MaidTraiders 1.3.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Little Maid and Nameless Maid now together!

Two new Tarkov merchants:

---Little Maid---

This little maid sells everything that is in the expanses of Tarkov. The price of each item is only 1 ruble!

She buys everything at a high price!

The trader can repair your weapons and armor.

---Nameless Maid---

She sells pharmacy, ammo, weapon base, keys, armor, containers...

To get a crown from a merchant, you need to have lvl 4 of your PMC.

The trader can repair your weapons and armor.

P.S. If you want me to add any item in the future, just write in the comments what item you would like to see. (It is advisable to write the exact name of the item, so that it would be more convenient for me)

Also I can't be sure that the mod won't conflict with other mods.

Below in the picture is a part of the trader's product. (The range is replenished with each update.)

Added repair function without losing durability!

All merchants and repair items repair your items without losing durability!

You can manage merchants!

By default everything is included!

File for setting config.json

"Little Maid":

true Merchant is up and running!

false The merchant is off and not working!

"Nameless Maid":

true Merchant is up and running!

false The merchant is off and not working!


Move the folder from the archive to the mods folder


My example:


  • Version 1.3.0


    Weapon base AK-12, PKM, PKP

    New Ammo

    Thermal imaging sights

    New keys to the Tarkov Street location

    ATTENTION: There are now 2 folders in the archive: MaidTraiders and Twins.

    MaidTraiders are familiar maids

    Twins is a similar trader only with changed names and pictures, for those who ask to change the image.

  • Version 1.2.11

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.6.1

  • Version 1.2.10

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.5.3

  • Version 1.2.9

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.5.2

  • Version 1.2.8

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.5.1

  • Version 1.2.7

    Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.5.0

    Little Maid Without changes

    Nameless Maid Added some items from patch 0.12 and 0.13

  • Version 1.2.6

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.4.1

  • Version 1.2.5

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.2.2

  • Version 1.2.4

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.2.1

  • Version 1.2.3

    Nothing new! Updated for version SPT-AKI 3.2.0

  • i wish this mod was updated

    Thumbs Up 2
  • An update would be appreciated loved using it back then

    Thumbs Up 1
  • hay, yo. Update please:3

  • plans to update to 3.8.0 ?

  • when i buy something from the little maid trader i can only buy one thing because there is a loading wheel that never goes away and cant buy anything else ? Help ? Please

    • Same here. I have to restart my game every time to buy at least one or two things before the load wheel pops up and doesn't allow me to buy any more things.

      Edit: So far, using the Flea Market to access most of the Little Maids goods has worked with no issue.

  • Am I able to change the price of "Little Maid" items?

  • hi , is there a away to hide my overlay pfp on the traders menu ? cuz i cant click to the last to maids the under the pfp overlay is there is fix for this?

    • Search for a mod called "Trader Scrolling", that'll fixes your problem.

    • thx alot <3

  • So how do I enable insurance and returns for Little Maid? I went to the src file and enabled insurance however i am getting an error and no items are properly returned

  • 3.7.3 work?

  • Did you clumsily add a bunch of custom traders and FUCKED yourself from accessing them all?

    Then maybe you should use the Trader Scrolling Mod


  • So I move the folder to "mods" but when i launch the server it says that is missing package.json and idk how to fix this

    • I had the same issue. To fix, I moved the 2 folders "MaidTraiders" and "Twins" out of the downloaded folder and directly into the mods folder.

      This made the traders show up, but now I am dealing with crashes every time I click on the new traders. Using 3.7.0

  • every time i click on the trader it crashes my game

  • Mod (MaidTraiders-1.3.0) is missing package.json is displayed and it does not work

  • Are the "Twins" "Left and right" a part of this mod? I installed and have these two traders in addition to the maids and seem to have the same function.

    • Maid and Twins The same thing, just a different picture and name.

    • how do i disable some things

      also why the f are there these weird whited out suppressors

      6.5x35 and .22LR

  • How do I disable Little Maid from selling on fleamarket?

    • user\mods\MaidTraiders\src open the file LittleMaid.js

      We are looking for 71 lines ragfairConfig.traders[baseJson._id] = true; change to ragfairConfig.traders[baseJson._id] = false;

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Much appreciated big dawg. Work's just as explained

    • I want to do the same but i cant edit the file.

    • You need Notepad++ to edit it.

  • IT WORKS ON 3.7.1 just don't expect to see new items since its not updated for it yet

    • I'm gonna test this for 3.7.1 as well and see if it's true

      Edit: It does work, and it does seem to have the vast majority of the items from the newest version despite not being updated

      Heart 1
    • oh really! i only loaded into the game and saw both traders there! thanks for the info! <3

  • You can use is at 3.7.0

  • wait 3.7.0=)

  • 3.7.0

    You're coming right kanacuriouskanalove

  • 3.7.0 没问题

  • really can't wait for 3.7.0 update

  • If i buy 1 item from the trader, the trader will be bugged and i won't be able to buy anything from it until i restart the game. This isn't an issue with just this trader, this is an issue with some other modded traders. Any idea how to fix it?

