a genereal question
    i dont' know why but when i play as a scav i dont seem to lose any rep at all
    Do you know if maybe this is a bug with aki tarkov ?

    • Yes this is a aki tarkov bug

    • ok thanks for the answer
      i was thinking that i fucked too much with configs and it stopped working because of it

  • Hey, I have been given multiple reports that creating new profile with ESK crashes people game:

    • it should be fixed but I cant check because the error did not replicate for me

  • So when i read this "Example: The chance of spawning with a backpack at scav karma level 3 is 31% and at level 6 57%."

    Does that mean my scav will usually spawn with no backpack, or a chance at a backpack related to the level of scav karma i have,

    • The chance of a spawning with a backpack is related to the scav karma level, so with a low karma level you will mostly spawn without a backpack.

      But you can change the chances in the level configs if you fell like its not often enough.

    • do you think you might add more customization to allow backpacks with certain slots like FAIT does for enemy scavs and pmcs?

      and i was reading armorvest, does that mean armored chest rig? or armor as well?

      also great mod so far :)

    • If you mean that your player scav can spawn with bigger backpacks that usually only PMCs have, I just added a feature where you can add different equipment to the equipment pool.

      And ArmorVest includes armored chest rigs as well as regular armor

    • Yeah basically i mean i want the scav to always have backpack, but depending on karma it has a better chance to have bigger backpacks, but the highest the scav would have without good karam would be scav backpack, and the worst being sling, or tbag.

      thats what i meant

    • I like the idea of progressive gear and think its a good idea to implement by default. But you can always add item ids to addEquipment or removeEquipment and set the backpack chance to 100

  • Great mod. Seems to work fine. Questions?

    1) Obviously setting/changing all the "chances": "equipment" and "mods" values to 100 will give the "greatest/max" chance?? (Yes/No?)

    2) What are the max values for the "generation": "items"??? (see below for my guess)

    3) Can you explain how/when the negative.json is "used"???

    "generation": {

    "items": {

    "specialItems": {

    "min": 3,

    "max": 3


    "healing": {

    "min": 5,

    "max": 5


    "looseLoot": {

    "min": 6,

    "max": 6


    "magazines": {

    "min": 5,

    "max": 5


    "grenades": {

    "min": 5,

    "max": 5


    • For 1:

      Setting the chances to 100 guarantees that a item of the category will spawn. So yes

      For 2:

      The max values specify the maximum amount that can possible spawn, while the min value specify the minimum amount that spawns with every player scav.

      For 3:

      negative.json is used when your scav karma is in the negative like -3. Unlike the positive scav karma levels I did not a seperate chances for negative levels.

    • Thanks for the clarification......

  • Can you explain how do they change exactly?
    I didn't understand what the mod does very well, but I do love me some randomness

    Like 2
    • I added the spawn chances to the description for the different levels

    • Oh I see, what I don't understand is doesn't the game already have this system?
      Do your mod adds it, or just modifies it?

    • No SPT doesnt modify the gear of your scav or the chances for special items. AFAIK by default scav karma only affects the scav cooldown.

    • Oh I see, thanks!!