kmyuhkyuk's GFL2 Character Skin+Voice 1.0.1

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Your favorite weeb shit is now ported to 3.1.1

I ported kmyuhkyuk's GFL2 Character skin mod to 3.1.1. I bundled the skin and voice together. You might also want to get his skin hide plugin so that the gear skin are hidden.

Like the original mod, this has the skin for UMP-9, Groza, and Charolic. However there is no voice available for the last one.

The same issue of the character skin glow in the dark like a CIA agent still persist in this version and is not fixed.

Let me know if you have any idea and feel free to fork this and fix it yourself. I barely know what I am doing here.

I probably won't maintain this, feel free to port it to future version idk. animecantbebothered

link to the original mod if you are running 3.0.0 or lower


  • please update the mod please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

  • I really want to someone port this to 3.4.1 I wanted to port it myself, but idk how

  • Just have some questions. The voice works for me but the skin is not working.
    Do you know any solutions?

  • this mods works on 3.2.4. But not on 3.2.5. Will you update to 3.2.5 the most recent version?

  • The voice does not work, when loading onto the map it throws an error and the game breaks

  • Would this mod work on SPT Versions 3.2.4? or on 3.2.2 and 3?

  • ok now port Dragon oF Dojima >:D

  • Hello! I'm really glad that you uploaded this mod. Thank you for your hard work!

    • hard work as in changing the name of a couple of interfaces, it's not much

      Thumbs Up 1
    • You are a very modest person. Still respecting your decision to upload it here.

  • I can't choose a right voice. Is that how it's supposed to be?

    • kinda, you need to go to settings then audio and then you can pick the voices. it wont appear from the character selection screen

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey im having a hard time downloading properly. could you give me a "simple" step by step. Im sorry im literally new here. Thanks in advance :)

    • Download mod

      drag and drop into a newly made folder

      right click and "extract here"

      do this for every "7z" file

      drop 3 folders into "user/mods"

      copy and past voice.dll into belp/plug


  • how do I use the head models on an existing profile? can't find it through spt aki profile editor

    • Sorry I think you just have to use a new profile. Although the new head models should be available in the spt-aki editor for the new profile

      Heart 1
    • You can open ...\SPT-AKI\user\mods\kmyuhkyuk-GF2_Character\db\templates\character.json then pick the head you want. For example, "Grozaplayerdormhead11111".

      Open your profile, find the "Customization" line, and replace the string with the head you selected. For example:

      "Customization": {

      "Head": "Grozaplayerdormhead11111",

  • no face - no skin :waiting for fix

  • You may have forgotten to upload the character skin file.

    • Thanks for the reminder, I told you I barely know what I was doing :whatever:

      Will fix immediately...

  • is Kmyuhkyuk not maintaining the mod anymore?

    • I haven't seen him updating the original one, so I took the initiative myself

    • uh, I still will maintain GFL Character and Voice Mod.

      Actually, current AKI version adapt has be done, but update never been upload.

      I want In next update achieve modify original skeleton and add new physics hair bone. But weapon in modify skeleton don't can correctly placed to hand, Cause modify original skeleton meaningless and update shelved. :kannatiredofthis:

      I still thank "cheeribreeki_ivdamke" can ported my mod to current AKI version.:senkosmug:

      (next update won't come soon)

      Heart 3
  • Thank you, cant wait to try this out.