Friendly PMC 2.0.0

Turns Usec and Bear bots to be friendly towards the player, provided he is on the same side. In addition, they can also respond to hand gestures such as "come here" which will make them follow you.

Known issue: Usec bots are not always friendly. A number of factors go into what makes a usec bot hostile but it seems related to maps where exusec bots spawn (rogue). People have reported that setting UsecRaidRemainKills to 0 in your profile.json resets their behavior.

Another known issue is that both bear and usec can turn hostile if you encounter them while they're in a fight. This seems to be in combination with how recently they spawn.

Mod params :

sameSideHostile - enables or disables the mod (default false, meaning the same side is friendly)
armband - gives usec bots blue armbands and bears red armbands (default true)

This mod is compatible with AKI 3.8.x

  • Version 2.0.0

    Update for Aki 3.8.0
    In this version, I have also removed all the wave spawn configuration as that has always been something more of personal use and people like to use specific mods for that. Thus this mod will focus on just one thing - making same-side bots friendly. There are 2 parameters now, sameSideHostile and armband. Armband makes the usec bots have blue armbands and bears red. You can disable it in case you want to use the armband mod that offers more option.

  • Version 1.3.3

    This is an update where I tweaked a bit some of the code and also changed things regarding the rogue faction to always be hostile towards USEC and have no "revenge" setting. I've played Customs, Lighthouse three times, Factory, and USEC did not turn hostile for me. Hopefully, now things are stable in terms of friendly USEC.

  • Version 1.3.2

    Added handling for the new flags related to commanding friendly bots: BotApplySilenceChance, BotGetInCoverChance, BotHelpChance, and BotSpreadoutChance.

  • Version 1.3.1

    Updated for 3.7 and now it seems that SAIN no longer conflicts with the "follow me" command making it fully compatible with this mod. Now, what would be cool is if Leonana69 updated his radar so that the color green is for friendly instead of for scavs.

  • Version 1.3.0

    Updated mod to clean up some of the code and sameSideHostileChance (number) with sameSideHostile (boolean). Also added sniperChance(number) to specify the chance of each individual sniper in a map to spawn.

  • Version 1.2.0

    This is an update in an attempt to try to fix the Usec bots being hostile. This makes the rouge bots (exusec) also friendly as that seems to address the issue. At least in my tests in lighthouse, it worked. You also must exit the game and enter back, even clear your "victim" list in your profile to reset them if they start shooting you.

  • Version 1.1.7

    Ensure "exUsec" bots do not have a list of revenge bot types in order to deal with issues where Usec bots become hostile.

  • Version 1.1.6

    Attempt to fix an issue with Usec users having same-side bots turn hostile if they kill a rogue bot.

  • Version 1.1.5

    Version bump to 1.1.5 and remove the setting for "CAN_STAND_BY" as it conflicts with another bot mod.

  • Version 1.1.4

    Fixed an issue with the waveSpreader causing invalid numbers for min/max time for a wave.

  • hi, i noticed that after a lot of time has passed pmcs of my faction attack me for no reason

  • I've been thinking, do you know a way to set Usec to for example spawn always with the white jacket and Bear to spawn always with another easily identifiable jacket to make spotting friendlies easier as the armband mod, and spotting clothing isn't ideal?

    • That would be out of scope for this mod, but it is possible and I am doing it with my personal mods. But my preference can be very different than other people and thus I did not bother to add it to this mod as what I find easily identifiable others might not. For simplicity, you can go to Server -> database -> bots -> types -> bear.json or usec.json and you will find 2 lists "body" and "feet". And these lists contain what clothes the bots can wear. To find out what each id refers to open the game and make your character wear what you want the bots to wear. Save and exit and look up your profile.json on "Customization" for "Body" and "Feet" values. You will want only those ids to be in "body" and "feet" of the json of the bot.

  • I'm just curious, does this mod conflict or work with SAIN, SWAG + Donuts?

  • Don't forget to update the mod page version to 3.8.0 as well!
    Definitely one of the mods I was waiting for :thumbup:

  • Hi, will this mod be updated for spt 3.8.0?

    • This weekend I will get a chance to do it.