    • Here is the console log if it's any help:

      [Exception] : OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.

      System.Convert.ToInt32 (System.Double value) (at <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0)

      TraderClass.GetUserItemPrice (EFT.InventoryLogic.Item item) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.TradingPlayerItemView.UpdateScheme () (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.TradingItemView.UpdateInfo () (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.TradingItemView.method_27 () (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      GClass2908.Bind (System.Action handler) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      GClass789.BindEvent (GClass2908 event, System.Action handler) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.TradingItemView.NewTradingItemView (EFT.InventoryLogic.Item item, GClass2466 sourceContext, ItemRotation rotation, TraderClass trader, TraderControllerClass itemController, EFT.InventoryLogic.IItemOwner itemOwner, EFT.UI.FilterPanel filterPanel, GInterface312 container, EFT.UI.TraderDealScreen+ETraderMode traderMode, System.Boolean canSelect, System.Boolean canDrag, EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.ETradingItemViewType itemViewType, EFT.UI.ItemUiContext itemUiContext, InsuranceCompanyClass insurance, System.Boolean modSlotView) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.TradingPlayerItemView.Create (EFT.InventoryLogic.Item item, GClass2466 sourceContext, ItemRotation rotation, TraderClass trader, TraderControllerClass inventoryController, EFT.InventoryLogic.IItemOwner itemOwner, EFT.UI.FilterPanel filterPanel, GInterface312 container, EFT.UI.TraderDealScreen+ETraderMode traderMode, System.Boolean canSelect, System.Boolean canDrag, EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.ETradingItemViewType itemViewType, EFT.UI.ItemUiContext itemUiContext, InsuranceCompanyClass insurance, System.Boolean modSlotView) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.ItemUiContext.CreateItemView (EFT.InventoryLogic.Item item, GClass2466 sourceContext, ItemRotation rotation, TraderControllerClass itemController, EFT.InventoryLogic.IItemOwner itemOwner, EFT.UI.FilterPanel filterPanel, GInterface312 container, System.Boolean slotView, System.Boolean canSelect, System.Boolean searched) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.GridView.method_4 (EFT.InventoryLogic.Item item, LocationInGrid location, EFT.UI.ItemUiContext itemUiContext, EFT.InventoryLogic.IItemOwner itemOwner) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.DragAndDrop.GridView.MagnifyIfPossible (UnityEngine.Rect rect, System.Boolean force) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.GridViewMagnifier.method_1 (System.Boolean calculate, System.Boolean forceMagnify) (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      EFT.UI.GridViewMagnifier.Update () (at <4c96b4e7c0044a5cb491ffd486c41739>:0)

      UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

      Class311:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

      UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    • I think it has something to do with the trader trying to get the price of mod items in my stash for selling. Im not a modder though, so its just a guess.

    • Nope. That wasn't it. Still having this issue without modded items.

  • I think there is something missing in the mod since, logs post [undefined] when loading mod.

    Not sure if it can cause issues.

  • Item: LittleMaid found in profile that does not exist in items db. You WILL experience errors, this can be due to using an items mod and removing the mod without deleting the modded items from your inventory. DO NOT USE THIS PROFILE. Open Aki_Data\Server\configs\core.json, edit 'removeModItemsFromProfile' to be true. This will allow the server to edit your profile and hopefully remove the bad items

    Item: NamelessMaid found in profile that does not exist in items db. You WILL experience errors, this can be due to using an items mod and removing the mod without deleting the modded items from your inventory. DO NOT USE THIS PROFILE. Open Aki_Data\Server\configs\core.json, edit 'removeModItemsFromProfile' to be true. This will allow the server to edit your profile and hopefully remove the bad items

    any help would be appreciated

    • I noticed this error, I don't know what it is connected with, but the work of the game and the profile does not affect how

  • This is sad i can't download it bc dropbox is blocked on my pc.MrFandor1n Can you make google or yandex link?

  • This mod is incompatible with Definitive Retexture Immersion Project (D.R.I.P.). When both mods are installed the DRIP trader has no inventory. Is there anyway to fix this? Thank you.

  • best mod ever existed

  • 3.6.0 support?

  • i hope you update this to 3.6, i loved this mod

  • I am probably missing something, but there is alot of question marked items. What are their purpose and is there a way to fix the imaging?

    • They're most likely quest items and keys, the Little Maid literally sells everything in the game