Steyr AUG 5.56x45mm Assault Rifle 1.3.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Port of the Steyr AUG from the new Tarkov wipe.

Special thanks to the SPT devs for dumping the relevant json files required for these mods to work, and for everything else! <3

Note: This mod is no longer needed if you are running SPT version 3.5.0 or later as the AUG is included by default!


Download the .zip file, extract all, and add the folder MC-AUG to your user/mods/ folder in SPT. Make sure it is just the folder with all of the contents, not a folder with another MC-AUG folder inside of it, else the mod will probably throw an error!

The directory should look like this:


and not this:


To try and use with older versions (potentially 3.1.0 and newer, 3.0.0 and older will definitely not work), make sure to open "config.json" with Notepad, change oldLocales from "false" to "true" (without quotes), save and close the file.

Things not added:

  • Weapon mod compatibilities and conflicts have not been added to other items (not sure if there are any)


If for whatever reason you need to remove this mod, make sure you delete any new items that this mod adds from your inventory before you delete the mod folder!

Let me know if there are any issues!


  • Version 1.3.0

    BSG fixed the AUG's sideways recoil, and now so have I.


  • Version 1.2.0

    Small update - added support for the old locale format, meaning that this mod will likely work for versions 3.2.5 and newer. It might work for versions 3.1.0 and newer, but I am unsure. It definitely will not work for 3.0.0 and older.

    In order to enable compatibility for versions before 3.4.0, open "config.json" with Notepad, and set oldLocales from "false" to "true" (without quotes), save and close the file. No need to change anything if you are using 3.4.X.

    Let me know if there are any issues!

  • Version 1.1.1

    Fixed the Mechanic barter trade - no longer the same as live, 3 x Printed Circuit Boards instead of the new 0.13 barter item the Electronic Components that isn't in the game.

  • Version 1.1.0

    • Added parts and weapons to traders. Should be consistent with live.
    • Added a few other locales. These are all I have access to so apologies if yours is not one of them.
      • I believe they are Chinese, Czech, Mexican-Spanish, Italian, Polish, and Turkish. Plus the original English and Russian of course.
      • Feel free to edit your locale under MC-AUG/database/locales/global if yours is still in English.

    Let me know if there are any issues!

  • Version 1.0.0

  • when i trie to buy it the circle is only spinning and not showing up on peacekeeper, when i buy it and us it and go in to a raid my game freeze and nothing happens anymore .

    • What other mods are you running? Does your server window show any errors? I'd also like you to check your errors.log file in the Logs folder in the main SPT directory after closing the game directly after encountering this issue, if you can.

    • i get no errors only when i buyed and go in a raid it freezes and i need to close the game with tha task manager , a few mods i try to learn the game what makes the game a little easyer for me ,

      SR-2M 'Veresk' 9x21mm Submachine Gun and RSh-12 12.7x55mm Revolver 1.2.0 works for me i make a list what mods i use and type it in here then

    • aio-trader , Gunsmith-reboot ,Insurance plus , joshMate- Better backpacks , JustNuCore , Kiki BiggerStash ,Kiki-ChoseyourSpawn,Kiki.Degration Remover,Kiki Mydterious Keys,Kiki Scav Tweaks,Kiki small Tweaks,Kiki-ZaryaKiller,kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD,MC-Aug,Mc-RSH12,Mc-SR2M,PreyToLive-BetterspawnPlus,Priscilu,Priscilu Special Weapons,Refringe Custom Stamina,Revingly -NLE -1.0.4,ShadowXtrex-BodyBlessings,Snofielf-NVGs,Virtual's Custom Quest Loader,x-ODT-Softcore-0.1.0,zNormalisedBots,zPlatinum-SPTRealismAmmoStats-1.0.0,zzz-LoneSimon-2023WelcomeGifts,zzzTheRedCap-Progression so thats my mods list sry for so many :)

    • Hmm, I see. Well, I'll be honest, I'm not sure what the issue is but it is likely a mod conflict. What I really need to see is your errors.log file from after you get the error and close the game.

    • il try to force it to get an error

  • Is this mod safe to remove when 3.5.0 comes out? Assuming it's patch 13.

    • Yes, my mods use the actual item IDs and such from live Tarkov, so even if you leave them in your profile and boot up 3.5.0 without this mod (as you should of course) you should be fine. Though rumor is you are going to have to wipe your profile for 3.5.0 anyways so I'm not sure it will matter in the end.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • it keeps saying that the aug is locked behind peacekeeper level 1 but only shows on flea is that meant to happen?

    • It should be the same as live, one of the AUG purchases is unlocked at PK level 2 and one at level 3. It can be sold on the flea market so it is always going to show up there.

    • thank you!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I can't add any sight attachment to the gun, when using the A3 receiver. The mount slot shows no compatible options. There's another empty slot towards the end of the barrel but its not labeled so I don't know what it is. Its the spot where the sling/bipod/whatever attaches.