      Heart 1
  • Been loving this mod so far! Having friends in the game is really cool. I have noticed I was attacked by a random Bear while I was a Bear. It happened on my 10th game so I'm not sure why. It was at the very beginning and he yelled "SCAV AHEAD!" and proceeded to gun me down. If you know why or of any possible solution it'd much appreciated to know! Thanks!

    • It's some bug in the bot's brain if you come near it when it is engaged in a fight or has recently been in one. The time it spawned also matters from what I noticed, as in, how recently it spawned before it started the fight.

    • Thanks for the reply and insight on how to avoid being shot at by friendly's! I'll be sure to be careful about meeting up PMC's from my side during or after a fight as occurred. Apart from that when ever they just roam around without any interaction they are usually just chillin. Thanks.

  • I play as bear and it seems like I still get attacked by Bear PMCs. Not sure why. It seems like after I kill scavs if I run into Bear PMCs they will attack me. I confirm my kills are scavs so it couldn't be mistaken identity before hand.

    • I get attacked by Bear from time to time too. Seems to be related to if I encounter him while he is in combat. That's on the brain side - can't be fixed.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Can you upload old versions of the mod pls?

  • Can someone tell me the proper installation process?

    • It's like any other mod, to extract it in user/mods/ folder

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi! Does this work as intended if PMCs of the same side (even Bears) attack each other when the "Scav Wars" option is enabled?

    • Don't know - never tried it. If it works, cool, if not, I am not planning to add support for that.

  • Error in bots settings: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent')

    What is it,pls??

    • you have an old config, best to delete and install the latest. It can also be a compatibility issue, are you 3.7.x?

    • i have3.6.1

    • Well, 3.7 has breaking changes, so you cannot use the latest. Use 1.3.0

    • ok,

      I will try it.thx
    • funguje dobře.thx.

      jak to funguje s BETTERSPAWNSPLUS???
  • I'm on 3.7.1, running Realism, Sain, and Swag. I noticed as a USEC, killing a raider/exusec will still cause all usecs from then on to be hostile. I fixed this by setting number of USECS killed(both instances), UsecRaidRemainKills, to zero in the profile.json. I found clearing the "Victim" arrays weren't necessary on the version 1.3.3.

    • UsecRaidRemainKills

      This specific line does not show up in it?

      Can you post the exact lines?

    • I believe he meant the json file for our characters in the profile folder, I found that variable and his setting fixed it.

  • And one more thing: Will there be a function to completely disable damage to allied parties?

  • Is there a mod that highlights allies?

    • can use radar mod

    • Then the enemies will be visible. For example, if I play for BEAR, I will also see USEC

    • The Radar is customizable, you can make all but friendly dots transparent if you do not want to see them on radar

  • For me, this mod isn't working at all, which is strange because it has worked for me before. What's especially weird is, before this mod updated, I had manually set the "samesidehostilechance" or whatever to 0, but that didn't really work either. Must be SAIN?

    • I am playing with SAIN and it works. What other mods you have? Or are you playing as Usec? Usec doesn’t seem to work, they turn hostile randomly.

    • really??? Yeah, I'm a USEC... that's extremely weird.

    • It's because of exUsec bots. You kill one of them, usec acts weird. Also if you are hostile to exUsec, usec acts weird again. Normally you reset that by editing the profile json, where it says "victims" and making it an empty array ( "victims" : [] )

    • Weird... so anytime I kill rouges, I have to reset this?

    • Yes, unfortunately.

  • I get this infinite loading profile error with this mod.

    • What are your config.json settings and what other mods do you have?

    • I have 50+ mods lol. Assuming this may be a conflict then. I'll look into it and let you know.

    • From your screenshot, the issue is with one of the wave settings where the time_max is not a number, but "null". So I would look at things that affect bot waves. You can also disable the wave changes of this mod by setting "spreadWaves" to false as well as "spawnChanges" to false. Perhaps that will avoid the conflicts.

    • I'll look into that. Thank you.

    • Okay, been a bit as I have been working on many things. The mod list is now 120+ but wanted to update you on that I didn't have that issue upon re-adding it.

      Have you had any luck on figuring out the ExUsec issue or have you been trying to figure it out?

