Featured Friendly PMC 3.8.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Spawn with a squad of your side, recruit others while in the raid, and command them on the battlefield.

Spawn with a squad of your side, customize them, recruit others while in the raid, and command them on the battlefield.

This mod makes it possible to have bots follow you around and fight alongside you against enemies. You can either spawn with a squad that is customizable through the Config Manager (default F12 key) or recruit others while in a raid.

If you enjoy this mod and would like to show your appreciation you can support me at Ko-Fi!

  • Version 3.8.1

    • improved awareness during night raids, while using nightvision
    • support now checks if the player is within the blast radius when trying to use the grenade launcher
    • command "team status" is no longer heard by the enemy
    • added a new command "Over There" which works just like Contact but with no voice, just a hand gesture.
    • some bug fixes in the support tactic
  • Version 3.8.0

    • added a new tactic - Support - with this tactic the follower will frequently provide suppression fire. If it has grenades it will use them (SAIN does not affect them) and if has a grenade launcher as a secondary weapon it will use that on its own or when asked to do suppression fire.
    • removed "Player Equipment" as an option for equipment for bots. When clonning player equipment people have reported to have delays in spawn. Because you can simply save your current equipment as a preset loadout - this is removed and you can use that instead.
    • made the "Spread Out" command functional. The bot will run towards some cover when this is executed.
    • updated "Contact" command to now take into consideration any visible part of the enemy instead of just the head and torso
    • all direction commands are now functional (under CONTACT group)
    • "That Direction" has a new function. You can look at something, a maximum 25 m distance, and do the gesture. This will make the nearest bot go there to investigate.
    • "Holder" tactic has been revamped to stop bots from continuously checking for where to place themselves while the player is not moving.
    • scav followers and picked-up followers will turn hostile on friendly fire
    • some improvements on the cover search logic in an effort to reduce the situations where bots end up running in a wall
    • spawned follower's level now affects some of it's skills (PMC only)
    • improved awareness
    • bug fixes
  • Version 3.7.0

    - !! all server configuration options have been moved into the Configuration Manager, you can now update them through that and they take effect at raid start

    - updated Come Here, That Direction and Stop gesture commands where you can now use them to move bots one by one where you want them.

    - updated some Phrase commands to be able to be used on individual followers by looking at them. Be careful, bots too close to your view will be picked up, and thus the command will not go for all. Being in bushes can interfere with this or not seeing the bot clearly.

    - altered "get back", "cover me", "hold position" and "go go go" voices to always say the same thing instead of going through different phrases in order to bring them closer to what the commands do relative to the followers

    - added "On Your Own" command. This will tell bots to stay at a distance (similar to "Get Back"), switch to their default tactic, and no longer prioritize their position and safety during fights. "Cover Me" resets this

    - added a field to provide a custom nickname for each follower in the Configuration Manager

    - added fields to provide custom uniform (top and bottom) for each follower in the Configuration Manager

    - added options for setting custom shortcut keys for Contact and Status Report phrase commands. (This means you can put these 2 on other than just F1-F12 keys)

    - added "Raid End Messages" in the config manager to enable/disable messages followers may send at the end of the raid (return loot messages are excluded)

    - fixed the issue with long spawn delay that was happening for some people

    - attempt to fix follower still getting stuck in healing animation under certain circumstances (still not 100% of the cause or how to replicate)

    - altered how the enemy is added to followers as the current method would make followers aware of any enemy position as soon as that enemy made the player his goal target.

  • Version 3.6.4-beta

    - fixed using bear voices for USECs when englishBear is disabled

    - ensure looting bots brain, if present, is disabled when a bot becomes a follower

    - enforce followers to have the same side as the player on spawn

    - refactor the code that deals with followers using player equipment in order to address some errors

    - added flag to turn off enemy marker when reporting status

  • Version 3.6.3-beta

    Fixed incorrect options positions of squad setup in the configuration manager that 3.6.2 has.

