InternalError_'s Modular cases 1.0.0

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A bigger variety of cases to store all of your items

!! Important !!


The utility to create the items is not made by me. It is made by CNN.

I did some adjustments and updated it to 3.4.0 but its his code.

This mod contains new storage cases
- Ammo Case for every caliber

If you have an idea for a additional case, feel free to message me

  • Подскажите, что и как устанавливать?
    Я из вашего архива переношу папку InternalError-modularcases-1.0.0 в user\mods но не чего не происходит. То-есть у торговцев кейсов не появляется.
    За ранее благодарен за ответ

    Tell me what and how to install?

    I move the InternalError-modularcases-1.0.0 folder from your archive to user\mods but nothing happens. That is, cases do not appear for merchants.

    Thank you in advance for your reply

    Google translation

    • Can you verify the following things for me?
      - SPT-AKI 3.4.0
      - Unzipped the archive
      - No error messages in the server console

    • Все верно, ошибок в консоли сервера нет

      Google Translate

      Everything is correct, there are no errors in the server console

      Here in the in-game console during the game, the messages are yellow.

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x51 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x54 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo46x30 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo57x28 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x25 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x18 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x19 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x21 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo1143x23ACP not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo545x39 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo556x45 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x35 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x39 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x39 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo366TKM not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo127x55 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo12Gauge not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo20Gauge not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo23x75 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo40x46 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x33R not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo86x70 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x51 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x54 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo46x30 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo57x28 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x25 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x18 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x19 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x21 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo1143x23ACP not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo545x39 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo556x45 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x35 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo762x39 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x39 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo366TKM not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo127x55 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo12Gauge not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo20Gauge not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo23x75 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo40x46 not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo9x33R not found in item base cache

      Item ammo_case_Ammo86x70 not found in item base cache

    • Okay, thats a bug that im trying to fix. But the cases should still show up at Prapor

    • Removed all mods from user\mods, cleared the cache and registry, launched the game without mods, then exited and returned InternalError-modularcases-1.0.0 back to the mods folder. Launched the game and ammo cases appeared at the Buyer.

      What mods are installed





      In the nutrigame console, the yellow text was not observed

      Heart 1