Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Spawn with a squad of your side, customize them, recruit others while in the raid, and command them on the battlefield.
This mod makes it possible to have bots follow you around and fight alongside you against enemies. You can either spawn with a squad that is customizable through the Config Manager (default F12 key) or recruit others while in a raid.
If you enjoy this mod and would like to show your appreciation you can support me at Ko-Fi!
Version 3.10.0
- pitAlex
- kills made by followers you spawned with (except Goons) will now count for any kill-based quests (quest conditions will be applied to their kills)
- marksman can now switch to the secondary weapon when in close combat - you are responsible for what weapons he has, take note!
- increased the distance the bot will go when using the "there gesture" command to 50 meters
- fixed suppression command not using grenade launcher in some cases
- code was refactored on cover and tactics logic to rely more on the in-game cover system for a more stable build (note: this can make your followers spread out more)
- attempt to fix the run duck bug when transitioning from combat to follow
- resolved some conflicts with the QuestingBots mod
- ping squad now also displays the bot's distance from the player
Version 3.9.6
- pitAlex
- fixed issue with Knight trader not increasing when running with BirdEye or BigPipe
- fixed spawned followers not having secured container so extra ammo could not be added to them
- fixed the "enemy spotted" command not registering the enemy the player saw even if the bot didn't also see it
- updated follower to not throw grenades when the enemy is out of throwing range
- health multiplier now also affects the Goons' health
- added option to increase the display time of the ping team (some key binds will need to be re-assigned)
Version 3.8.2
- pitAlex
- Fixed Team Status and Over There still being heard by the enemy
- Some bug fixes in the Support Tactic related to suppression action
- Improvements on the busy hand's bug detector for followers
- Peaceful Zryachiy will not be considered an enemy until you interact with him
Version 3.7.0
- pitAlex
- !! all server configuration options have been moved into the Configuration Manager, you can now update them through that and they take effect at raid start
- updated Come Here, That Direction and Stop gesture commands where you can now use them to move bots one by one where you want them.
- updated some Phrase commands to be able to be used on individual followers by looking at them. Be careful, bots too close to your view will be picked up, and thus the command will not go for all. Being in bushes can interfere with this or not seeing the bot clearly.
- altered "get back", "cover me", "hold position" and "go go go" voices to always say the same thing instead of going through different phrases in order to bring them closer to what the commands do relative to the followers
- added "On Your Own" command. This will tell bots to stay at a distance (similar to "Get Back"), switch to their default tactic, and no longer prioritize their position and safety during fights. "Cover Me" resets this
- added a field to provide a custom nickname for each follower in the Configuration Manager
- added fields to provide custom uniform (top and bottom) for each follower in the Configuration Manager
- added options for setting custom shortcut keys for Contact and Status Report phrase commands. (This means you can put these 2 on other than just F1-F12 keys)
- added "Raid End Messages" in the config manager to enable/disable messages followers may send at the end of the raid (return loot messages are excluded)
- fixed the issue with long spawn delay that was happening for some people
- attempt to fix follower still getting stuck in healing animation under certain circumstances (still not 100% of the cause or how to replicate)
- altered how the enemy is added to followers as the current method would make followers aware of any enemy position as soon as that enemy made the player his goal target.
Version 3.6.4-beta
- pitAlex
- fixed using bear voices for USECs when englishBear is disabled
- ensure looting bots brain, if present, is disabled when a bot becomes a follower
- enforce followers to have the same side as the player on spawn
- refactor the code that deals with followers using player equipment in order to address some errors
- added flag to turn off enemy marker when reporting status
Version 3.6.3-beta
- pitAlex
Fixed incorrect options positions of squad setup in the configuration manager that 3.6.2 has.
Version 3.6.2-beta
- pitAlex
- followers picked up in raid will now have "assist" tactic. In assist mode, followers do not listen to push or hold commands, they tend to do their own thing.
- added flag to copy player's clothes for squad setup in Configuration Manager
- Extended the distance for which the bot decides to search for a shooting spot during combat (Default tactic only)
- Removed fence level settings that originally were used to force commands to work on bots (before version 3.x.x)
- fixed bug where the follower that was picked up during raid was giving back loot that was given to him (only the squad remembers should do that)
- fixed some bugs in what messages are sent to the user based on if he did not give any loot to a squad member or picked up a follower
Version 3.6.1-beta
- pitAlex
- improvements on how bots push the enemy when conditions are met
- fixed cursed open door command to finally work properly
- made followers appear as friendly in the Dynamic Maps mod
- added a slider for adjusting the report status sound in the Configuration Manager
- the "Hold Position" phrase no longer triggers stay in place when out of combat. It only switches the followers to hold mode.