  • Version 3.6.2-beta

    • followers picked up in raid will now have "assist" tactic. In assist mode, followers do not listen to push or hold commands, they tend to do their own thing.
    • added flag to copy player's clothes for squad setup in Configuration Manager
    • Extended the distance for which the bot decides to search for a shooting spot during combat (Default tactic only)
    • Removed fence level settings that originally were used to force commands to work on bots (before version 3.x.x)
    • fixed bug where the follower that was picked up during raid was giving back loot that was given to him (only the squad remembers should do that)
    • fixed some bugs in what messages are sent to the user based on if he did not give any loot to a squad member or picked up a follower
  • Version 3.6.1-beta

    - improvements on how bots push the enemy when conditions are met

    - fixed cursed open door command to finally work properly

    - made followers appear as friendly in the Dynamic Maps mod

    - added a slider for adjusting the report status sound in the Configuration Manager

    - the "Hold Position" phrase no longer triggers stay in place when out of combat. It only switches the followers to hold mode.

    - made squad skill level relative to the player's skill

  • Version 3.6.0-beta

    - removed looting bots dependency, this also means you cannot use the loot corpse command anymore but you can now tell bots to pick up loot that is elevated (like on a table)

    - reserved the secure container of bots for extra ammo. The secure container of a bot will be used for adding extra ammo for the main weapon. If you create presets that include a secure container, that will be ignored and instead use the default one the bot would spawn with.

    - changed "balance" tactic which is now named "default" where bots will look for shooting spots when at a distance from the enemy instead of falling back to holder tactic

    - fixed bots not appearing under the same group.

    - fixed BEAR still speaking English when englishBear flag is off

    - fixed BTR being seen as an enemy to the followers

    - changed the squad spawn logic to help deal with an error SAIN was throwing because of not liking that the followers were spawning first

    - "Fire" command removed

    - "Stop" command removed

    - "Hold Position" command updated ( triggers hold tactic if in combat and hold position if out of combat).

    - "Stop" gesture triggers hold the position for any follower within 15-meter radius.

    - enabled "exit located" command to trigger followers to regroup on the player's location

  • Version 3.5.1-beta

    Fixed plugin throwing an error because the cfg file was not present at startup.
    Improved the cover-to-cover action as well as the regroup command.

  • Version 3.5.0-beta

    Updated squad spawning system where you can now select which equipment preset each squad member can spawn with as well as selecting their tactic.


  • For those having issues, please head over to discord : https://discord.com/channels/8…99922/1276236908451856526 and describe your problem there.

    Heart 2
    • any chance you could re-upload the 3.7.6 compatible version of this mod?? i know i know, update the game, i will soon lol

      currently the drive link is down for older versions:(

    • I do not have the source for pre 3.9 spt.

  • Love the mod so far but is there anyway to not have your teammates run around you giving you hugs?

    • The "Get Back" command increases the follow distance. Or just throw the fist gesture to have them stop in place.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Code
    What could be the problem?

    • Code
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  • Great mod! But I just find that in my case there is only "Default" button when I try to customize their loadout, is there something i missed ?

    • Read the "Gameplay Guide" section of the mod page.

    • Ah, forget my stupid question, everything is just fine now, many thanks

  • Is it possible to make friendlies speak when they run in front of you (distance based) so we don't accidentally shoot them ? They can't take the same paths as players so when they rejoin sometimes if you won a fight they pop up and get shot.

    • Not possible

    • That's fine, I can radio him. Once you implement contracts, it's a different ball game !

  • Thank you so much for the mod! With each update, this mod is getting more awesome. :thumbup:

  • I have had cases where the ai stares into space ignoring sound and other parts of the environment, does anyone know how I can make them more "aware" so to speak? Another issue is that they sometimes fail to engage targets even when having a clear visual, one time ignoring a target shooting at us across an open area.

    • Was it at night ?

    • It was during day, the ai were also equipped with NVGs too so they could see if it was night.

    • With further gameplay, I've noticed cases where friendly AI stare into the ground or at walls, and in cases where they are armed with grenade launchers kill themselves or me. Is it possible they are tracking through objects and for whatever reason falsely engaging what they think is a target?

  • Do you have any plans to add random squad sizes? It would be really cool to have some variation between matches, if it wouldn't be too annoying to implement. Big fan of the mod so far.

  • I'm a bit new to modding, but how do I access that Configuration Manager shown on the gameplay guide?

  • is it possible to have an option for recruits during raids to give loot back to you (mayhaps, just whats in back-pack) or the likes? Because i personally don't spawn with team mates, much prefer finding them in raid. More of a bonding experience.

    • Also, for hardcore reasons, is there an option for making us have to purchase our squadmates equipment/preset? maybe go off the handbook prices...