  • Awesome mod, looking forward to an updated version, can't play without it.

    Thank you.

  • was wondering if there was a mod or something up similar you know of, to find a team with ai pmcs. or if its even possible because the way the server works with finding a party missing? Would be an awesome concept.

    • I am waiting for AKI to have the latest and then see what SAIN does with the latest AI that according to BSG has a bunch of improvements. Perhaps it will bring that possibility as well.

      Heart 3
  • how does it work? usec does not react in any way to the fact that I wave to him and invite him to the team, at the factory

    • I'm playing for a bear

    • Same side only. So that would be bears that would respond to "follow me" hand gesture as long as you are close enough to them, in their line of sight and they are not engaged in a fight. Activate "can talk", if you have some other mod that controls that so you hear them say "ok" or "no way".

    • I don't know if this is a bug or if I was lucky, I tamed usec in the laboratory, after which another bear joined us, is this how it should work? and they worked together with me exchanged fire and so on

    • I still have the same question, in tarkov on the Y button, he calls them like a brother let's get together? They don't react to it, do I need to show them follow me with my hand? do voice commands work? by the type of cover, push

    • You should read the description of the mod. Bots only react to hand gestures so far. Wait for patch 0.13.5. BSG added voice commands response there.

  • I'm having an issue where 20 minutes into a raid, friendly operators (USEC) turn on me for no reason. I recently threw a grenade at a BEAR pmc, only to have my buddy shoot me in the back.

    I'm playing on 3.5.8 if that matters at all

    • I periodically see this behavior even without this mod. In the settings, I set the aggressiveness of the friendly faction to 0. But still, sometimes friendly operators shoot at me for no reason.

  • Hey! What's the difference between this and SVM's friendly bots? Do they work fine together?

    • Which one is that? The KMC Sever Value Modifier? I don't think that one has a setting to make the bots follow you.

    • That is correct; it doesn't have a setting to make bots follow you but it does have setting to set chances for bots to become friendly, similar to yours from what I understand so I was wondering of potential conflicts if both mods have difference chances to convert a bot to friendly PMC or something.

    • I think the chance is a bad idea. See if you have a chance and let's say out of 5 bears 2 become friendly, then as soon as you shoot any of the other 3, those 2 will become enemies. This is something I learned with mine and I will disable that setting.

  • upd for 3.6.0?

    • Works in 3.6.0

    • really? you can write the version you need to download for 3.6.0, thanks in advance brother. :thumbup:

  • As a BEAR, this mod work normal

    As USEC, for some reason after a few raid they start to being hostile to me like in vanilla

    • Maybe when BigBrain mod is properly documented we will be able to fix that. The issue is in the client files, we can't do anything at the moment.
      Also, not sure if you read the BSG news, but an update is coming if not already (but yet to be in SPT) where bots now accept more commands, even as voice lines not just hand gestures. They were saying other improvements to the AI and those will automatically care over to this mod, but maybe they also fixed things in it. Because the core problem with USEC bots is the rogue faction that can be neutral to USEC somehow mixing things up and making it not work properly. Well, I even had one BEAR attack me after I killed a USEC right in front of him. So the AI is definitely not that great, but friendlies can make good watchdogs as you loot.

  • no idea if its a problem with this mod but when I try get a pmc to follow me they seem to hit and invisible barrier and dont go any further. No clue if its this mod and if youre able to fix that

    thank you for putting in the time to read my bug report thingy idk

    • yea, that "barrier" is called the end of the nav path. It is mentioned in the description, bots will only go as far as the navigation path is in the respective part of the map. Is that what you mean or that they just get stuck and do not move at all?

      Thumbs Up 1
    • yes this is what I mean
      is there a way to increase the nav path?

    • No, it's backed into the map. One would have to alter the map to expand the points.

    • Hey ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!

