InternalError_'s Color coded prices 1.2.0


Basically you have the items colored by the value they sell for at the fleamarket

  • Been looking for this bad boy for a while! Please consider updating the mod, a must have in my opinion.

  • Cool mod. I recommend adding the following snippet to allow compatibility for MunitionsExpert and ColorCodedkeys:

    if ((item._parent == "5c99f98d86f7745c314214b3" || item._parent == "5c164d2286f774194c5e69fa")
        && config.disableKeys) {
    } else if (item._parent == "5485a8684bdc2da71d8b4567" && config.disableAmmo) {
    Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks for the mod. I'm really interested in trying my own take on a mod similar to this where the JSON is more configurable/with more price brackets.

    • That would be interesting. maybe even scale with player level.