    • Not yet, but finding them in raid will eventually be the way to increase the squad roster.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I love the squad functionality, but it's affecting my FPS. Is there a way to keep it while reducing the performance impact?

    • have fewer mates. The more you have, the greater the impact. I recommend 2. It is also better for gameplay, you reduce the risk of them clustering together.

  • Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to preset head models and voice lines? I have downloaded some mods related to character models and voices, and I would like to use them. Thank you for your response!

    • It is not planned. Because in the end, the bots you pick up from raids will be your teammates. If you want to personally change them, you can do that in Squad.ts of the server side of this mode, where it is generating follower profiles. Requires some basic coding skills.

    • I understand that the voice aspect might be quite challenging, but I wanted to mention that your mod has the ability to configure the bots' body parts and can utilize the models from my other mods. With that in mind, I believe that the code implementation for the head part could be similar to that of the body part. If possible, I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider adding a configuration option for the head as well.

  • Is it possible to command your friendlies to copy your combat stance when not in combat?

    • It is not an easy thing. You have to manually get them out of that stance too and that opens things to problems.

      Heart 1
  • Could you possibly add an option to have them copy your head as-well? I like to use your bots for outfit showcases :>

    • For your particular case you can edit Squad.ts where it is generating follower profile and make them use the id of your head. Making it an option made things unstable, i tired once.

    • Thank you! I'll definitely do that

  • This is a MASTERPIECE !!!!!!!!!

    here's my idea for the next update !

    Have a contract (choose the trader who sells them) for the friendlies to be hired ! one contract/pmc or price of contract x"N"/PMC !!!

    • It is on the table among other ideas on how to conclude the final phase of the mod.

      Heart 2
    • + a major penalty for friendly kills, double contract $ or time penalty.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Great mod thank you very much creating this!

    Got shot at by their Local Sniper besides having the Beacon, because my PMC Friends tried to light up some snipers.

  • Hey mate, another request that I'm not gonna be upset if declined. Could we get in the mod somewhere that records a counter that increases by insert arbitrary number and saves it to a .json file everytime we kill a friendly PMC. It could be the beginning of a PMC karma system that can be utilised to force custom boss spawning mods like The Punisher or The Legion.

    • Somewhere in the feature maybe as I do want to add a punishment for those who kill their followers for no reason. It will be like "time out" where they will no longer spawn with you for x number of raids.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi Alex! I just pulled the latest changes on the 3.8.0 branch but ran into an issue building the client patch due to missing source files.

    Looks like a new file ItemPatch.cs has been added to the patch folder but it's not present on the repo https://bitbucket.org/pitvenin…src/3.8.0/client/Patches/

    • I think you didn't merge correctly or are behind. Yes, that file was at one point, but then I took it out.

    • Thanks for the confirmation. Looks like when I merged the changes three days ago ItemPatch was still referenced in the code at a certain place. I pulled the two new commits from yesterday and it's working fine now :thumbup:

  • Any more details in the overview for people who just want to leverage the mid-raid recruitment feature for co-op extracts? How's it work? Can you talk down scavs and other PMCs as a PMC and vice versa?

    • You are not seen as commander to those you pick up in the raid. And in the next update is that if you shoot them, they will become hostile. They travel with you, but in fights, it is everyone for himself. Same for scav runs

  • hey pit! is there any chance its possible to add custom loadouts from the players loadout pool to equip on the ai's? just a thought

    • You mean like it's detailed in Gameplay Guide > Dealing with Custom Loadouts ?

    • ah crap yes, sorry boss

  • I cant get scav war to work after installing this mod + dependencies. They dont aggro eachother anymore. Is that expected or did I do something wrong?

    • Yea, you will not. This mod changes how factions work. I think Same PMC Side Hostile also makes scavs fight each other.

    • I see. It all works rather well now that I have a buddy though ^^ he's fckin cracked with the ironsight sks I gave him. Great mod!

  • So im still having an issue with pmc bots spawning far away i've reduced all my donut spawn timers but it still takes like 30s for the pmcs to spawn in.

    • Don't use player or default equipment, use custom presets

  • I have only one issue with his mod, its when the bot gets stuck on something, then shot (In that order, and that specifically), they just run in place. Even when I use the "followertome" command, they just run in a straight line regardless of what is in front of them. I used the heal fix command which didn't change much. Its quite annoying when Im pinned down and all i can hear is my botmate running into the wall like a doofus. THe bot is on marksman behaviour. Really enjoy the mod tho.

