AT's C.A.R. SMG 3.4

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The C.A.R. (Combat Advanced Round) submachine gun from Titanfall 2.

Install the dependency first!!!!

You can find the gun and its magazine in Prapor's assort. Comes with a holographic sight that can be used with thermals.

This is a weapon mod created by AT. All credits goes to him. I just have the permission for translating his work and upload it here. Language barrier exists so keep in mind that there will only be limited support for this mod.

Only in-game texts are translated. Others such as server log are still Chinese but it doesn't affect the gameplay.

Version 3.4 is only compatible with Aki 3.4.0 or 3.4.1.

Version 3.3.0 is backward-compatible with Aki 3.3.0 to as old to Aki 3.1.0.

Not compatible with KCY - SeeItemValue at the time. But GoneInRoe provided a fix in the comments section if you want to use both mods together.

Expect more weapon mods from AT, this guy is legendary.

Install Guide:

Put the "AT-CAR轮椅枪" folder into "<ur Aki path>\user\mods" folder. Typical server mod procedure.

To uninstall this mod: Remove every item added by this mod from your stash and inventory. Then delete the mod's folder.

Commercial use/distribution of this mod is prohibited.


  • would this work on 3.5.0?? i like the fact you can use the sight with thermals!

    • There is an update to 3.5, but I currently don't have time to port (translate) it. Sorry.

      But if you REALLY want this, I can send you a link of an untranslated and untested one.

    • i could try, see if it works

    • can i have the link?

  • this mod is good thank you but gun is very cheap how can i change gun price for prapor?

    • Open user\mods\AT-CAR轮椅枪\db\traders\54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571\assort.json and scroll to the bottom, you can find the prices there.

    • thank you for your help :)

  • Those who are getting the following error when inspecting the magazine or weapon

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Id')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Id')

    at SeeItemValue.getBestTraderMulti (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:115:22)

    at SeeItemValue.getIdPrice (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:88:45)

    at SeeItemValue.onRequestConfig (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:40:38)

    at Object.action (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:31:33)

    at DynamicRouterMod.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at HttpServer.handleRequest (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\HttpServer.js)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Id')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Id')

    at SeeItemValue.getBestTraderMulti (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:115:22)

    at SeeItemValue.getIdPrice (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:88:45)

    at SeeItemValue.onRequestConfig (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:40:38)

    at Object.action (C:\Games\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0\src\mod.js:31:33)

    at DynamicRouterMod.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at HttpServer.handleRequest (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\HttpServer.js)

    This is because of this mod conflicting with "KcY - SeeItemValue" by CWX.

    So you can either delete the SeeItemValue mod, or you could edit files under "user\mods\AT-CAR轮椅枪\db\templates\handbook" to get it working.

    Open the file "car.json" using notepad.

    Replace "ParentId":"hunkweapon",

    With "ParentId": "5b5f796a86f774093f2ed3c0",

    Open the file "carmag.json" using notepad.

    Replace "ParentId":"hunkweapon",

    With "ParentId": "5b5f754a86f774094242f19b",

    This got rid of the error and got the weapon working with the SeeItemValue mod, however I only tested it so far in the shooting range so I don't know this breaks other things or is a definite fix. Backup your save as I won't take any responsibilities if anything goes wrong lol.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hai, Its saying AT - Car 3.4 is missing package.json

    • You should move the folder inside of it out to the server mod path. In this case the "AT-CAR轮椅枪", not "AT - CAR 3.4".

    • oh crap, sorry i did not check to see if there were a folder inside the folder X( my bad

      Heart 1
    • hmm, I gave up on the mod sadly. I kept getting weird Errors.. First it seemed like it was having issues with InternalError - blackmarketTrader mod but when i removed it. I was still getting an error. No, I dont use the mod KcY-SeeItemValue either..

      List of Mods I have

    • This mod and other mods from AT doesn't have flea market support explicitly, so things releted to it might be incompatible...If you want to remove the mod, make sure your inventory's clear of this mod's items before you remove it, or it's gonna cause issues.

  • The holographic sight doesn't seem to show up for me, is there something I need to do to get that to work?

    • I take it back, it's now randomly working.

    • If the problem persists, please let me know ;)

  • It doesn't work.

    When I try to buy from Prapor, I get the following error.

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at InventoryHelper.getSizeByInventoryItemHash (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.getItemSize (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at InventoryHelper.addItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\InventoryHelper.js)

    at TradeHelper.buyItem (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\TradeHelper.js)

    at TradeController.confirmTrading (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\TradeController.js)

    at TradeCallbacks.processTrade (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\TradeCallbacks.js)

    at TradeItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\item_events\TradeItemEventRouter.js)

    at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\ItemEventRouter.js)

    at ItemEventCallbacks.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\ItemEventStaticRouter.js)

    • Are you running Aki 3.3.0? This is only tested in 3.3.0.

    • 私は3.3.0で遊んでいます。



      すべてのアイテムを削除して mod から削除すると、



    • Sorry, I can't replicate your problem :(

      This is a server mod and should not touch any original file, I deleted the mod and the game runs just fine without the items.

      You probably want to reinstall the mod and delete this mod's item from the stash. If that doesn't work there might be something wrong with your Aki install. But if you have anymore details about this problem, please let me know :)

    • Getting the same error, I think it's a conflict with some other mod but I dunno which

    • Sorry this doesn't work for you. To my knowledge, it shouldn't conflict with small mods like scripts and trader mods, it also works with AIOs. But I can't guarantee compatibility with overhauls or other big mods.

      If you happens to find out which mod is causing this issue or have more details about this, please let me know.

  • Thank you, both ChiNoel and AT! Could you please share the stats of the gun, if possible?

    • Well the stats are just cranked up to 100 ergo and basically has no recoil, to simulate Titanfall 2 feels. Hope this don't disturb you.

      Heart 1
    • Not at all, as it is a weapon from another game, I think it is nice to have it.
      And thank you for what are you doing.
      Have a Happy and peaceful New Year!