      (please god let me have the ability to edit maps)

    • Update: I could not find out how to edit the map :(

  • its awesome, but pmcs still killing other pmc even if they on same side, its kinda sad

  • Sorry to bring up another issue, it's been working flawlessly since I switched over to BEAR, but I ran into this issue twice: Upon killing (possibly just attacking?) a USEC PMC while near a BEAR PMC, the BEAR PMC attacks me. I couldn't figure out why a BEAR PMC attacked and killed me the other day, but today when playing there was a BEAR PMC around one corner and a USEC PMC around another. I went up by the BEAR PMC and saw him waiting, so I went around the corner and killed the USEC PMC. I was still in sight of the BEAR PMC and right after killing the USEC the BEAR PMC shouted angry voice lines and shot at me repeatedly. I had good armor on so I didn't die and was able to kill him. I do have POOP, but this happened the first time before I installed that. I have the SAIN, NoAiESP/NoBushESP, Looting Bots, and DrakiaXYZ-Wapoints BepInEx plugins installed as well. They could be affecting it but I figured it'd be worth a shot asking.

    • What's "SAIN"? The rest I have also. I can tell for sure POOP is not causing issues as I made this mod while having that one. There are many things that can affect them. This mod puts flags on that are already available and would switch normally for a scav player having high karma. This is how the game is made and the bot's "brain" is inside the client (the DLLs). Aki is just exposing parameters we can set. So if they act weird, they act weird because of how they are made. We can't do anything about it unless someone wants to go ahead and patch that brain to make it better. I am not experienced with C#.
      For example, I hate the fact that if I shoot one just once, that's it - he turns hostile. Why even have the "friendly fire" voice if afterward, he is in full-on revenge mode? That's BattleState for you.

    • True. And SAIN is just a collection of plugins that really doesn't affect the way AI work, outside of affecting some of their vision, making them play more voice lines, react to flashlights/lasers, and affect how the see grenades, so that probably isn't doing anything. I figured there may not be a clear cut answer but I wanted to check.


  • How can I clear my victim list ? USECbot they shouted for friendly forces and fired at me.

    • in your profile json you have a "victims" (or victim) key which is an array, make that empty, as in []. So "victims" : [],

    • 好的,谢谢你

  • good mod, haven't been able to test the feature where you can get them to follow you though because I either kill them out of panic or they walk away from me before I get the chance to signal them lol

    can you use the voice lines as well as the hand signals to get them to follow you or is it just hand signals?

    • Hand signals only, that's how battle state made the game.

  • What is "miscChanges" paramater in the config file ?

    • if you put it to false it disabled the effects of the changes below it.

  • Hi! I'm on the USEC side for this mod and for some reason, after killing one Rogue that aggro'd on me during a quest, every other USEC PMC outside of Lighthouse is now hostile towards me unless I just create a new profile or wipe my current one. Any fix for this other than starting over? Thank you

    • I'm in a similar boat... I've attempted to force USEC to be friendly prior to this with scripts changing chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent to 0, but haven't had luck other than many many versions ago, probably 2.x, and I assume it's because before that I killed USEC and rogues when they were hostile to me. I removed my scripts and added this mod hoping it would fix things, but the bots acted the same and killed on sight. I tried a mix of what pitAlex and tusyok mentioned below - set Fence standing to 2, delete records of "KilledUsec" from my profile, I tried some factory runs to confirm it did anything but USEC still shoots me on sight. I guess the next thing I'll attempt is to create a new profile and migrate over my stash and progression, but I'm not sure if there's an easy way to do that.

      Tried a new profile to test and that works fine. Just wish somebody knew what caused it on existing ones.

    • Hey so I found the problem on why USEC bots shoot you even if you're on the same side after killing a rogue. In the Aki_Data folder, go to Server, then database, bots, types, then edit exusec.json, find "REVENGE_BOT_TYPES" and remove everything out of 4 results from there (at least in my case, I kept "gifter" there since that's the Santa Scav). Save file and all USEC allies should not shoot you anymore in continuous raids for killing Rogues. All Rogues should still be hostile towards you including Goons but at least USECs will stay friendly afterwards.

    • I am already clearing REVENGE_BOT_TYPES, but you gave me a hint where this value might be getting re-populated after my clearing. Would explain why only Usec players keep complaining about the bots not being friendly. I will check soon.

    • Please get the latest and check if you still have the issue. Remember to revert the changes you made in the server files regarding REVENGE_BOT_TYPES value.

    • Oh... this might just fix it!