- made squad skill level relative to the player's skill
Version 3.6.0-beta
- pitAlex
- removed looting bots dependency, this also means you cannot use the loot corpse command anymore but you can now tell bots to pick up loot that is elevated (like on a table)
- reserved the secure container of bots for extra ammo. The secure container of a bot will be used for adding extra ammo for the main weapon. If you create presets that include a secure container, that will be ignored and instead use the default one the bot would spawn with.
- changed "balance" tactic which is now named "default" where bots will look for shooting spots when at a distance from the enemy instead of falling back to holder tactic
- fixed bots not appearing under the same group.
- fixed BEAR still speaking English when englishBear flag is off
- fixed BTR being seen as an enemy to the followers
- changed the squad spawn logic to help deal with an error SAIN was throwing because of not liking that the followers were spawning first
- "Fire" command removed
- "Stop" command removed
- "Hold Position" command updated ( triggers hold tactic if in combat and hold position if out of combat).
- "Stop" gesture triggers hold the position for any follower within 15-meter radius.
- enabled "exit located" command to trigger followers to regroup on the player's location
Version 3.5.1-beta
- pitAlex
Fixed plugin throwing an error because the cfg file was not present at startup.
Improved the cover-to-cover action as well as the regroup command.
pitAlex Author
Please everyone read "Known Issues and Conflicts" before posting a problem.
now my horses oats counts in my stables!

"The "Pause" mod can result in your followers no longer having any footsteps sound."
welp, looks like we pausing the game a bunch of times lol
pitAlex Author
Well I am refering to this mod : Props Pause Updated for 3.10+ and only because I noticed it while using it. If it happens it other cases, must be a different conflict with different mod.
i cant scroll in the uniform selection dropdown and limited to like 4 options for top and pants, is there anyway around this or am i just stuck? thanks
pitAlex Author
You are limited to 4 because you only have 4 things unlocked. You need to actually own the clothes to be able to use them.
Weapons and gears on spawned followers are unlooteble, is this a bug or?
pitAlex Author
No, intended.
Nikropov it possible to change this setting?
pitAlex Author
No, it is intentional. And in the future your gear will actually be used when spawning with followers.
RAWR! no they cant eat my hay!

I would still like to customize this, I use this mod for screenshots and videos, and I don't want to have 1 more profile, plus picking up weapons can be a lifesaver when there is no time to reload
This mod is fantastic! Together with some anime mod I now have two cute anime girl pmc teammate !
Is it possible to customize teammates' faces and voices in the configuration file in future versions? Thank you very much for your works!

pitAlex Author
There are no plans to change the face or voice.
Can you disable the night strader from appearing on the trader menu?
pitAlex Author
Why? You can't unlock the Goons without him.
а откуда им брать патроны?
pitAlex Author
Followers use the secure container that they spawn with for ammo. But only for the primary weapon
so i dont have to give them it?
I may be dumb, but I dont appear to have found information on it, where do I open the configuration?
pitAlex Author
Default F12 key
I know that you have to either have meds in their bags/pockets/rigs...does the same work with ammo i.e. will bots pack their own mags?
pitAlex Author
Followers use their secure container for that which they spawn with. But only for the primary weapon
I've noticed a couple new bugs regarding the goon teammates.
Firstly, at random times, the goons (usually knight & bigpipe) will take an enemy down, and continue to constantly mag dump the corpse, and even after doing different commands like regroup or attention, they sometimes will start running back towards me, only to immediately run back to the corpse and continue to shoot it.
Second, sometimes knight will use incompatible ammo with his gun, and will keep pulling the trigger and hearing the click, and it continuously will pop up a notification on my screen saying that I'm the one using the incorrect ammo, and will not stop popping up until the raid is over.
pitAlex Author
Never seen such bugs. I would put what you have as mod conflicts.
I'm going to assume performance improvements is causing this, ill disable it and see if it continues.
Great mod, however there seems to be quite a big issue with it. Enemy PMCs and SCAVS seem to always target the player, no matter what. One of my squad members can stand litteraly infornt of a scav and the scav will still primarily target me. Theres also been multiple times where an AI scav will run directly past both of my squad mates just to get to me. Also sometimes my teammates will ignore a scav or pmc rushing directly to me, i've died multiple times to my teammates not shooting enemies that run directly past them.
I will list my mods that affect AI, since there could be other mods that cause this:
Please just fight
Questing Bots
Looting Bots
Yes, I noticed this, too. Might it be "Please Just Fight"?
pitAlex Author
To start with, the game will prioritize you. That is just how it is, the player is seen as a higher priority. I think SAIN also adds more weight to this. Doing a quick look at "Please just fight" - conflicts are possible.
