Manual Flea Price Updater 2.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A mod that is based on Lua's Flea Market, but much more basic and manually-updatable instead of fully automatic.

This mod basically draws live prices from Tarkov.Dev's API. Besides of that, you can add manual prices as well, and the manual prices you add will override the live prices. You can create sets of manual price files and manage them easily to make them suit for your goals.

You guys can drop your ideas, I will add them by time. PLEASE READ README EITHER FROM GITHUB OR README.txt IN GAME FILES

  • Version 2.0.0

    The mod is back, I have no idea if someone already made a mod with the same functions, but here you go. The code is reworked and we are using jsons now. You can create packs of price sets and easily turn off them by taking them out from MyCustomPricePacks folder.

    Thanks to Platinum's The Blacklist mod, it was a good reference for me to do the rework stuff. I recommend y'all to check that mod as well, it can fit better for your goals.

  • Version

    I had to change the Updater's code since it was not able to get prices, it works fine now.

  • Version

    Just added an optional file for no 0 to 10k price change on updater.

  • Version

    The data reader part had an important bug that prevents your additional data to not be readed somehow, so I have done a small change and it seems it is working now.

  • Version 1.0.4

    The non-working updater, the Exe file is fixed. It was not working due to no library with it. It belongs to a new folder now, which is Updater folder. You have to drop the Data.txt it creates to config to update the prices.

    There is an Extras folder now. Which contains ten files of blank loadouts. You can fill them with your manual prices. Currently, it may have some bugs. But let me know if you get encountered with a bug. The files that is in extras are using the empty line format, not the "-" separation like DataAdditional.txt.

    There is BasicDataFiles folder which contains two basic files for manual editing. They are in that folder to not override the user's old data files, if you don't have one from past just drop them to config so the game detects it.

    There is an additional data file, which is RecommendedPrices.txt. It contains my own manual prices which I update according to the tarkov-market. You can give me yours if you want them to be added and they are based on online prices.

  • Version 1.0.3

    Some bugfixes about manual additional prices. AdditionalData.txt => DataAdditional.txt

    IMPORTANT: With the change of the name of additional price file, it's format also changed. Just one "-" will be enough to make the algorithm detect item separation. But it seems like it also works with the old format. For the people who doesn't want to place "-" between items, they can just add NF (No Format) to name of the text file. DataAdditionalNF.txt it should be.

    Reformatted console outputs. Added a couple more code explanations. Made the code a little more optimized.

    Let me know in any case of quality-of-life suggestions, don't be shy if you think the idea of yours is stupid. Because they are usually not, and your ideas will make the mod better!

  • Version 1.0.2

    Bugfix that solves the dollar-euro trade fee bug on flea and adds an additional data.txt file to let the users do their settings in safe.

    1- New Txt file: AdditionalData.txt is for your configurations. You won't need to mess with the Data.txt file which contains 3k items, at least to update the items manually. You can place your custom prices in the format I made, which is:


    id:ITEM ID


    Be careful about the amount of -'s since if you add one less or one more it may go crazy and break the algorithm. Just copy paste, and it will be okay.

    2- Euro-Dollar based trade fee bug: Since the database doesn't have the currencies as data(or something else), I receive their price as 0 rubbles. Which triggers the function that makes all the 0 priced items raise to 10k rubbles, and makes the dollars and euros to reach god-like prices. Fixed that by adding manual prices to AdditionalData.txt

  • Version 1.0.1

    Small changes and some reformatting, classic hotfix after release

  • Version 1.0.0

  • dose this work for 3.8.3?

    • Sorry for my late reply, if you are (or someone else) still having this problem, you just gotta be sure about Package.json exists and is filled up.

      As an extra, you may fix the problem by replacing "AkiVersion" field of Package.json with this:-

          "akiVersion": "3.*.*",
      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey I just got an issue here, when I start the game sever with this mod there's a line says:

    "Skipping loading of Mod: Yakhmets-FleaMarket"

    (while all other mod loading properlly)

    And after I get into the game it seems this mod doesn't work at all (neither the update nor my personal setting)

    • Is there anything about missing dependencies or skipping dependency installation, do you see any text about that when you launch server? Can you check it after reinstalling the mod, please?

      Do you use any other mod associated with Flea Market?

  • how can i use it?

    cant find .exe as they said :/

    • The exe file no longer exists. We were using the exe file to get prices from Tarkov.Dev API's in previous versions, but now it's implemented right in the code. So you no longer need to execute stuff. Just drag and drop the mod and you are ready to go, whenever you want to add your custom prices just follow Readme.txt guide.

      I hope your thinking emoji goes away, It's annoying. Jk jk

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Does this work on 3.5.2? and which .exe do I open, the one in config, or the one on Updater?

    EDIT: It doesnt seem to work, for example, the taiga-1 shows up as it costs 350k lol

    • I'll check it soon, but the price updater is not going to work perfectly. That's because of the database most of the mods using for prices. The tool is supposed to be used to set manual prices on the price gaps by the players, if the problem is in the manual setting part, then it means the mod really doesn't work. In that case I will fix it.

      You have to run the exe in Updater as I remember, but it won't hurt to run both to get the prices from the database.

      Sorry for the late return.

  • And the mod will be on 3.5.0?

