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I recently started a run where I don't buy items from traders unless I have to for quests. I like playing the game on the hardest difficulty by literally abusing the AI tweak mods and bot spawning mods to simulate actual pvp. During this challenge, I noticed that even when I had fully stacked armor vests and meds, sometimes I would get 1 hit to the head or chest and certain armor items didn't feel different or satisfying enough, hence, I decided to make this mod.
The main reasoning for these changes is the fact that with the newer versions of SPT-AKI, the bots seem to be running around with top-end ammunition, especially the pmc's/raiders. As someone with over 1k+ hours in online, I found this highly highly inaccurate. Generally, maybe 1-2 people/groups in a game have top-tier ammo and rest are usually running around with ammo that pierce class 3-4 at most. Since higher-grade ammo zeroes armors almost instantly, I generally buffed the durability of certain armors.
The main changes are that morphine and zagustin are now buffed to make them a better alternative to augmentin or Goldenstar balm. They have more uses and morphine lasts slightly longer. (450 from 300 seconds.) Propital, adrenaline and regen stim give more health per second but generally last shorter.
Devtac ronin is hugely buffed. Armor class up to 5 and allows earpieces. More of a niche item to be honest, as I don't see this item on bots anyway. I have maybe seen it once or twice in labs but that's about it. If you can find it, its practically the best armor in the game now, but chances are you won't be able to find it anyway. I was planning on adding it to the bot loot pool but there are too many mods that edit the loot pools that I didn't want any conflicts or overridden code.
Zhuk, hexgrid and slick used to be practically the exact same item, with slightly different effective durabilities and repair costs. Hence, I made the following changes.
Zhuk material type changed to make it more durable and added stomach to the protection zone for hexgrid. Zhuk now lasts about 15% longer in fights, or 1 bullet. Hexgrid now dies off more quickly as it also protects stomach. Slick has not been changed.
Lastly, the osprey armored rigs have been changed to a different material type, giving them about 15% more effective durability. These armored rigs protect the arms as well and bots sure do love targeting your arms from 200 meters with a slug shotgun and pierce both of your arms in 2 shots. I decided to slightly buff ospreys' durabilities to make them truly an endgame-ish armor that doesn't get zeroed through shotgun scavs.
If you need to change anything in the mod, feel free to do so. It is quite straightforward, and the source files are accessible on my GitHub account before you even download the mod so you can take a look around. I have organised the code into something that's readable so you shouldn't have problems editing the code. I most likely won't be altering the code according to the suggestions as the balances I made are perfect for me, however, if someone needs something changed, I will try my best to help them in the comment section.
Version 1.2.1
- Capataina
Updated for 3.5.3
Version 1.2.0
- Capataina
Seems like it works for 3.5.0 as well
Version 1.1.0
- Capataina
Buffed the SJ9 syringe as it's practically useless and almost unobtainable in the base game. Beware though, it's quite OP as I was using it to test modding things. I wouldn't recommend using it. It's practically a mix of morphine, propital, zagustin and sj1.
Buffed some of the heavy armour types to have more durability. Using those is a debuff in itself anyway as most of them have -20%+ movement reduction and turning speed reductions yet they have the same effective durability as armours like slick and zhuk. Made it so that they are now a lot more durable.
As with anything else, everything is accessible in the src.ts file and you can change/delete/edit any of the values I've changed. You can tinker with the mod however you like.
Version 1.0.0
- Capataina
What are your bot spawn settings? You said in your description that you like your SPT to be close to live.
What mod controls your bot spawn amounts and what're your settings for it?
I currently have too many bots spawning.
Capataina Author
I use POOP and SWAG for bot spawns and AI. I have automatic ai adjustments on for the AI tweaks so I don't have to manually change it each time and I practically doubled every setting in swag to have a decent amount of bots. Without increasing the spawn limits, I've found that maps like factory and labs is quite empty.