    A fresh install didn't help.

    I should mention I'm having the same problem with your SR-2M mod. A fresh install of that didn't help either. I've double checked the install location and everything seems right, just can't add any sights.

    Nevermind, I'm an idiot. I forgot to check the traders/examine the AUG attachments they offer.

    Heart 1
    • Hmm. Are you adding one of the two rails to the A3 receiver? There are a high and low rail option that you should be able to find when you link search off of the receiver. And that slot by the end of the barrel is for the suppressor I believe.

    • All good, enjoy!

  • the price couldn't be displayed when I click Mechanics shop category (no functions)

    Heart 1
    • Yeah I see that now, let me look into it.

    • Ah yes, that is because that new barter item is not even in the game yet... I will have to replace it with something that is.

    • Fixed, thank you for making me aware of that. See version 1.1.1

  • Hello, would be cool to add the other locales aswell

    Heart 1
    • I'll try to add that to the version with the traders when I get to it, but it could be a couple days.

      Sorry about that, just wanted to get them out there and all the other locales adds more time.

  • Love the mod! I started messing about with the items config as the recoil seemed a bit high relative to the IRL version. One issue I'm trying to fix is the snap towards the right when firing, is there a specific line which adjusts for this? I see it is mimicking the M4, but I'm unable to adjust the horizontal recoil push.

    Thumbs Up 2
    • Unfortunately I am not really sure myself. The numbers come straight from BSG's servers more or less so I believe they intended for it to be that wacky right-snapping recoil. Apologies that I can't be of more help.

      Happy 1
    • All good, just figured I'd ask! I'll see if I can make adjustments. IRL it's a really comfy rifle to shoot off hand, given the compactness and weight distribution etc. If you're grabbing these files though, the GP25 launcher would be great! Guessing that might be more challenging with reloads etc however.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I will attempt to get to that and the M203 but I really can't make any promises at the moment. There are a number of reasons that those launchers specifically might not work in the current SPT version because of the older client itself. I've also hit a wall with the SR-2M a bit which I would have been able to put out by now so it will take more time than I'm imagining most people would like, lol.

      Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • Godspeed for trying! Appreciate the hard work!

      Heart 1
    • Guidelines for adjustments to gun recoil:

      RecoilForceUp: vertical recoil

      RecoilForceBack: visual recoil (how much the gun is pushed backwards)

      * The above values are ▲ recoil increase, ▼ recoil decrease

      Convergence: recoil stabilization speed (auto fire)

      *The above values are ▲ fast stabilization, ▼ slow stabilization

      RecoilAngle: recoil angle (90 is max)

      *The above values are ▲Horizontal recoil decrease, ▼Horizontal recoil increase

      RecolDispersion: Ballistic Dispersion = Spread

      *The above values are ▲Dispersion increased, ▼Dispersion decreased

      Heart 3
  • pog champ right here

    Happy 1
  • Thanks mate, you're a rock

    Happy 1
  • woah8|

    is this mod compatible with SPT-AKI 3.3.0?


    Thinking 1
    • I am not actually sure to be honest. I would assume not, but you are welcome to try it, I just recommend making a backup of your profile first.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • it works for the most part, the names for the aug and all its attachments are a bunch of letters and numbers, and my game started crashing randomly when looking at attachments (not the aug attachments) after i installed this, but other than that it does work

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yeah I think they changed the format of how the text descriptions of things are stored recently and I'm guessing that causes problems. It might be possible to just make a separate version of those locales in the same format as the older loccale format but it isn't something that is high on my list of priorities at the moment.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • @i_touch_kid

      i can make the item names for this mod to display correctly for spt-aki 3.3.0, but i have to edit the locale file in eft server locales folder.

      if you interested and you use English language in game, you can download my edited file and paste it in your aki_data server folder.

      make sure you paste it in this correct folder: Aki_Data\Server\database\locales\global

      and don't forget to backup the old file first.

      mediafire. com/file/u5kx5ejsvi526t7/en.json/file

      maybe i can modify the mod file but it's just too much work since i have to modify and make to many new files. so i pick the easiest path. ^^

      Thumbs Up 3
  • Are you God?

    Happy 1
    • Honestly I believe the SPT devs deserve all the credit here. ^^ I just hope they aren't mad for me stealing their thunder.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • please create revolver and g19.


    Thumbs Up 1
    • Hopefully today for the revolver and/or SR2 but we will see how things turn out.

  • Holy crap, do not use this with SPT Realism, the recoil is so high that it's unusable.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Disabling the recoil changes from SPT Realism helps.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • recoil is dumb anyway,another useles gun from bsg :D

      Thinking 1
    • SPT Realism seems to increase the recoil, going into the database folder for this gun and editing the template to lower the base recoil works fine if you the like the Recoil changed from realism.

  • Amazing, thank you. Works great from the one raid I did with it.

    Happy 1