Hello pitAlex,
I am having trouble with getting knight onto my friends list. I did the quest where you steal a launcher from Streets of Tarkov. And I he hasn't appeared on my friends list. Do you have any clue what the problem?
pitAlex Author
Knight appears in the list after finishing the first quest unless there is something that overwrites the callbacks of that list.
Do you know what could be overwriting it? Would it be from conflict with another mod?
does the knight trader not work? he used to have items, but now has nothing and i have no quests from him either. i did upgrade to the latest version.
other than that, this mod rocks.
pitAlex Author
Check your standing - going below 0.5 will block trading
Can you make a toggle option to make teammate names visible as well as their distance? I could imagine the HUD being formatted above their heads, something like [BotName, x meters]. Sometimes my team just runs off on their own and come back from the enemy's side, so I end up friendly firing them to death. Might just be a settings/skill issue, but I think it'd be a great feature to add nonetheless.
pitAlex Author
I'll see.
This mod is absolutley wild! Really enjoying it at the moment, great work!
umm.. theres no tutorial or any guide to recruit while in raid ? can anyone tell me how to recruit follower while in raid ?
pitAlex Author
Just walk up to one and say either follow me or double tap Y when you see "Cooperative" at the bottom left.
I personally found the [Squad Commands] section clearly explains all the commands. This author has done a magnificent job in designing and detailing this now "must have" mod. Very few mods have more or better details included in them.
currently having an issue where bot cant pull out gun after healing. they just stay in the frozen healing animation and follow me around
could it be another mod?
pitAlex Author
Just use the fix heal command that you can assign to a key. Yes, other mods can lead to do it, but also the game itself has this problem.
i try using the heal command fix but it only works once then when i hit it again when they freeze it doesnt work
Hello pitAlex. Im currently using version 3.8.2 on SPT 3.9. How do I configure the patrol distance on the On Your Own command?
Many thanks.
pitAlex Author
You should have "Patrol Radius" as a an option in the configuration mananger.
i cannot choose player equipment when selecting squad equipment. i also cannot figure out how to get knight to squad with me
pitAlex Author
Please read Gameplay Guide (…04f47d6a008736ded2759b727) starting from "Dealing with Custom Loadout"
I'm using path to tarkov and I was wondering if there's a conflict with how knight works because of it? He sold somethings maybe once but now he's just sitting in my menu without selling anything.
pitAlex Author
What is your standing with him?
0, How do you gain standing with him?
pitAlex Author
How did you end up with 0? lol. Is he even on your friends list? Or you have not done any of his quests yet? You have to do raids with him (and survive, both of you), that's how standing increases. And on 0.5 the trading is unlocked.
I think I killed him and the goons on customs on my first raid and no he's not on my friend's list. Did I just cuck myself until I reset my profile?
OHHH SHIT I just realized it might because I started the profile as a zero to hero so that could be it?
Is it possible to make the simplest wheel of current and working commands for the mod? So that it could be activated, for example, via the middle mouse button. This would simplify interaction with partners.
pitAlex Author
You can re-bind the gesture menu to the middle button. I think the game's own gesture menu is sufficient enough.
for some reason, my teammate is not shooting at his faction's PMCs, I tried to change the "friendly PMCs" item in the settings, but it didn't help.
pitAlex Author
Are the ones you want them to shoot at, shoot you? If not - that is why. Only those who see you as enemy your teammates see them as enemies in return.
After several raids using the goons on labs, it seems that BirdEye is completely bugged and never moves a muscle. BigPipe & Knight work just fine however.
pitAlex Author
Labs? He will go haywire. BirdEye can pick enemies through walls based on distance. You should not use him on such a map.
I take back what I said, guess I was just unlucky for several raids on labs with birdeye because he seems to be working fine now. Surprisingly, he isn't as cracked as I thought he'd be because alot of the times raiders will just jump out from nowhere and charge straight at me before any of the goons react. Gotta say, the one who helps me out the most in labs is knight, although they still have the dumb reaction of running TOWARDS my grenades instead of away lol.
How do you give the PMCs in your party loot or can you make them loot themselves.
pitAlex Author
There are also commands under the quick gestures (Default Y) which become available when interaction is possible:
Is it only bodies or will they loot duffels too?
pitAlex Author
They do not loot bodies or containers - they pick up stuff. So you need to be looking at an item, not a container.
seems like squad health multipliter doesn't work if you play as scav
pitAlex Author
Yea, it's not for scavs.
hello, quick question, does "same pmc side hostile" bug ? it was enabled but no Usec were shooting me (i'm usec)
i disabled it while in raid and PMC were attacking. restarted the game and they were not attacking. (with option still disabled)
Enabled is supposed to mean they are attacking right ?
pitAlex Author
No, the name changed - you didn't notice in the config manager window? It's "Friendly PMC Side" and its function is different. Basically, now if it's on it tries to force friendly on the same side otherwise it leaves it as per the game with the new pmc karma system.
thanks for the answer, i'm using 3.8.2 version (for spt 3.9.x)
so i don't have "Friendly PMC Side" but "same pmc side hostile".
in this case, if i want usec to be hostile, what should i do ? i tried with on / off but it change nothing, usec appears friendly not matter what.
pitAlex Author
on would make them hostile. But additional mods that touch bots can overwrite that.
edit : i found your answer 200 post below saying it can be ignored, thanks.
thanks. I will make more test to see if it's working.
Btw, with 3.8.2 using spt (fika) 3.9.8 version, i have an error in server console "applicationContext could not find RAID_CONFIGURATION value. Did you restart the server without restarting the game?"
After 2hours of test, it is tied to friendly pmc , and i guess related to fika compared to SPT aki.
is it normal ?
Your mod is incredible, thanks a lot for your work
I just wanted to let you know that it has made my game crash twice in the same scenario.
I only have one follower (spawning with me) and when he dies my game can crash.
He died like 5 times it happened twice at the exact moment of his death. 3 times it did not happened.
I ve made like 20 raids with your mod and so far that's the only issue, Im really having a blast and I'll keep using it even if my game crash sometimes. Just wanted to let you know.
All the best
pitAlex Author
You have to narrow down the cause. You need to take out the existing mods you have until you see the issue going away so the conflict can be revealed.
I never had a crash before I installed this mod, Im pretty sure it's related to the "stuck in death animation bug" but I can't be certain.
It occured twice and that was at the exact moment when my follower died
As I said, it's not that big of a deal and I don't mind, it was more about letting you know it can occur.
So far 10 more raids today, a few follower deaths, and never happenned again.
It's not annoying enough compared to all the good your mod brings to the table, it's all good
pitAlex Author
No, you don't understand. This mod is very sensitive to conflicts. It's not that you have problems, but any mod can cause it to have problems. So you have to take the other ones out to narrow down where the conflict is. Then I can look into it and see if I can resolve the conflict. Otherwise, I can't help.
But what is "stuck in death animation"? Are you referring to the death freeze? That is supposed to be resolved in 3.9.5. If that is still happening to you, it's the gear you give them. It's a combination actually of your gear and their gear and the items that are common between them.
Can confirm, the previous version has medium chance for the follower to have freezing death + gun looping sound upon death, this version just straight up crash the game, i also running fika and on spt 3.10,4
Currently, and when it happenned, we had the exact same loadout.
I have 44 Mods installed so it could be a long process to identify whats wrong as I would have to play several time untill he dies with each time a different mods configuration, Im not sure I'll dive into that to be honest, sorry
i dunno why but some bug i saw on previous ver - sometimes when follower shoots autofire its sound stuck and play constantly, if u kill that bitch sounds stops! RAWR!
pitAlex Author
He was already dead (or stuck in the dying phase), that was part of the death freeze bug with custom equipment.
so what can be done? shall i kill all of them because i have few followers and hard to say which is stuck
pitAlex Author
What? Is it still happening in 3.9.5?
made 1 raid with 1 folower was ok!
Hi! Any idea what might cause the bots to not loot when given the loot command? Mine go up to things and look at it but then just walk away each time.
I do have mod looting bots if that causes any conflict.
Just curious, if you have "Looting Bots" installed, and found an issue with this mod not working with the "looting" command, what happened when you tried it without the "Looting Bots" mod?
pitAlex Author
The mod works with looting bots, I have it installed. Possible reasons are that they are in combat, they have no space to take the item, or the item is not reachable. Best to put it on flat ground where they can walk right above it. Note also that if they rejected it once, it is added to the ignore list so they will not go for it again.
Looks like it was the backpack I was giving them, was from a mod so I think the AI thought it had 0 slots instead of 30.
Can you tell me how to adjust the health of the knight?
They die much more easily than think!
(´・ω・) /つ-o
I've already set the fitness option to 5x!
Sorry for the awkwardness of English!
pitAlex Author
Bosses have fixed health. They are not affected by health multiplier. They are vulnerable in close combat so avoid getting in a situation with them like that.
I tried modifying the boss file of SPT Data, but it didn't work!
If the answer is too much trouble, just tell me which file to modify!
I'll try it myself!
pitAlex Author
That will not work either as I hardcoded their health to 1200 total within the DLL. That is not their default health. So there is no way to change their health.
Thank you for the great mod!
I started playing Tarkov thanks to this mod!