    • Running in walls in even in lIve, people complaining about it in PVE.

  • What's the proper way to uninstall the mod? I moved the Bepinex and mods folders elsewhere but now I finish each match with "Unable to locate target reference" followed by a crash.

    • You can always download the zip file and see exactly what files it has so you know which to delete.:


    • Did that, still crashing. I even edited the profile and mod .json to remove the mod, but no change.

    • Then your crash is not with this mod.

  • Any way of saving the inventory and clothing of a friendly PMC in your group upon exfil to a .json file within an array, which will be read from the following raid to spawn that exact PMC and if the PMC were to be killed or told "go on your own" it removes that PMC from the array?

    • Not yet

    • is it a technical limitation or is it something that you've thought of but other things would take priority? Not trying to be pushy BTW I love what you have done here Im just curious

    • I don't have a plan on how to achieve that yet. I am still trying to make the bots themselves more useful.

  • Man, you are a genius! Thanks for all your work!

  • Hi Alex! I'm having trouble joining the Discord server so I had to reach out here. I'm updating my personal fork to catch up with the 3.8.0 branch and noticed the the bot would spawn as if they are using the "default" equipment (randomly generated equipment), even if they are set to use a custom preset.

    I'm suspecting it's caused by https://bitbucket.org/pitvenin…trollerPatch.cs#lines-312

    // generate profile only for bots with equipment other than default or player's equipment
    if (member.Value[1].Value != equipOptions[0] && member.Value[1].Value != equipOptions[1])

    Since you removed the the "Player Equipment" option, equipOptions[1] would point at the first custom equipment preset now. https://bitbucket.org/pitvenin…ient/friendlyPlugin.csF90

    This seems to cause the random equipment issue if I happen to use the 1st custom preset.

    • ok, thanks for the info

  • Is it intended behavior for the bots to attack the BTR?

    BTR doesn't fire back, but it is a bit of an inconvenience because the bots are glued to it and they are firing off shots all over the place.

    • BTR is not set to be enemy. You got conflicts forcing BTR to become an enemy.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • any idea why i am getting this red spam log when starting the client?

    • It can be ignored. I'm not sure why spt gives it if a certain call is made to early, but other than that message, it is fine.

      Heart 1
  • YES ! More customization update ! Can't wait to see if we'll be able to set their heads and voices in the future, great job you're doing here :)

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I am not making this. I do not see the value in it. Especially when in the end, you won't even get to choose how many you spawn with as the only way to increase your roster will be through getting followers while in a raid and extracting with them.

      Plus not all voices have all the phrases and then when it comes to head I would not let you choose boss heads for sure, when I plan to make some bosses available as running mates.

      Crying 1
    • I really like this mod, especially I like the very opportunity to form my squad by name, equipment and clothes. There is a feeling that you are forming your own squad with which you arrive in Tarkov.

      It resembles the movie Raid. I do this before starting a new game. And as soon as an ally is killed, I remove its preset from the player's list.

      Just the same, the only thing missing is the choice of face and voice. (with regard to the voice, you can simply give a choice from the voices of PMCs where there are commands.

      I like your concept for the future, but I'd hate to lose the old ability to create a squad individually. How cool is that: One bot given a bolt gun, a second a m60 machine gun, a third a stormtrooper.

      All in their personal clothing, equipment and individual name. For example, leave this option (optional) . In the framework of logic, it is also quite able: when our character arrives in Tarkov with his squad, and along the way to recruit any comrades in raids if the squad suffered losses.

      If this is possible, I think many users would be happy to have this option to keep the old feature. :)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yes, it's a game within a game! I have spent hours carefully creating presets and customizing the personality for my squad, it is a great pleasure. 8)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I understand what you want, but that is not my approach. You will not lose the ability to personalize their equipment and nicknames. But going as far as changing voices and heads is too much. I did do the voice changing as an experiment and it's very confusing. You don't know who is speaking to who, lines are missing, especially if you start selecting non-PMC voices. And the face... most of the time it's covered up by some mask.
      All the customization that I added was because it eases identifying your team. Voice and head do not improve upon that. And in the end, the follower you pick up will always look and sound as he was originally to maintain the feel that it's the same person. The same will go with bots asking to join (that will be the other way to increase the roster, based on your skill level).

      Crying 1 Thumbs Up 2