    • I will update it as soon as I can. But since the code is pretty basic, it won't be a problem to run 3.4 version in 3.5.0.

  • a case for things costs 9,000 rubles is it a bug?

    • It is a feature I have added for replacing 0 priced items. Since the data is taken from Tarkov-Dev database, some of the prices may be 0 due to no data about the price. So the price updater simply does change the 0 priced to 10k. You can add custom prices from the price files I added to config directory. Some of the rare items may have 10k prices, just add their prices manually.

    • ty for the answer, tell me how to understand what's what? in order to fix?


      id: 5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567


      id: 5447ac644bdc2d6c208b4567

      p: 150202

      id: 5448ba0b4bdc2d02308b456c

    • I figured out how to search for item ids via ctrl+f on…blob/master/items.en.json.

    • Have you fixed the stuff? You should add new lines in RecommendedPrices.txt, and define the ID&Price in the new lines. Pretty much explanations I have done in the comment section and ReadMe.txt files inside the mod.

    • yes, I understand how to change prices. ty

  • And how do I make a bitcoin coin at a flea market cost at least 150 thousand?

    • Steps:

      1- Open RecommendedPrices.txt in mod/config

      2- Start a new line in the file by pressing enter on the end.

      3- Copy and paste this line pack to the new line you created:


      After you restart the server, average price of bitcoin will be 160 thousand rubbles.

      The file should look something like this as format after you have added the lines:

  • Could I suggest please adding an alternate updater to the mod that doesn't append any "10000" prices to the Data.txt for missing items, but just skips them instead? I run the blacklist remover so seeing what should be super expensive items for 10k (and roughly 800 of the entries are, which are a bitch to delete) really screws with the flea. D: The default values included with the server seem to work just fine for those, outliers are far easier to fix than turning all of them to 10k.

    • Done! There is an additional file set that you can change to get no 10k price change. But right now, the database is down so potentially you won't be able to update for a while, just letting you know.

      Heart 1
    • Still appreciated! <3

  • im getting this error :>

    Not always but sometimes

    • Seems like some null offers are staying in the pool, done a small part about skip of null offers. But I didn't encounter with the error during my runs.

      Thanks for the feedback!

    • Maybe you know what is causing it? since it comes randomly and then i need to restart the game .

    • Actually, I have no idea what is causing the error you get. Tried to reproduce it, but I was not successful on that way since mine works fine. If it is not fixed with the latest patch I made, probably not because of the updater.

  • Do i launch exe before Aki server or when server launches?

    • You can run the exe whenever you want before you start the server. It updates the prices of the data file which we use to update the prices of the game. When you launch the server, the mod will take the data out of the prices file that we got by launching the exe and use it on the flea prices.

      So, the steps are:

      1- Launch exe file (You don't need to run it everytime, just launch it when you want to see the prices updated)

      2- Start server

      3- Check the server console to see if the mod works:

      "Work Check

      Items Updated: 2971 (this should be something higher than 2900)

      Additional Items Updated: 4 (this can be anything from 0 to 3000)

      Prices are updated successfully"

      If you see the text above on the server's console you launched, it means the mod works as it should be.

      Note: You don't need to close the game to see the prices updated, you can just restart the server and it'll get the new prices on the game.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I added an additional text file for the people who wants to update the prices based on tarkov online but also wants to keep their specific price configurations. Just add your manual prices to the AdditionalData.txt, and you are okay.

  • Есть ошибка. Кейс SICC стоит 9000 рублей, тепловизионные очки 9300 рублей. Это плохо. Если выдаете вещи на продажу за евро, за комиссию 15 миллиардов рублей. Установили аптечку Ifak за 200 евро — комиссия 15 млрд руб.

    • I am fixing the SICC and Thermal Googles item prices right now. About euros, the game somehow detecting euro as it worths more than 10k, and I will be working on that.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  • There is a bug with it.

    I was charged a fee for over 15 billion(!) rubles for putting a 2 million thing on flee.

    When I switched to Luas, it was 200k or something, which seems resonable.

    Any idea how?

    • scammazed.. that went straight into Yakhmet's pockets

      Happy 2
    • You just been scammazed by the top G on the Flea bruh... Hustlers university taking yo $$$'s.

    • Welp, if you have placed the item I'm gonna check my bank account.

      Besides of the joke part, I am aware of the thing, I am not sure if it's a bug though. If you place item higher than the max price or lower than the minimum price, the fee goes crazy. Since I am new in Tarkov modding, I don't know how I can manipulate the fee costs.

      Would like to get some help about this part if someone knows the solution

  • Excellent mod!

    Just a small suggestion: if you want to stop the warning message on log screen:

    - go to \SPT-AKI\user\mods\Yakhmets-FleaMarket

    - open the file package.json

    - change this line:

    "akiVersion": ">= 3.2.1 < 3.3.0",

    to this:

    "akiVersion": ">= 3.2.1 <= 3.4.1",

    Hope you like it. :thumbup::)

    • Thanks for the contribution! Done it, and will be in the mod on the next update.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • how do i change the prices since when i open tarkovfleam.exe it just closes

    • The exe file gets the prices automatically from the tarkov market database and saves to Data.txt when you launch it. If you want to change prices of specific items, just open the Data.txt file that is right in the same folder, find your item's ID through Item Finder and then change the item's price in the Data.txt file.

      Item Finder: