Welcome Gifts 390.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.0
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The gifts given by BSG in one place

  • Last Release: v383.0.3 for VCQL 2.0.1
    Release: 07-06-2024

    Bug report WITH LOGS in support thread only. | @ me on discord!

    Support in Support Thread only. Support request in comments will be ignored.

    Known issues:
    - ?

    Before comment, take in consideration the overload of the SPT-HUB.
    Use the SPT Official discord instead

  • Nice for cheesing Zero to Hero runs 10/10 8o

  • doesnt work. nothing shows up in my inventory. how to install just shows you dragging a random user folder and dropping it on top of another random file. kinda useless to have a how to that doesnt explain anything

    • are missions ...

      It's the same procedure indicated in the gif of the pinned post...

      and inside the download is a little guide too

      Is not my issue.

  • I'm constantly looking for mod updates. The guy made the mod and is literally releasing a version to teach the installation. Thanks for your efforts <3

    Heart 1
  • Aki Server says he doesn`t have package.json

    • As I said in the pinned post and in the overview and "how to install" you need virtual custom quest loader o VCQL to use it

  • Is there any way to delete some quests from traders?

    • In this case you can limit the year of the quests.

      In case of, you can edit the quest file and delete the entire {} from the json

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I'm still new to pc in general let alone this stuff. how do i access the gifts in game? I've got the files in the right place but not understanding how to access these??

  • If I may ask, even with the .gif showing you. Do I drop this in under user > mods?

    Or the Bepix > Plugins?

    • This is a server mod not client mod.

      You need the dependency as I said in description/versions tabs

    • Completely fair, I missed that tab thing, I'm not used to the tab system that has different tabs of information.

  • Hello, I can't download the mod. When I click on the link it says page not found
    (Google Translate)

    • Only, why, i'm not ruski 👀

    • Sorry, I can't download the mod. When I click on the link it says page not found

    • O-o .... oh no

      Fixed, thanks

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I currently have Version 376.1.3 installed. If I update to the latest Version 376.1.4. Will I lose something or is it better to start a new game?

      Please advise on installation. First put WelcomeGifts2_Main and then on top WelcomeGifts2_ExperimentalStuff ?

      Thanks in advance

    • The difference between 376.1.3 and 376.1.4 is simply a gift, in the latter the lunar year was added. On the other hand, the system is made to not lose objects between one update and another.

      Regarding _Main and _Experimental... You do not need other mods for Main, and Experimental requires the use of Mod 14.0 CONTENT PREVIEW - GUNS, GEAR,AMMO AND ATTACHMENTS ADDED

      The 2023 Christmas gift is the only one that is separate, due to its content.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Does this mod has it's own quest?

    • Do you mean like other quests? 👀

  • Hi, I have a problem. When I go to the missions tab and then back to the menu, I see the missions and the stash in the background. I can't do anything in the stash anymore. There is also a mission "Factory cleaning II" when I click on it, it freezes as well! Is this due to the Virtuals Quest loader and can I fix it?

    My Stash

  • I don't remember if you had these on the previous iteration of this mod or if it's ever been mentioned but the EFT website has an old article dating from early 2017 about the Emissary and Sherpa gift "packages" being given to forum volunteers.

    Pretty funny little forum anecdote that I found from the Chinese Tarkov community about the Emissaries and Sherpas killing off the folks they're supposed to help.


    Link to article in regards to the two gifts and two accompanying images.

    • I know about these 2 packs, but I need the assort of the exact content to add it, or if someone of they accept the gift in a video to view the exact content

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I'm so confused with the installation... I extract it to my mods folder but it keeps failing to load that it's missing package.json

    • You are confused because you didn't read.

      The mod have a dependency, you need to install it before

      and after, follow the button on the top msg "How Install"

    • @Neolix Pretty sure you have to download Virtual's Custom Quest Loader.

    • To be fair it doesn't say anywhere I need the Virtual's Custom Quest Loader other than on the gif on installation page, but yes, I was missing that mod, thanks and sorry :)

    • @Neolix you're wrong, in the changelog of the mod I say it.


      This mod require to use the latest version of VCQL.


      Thinking 1
    • Ohh my bad sorry

  • Can not get it to work, have done instructions and i am unable to find where to get the gifts - i checked the mailbox thingy but they are not there. How do in receive the gifts?

    • Quests..

    • I was blind- i didnt see the accept/complete button - im new to this game lol

      Happy 1
  • May i ask for update to newer Virtual quest?

  • can you explain like im dumb on how to install the mod cause i have tryed a bunch of things and nothing works and when i put the file in the mods it says its missing json package

    plz help thank you

    • copy user folder from 7z to spt folder.


    • i tryed moving the user thing but nothing happened and im still confused how you got to that point with out the mod file being downloaded cause when i go to download it it sends me to note pad with a bunch of code so i the compressed it and put it in the mod folder but it still does not have the json thing and sorry for being a pain im new to this stuff

    • Oh, you didn't read the how to install tab in the description ....

      You need WinRAR or 7-Zip to uncrompress it

  • Can i receive the gifts a second time ?

    • From the mod? no
      but if you want more stuff, you can check the "cheat codes" inside
      and talk to spt in the chat inside the game

      Heart 1
    • i think you actually can

      by using SPT-AKI Profile Editor and on quest section change their status from success to available for start again

      Thumbs Up 1
  • These are cool but is there any way we can make a fairer version? Like locking them behind level rewards? I just don't want the gifts off the bat how can I make it to where I get the gifts by reaching certain levels in the game?

  • After youve opened the page where you can check all your quests, this page somehow stays on your screen when you open an inventory/stash/dead bodies etc. Does anybody know the solution for this problem?

  • Great!

  • Well done on this massive rework. Congrats!

    Heart 1
  • So... when do the gifts come in?

    Happy 1
    • So to anyone here who is smarter than me, it's in all the Trader tasks tab :')

      *goes and buries self in hole*

      Happy 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • i came here looking for the answer to that problem

      * joins you in the hole ^^ *

      Thinking 1 Heart 1
  • K, so I am having issues trying to figure out how to get all of the gifts. First thing, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, so telling me to copy and paste something to "the root folder" is of no help. Exactly which folder is the root folder? Can't find any folder names that say "root" or "root folder"

  • It would be nice to be able to add the possibility of receiving each gift on a specific date. Not all at once but for example a gift every week. Is this something feasible?

    Anyway thanks for your work. 8)8)


    • In that case you maybe want to use



      The future of the mod will be not in the actual way anyway

    • I already use that mod.... ;);)

      The idea was to stagger the gifts so as not to clog up the stash in one go. Now I collect one gift a week for example.

      it was just an idea


  • ok i feel kinda stupid.

    • wdym by wiping? like i need to create a new profile?
    • is there no other ways? can i not keep my progress and still get the welcome gifts?

    i dont know much about coding but i found on your github page that youve mentioned deleting old gift messages and adding the new dialogs into the profile.json. can i just do that and get the rewards without wiping?

    edit: so i edited profile.json but i fucked up, as in i recieved the some of the gifts but all the messages from all other traders disappeared lol. i hope it would fix itself when i interact with them
    edit 2: after i tried to add advanced end wipe gifts, it started giving me an error :
    "Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum
    In response to An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 8a324f699c473906c9476ff2"

    its all good. had to create a fresh profile as old one was cursed. for some reason tho, even after adding the extra content, i couldnt get 2-3 ones out of all 24:

    • the very first gift from 2018,
    • both appreciation packages from 2020 (one with cash one with loot),

    the rest were added without any issues

  • Getting error when trying to load with this mod:

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: SyntaxError: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.6.1\user\mods\ShadowXtrex-WelcomeGifts-v360.1.2\db\gifts_db.json: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 35827


    SyntaxError: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.6.1\user\mods\ShadowXtrex-WelcomeGifts-v360.1.2\db\gifts_db.json: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 35827

    at parse (<anonymous>)

    at Object.Module._extensions..json (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1173:22)

    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)

    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)

    at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1851:31)

    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)

    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.6.1\user\mods\ShadowXtrex-WelcomeGifts-v360.1.2\src\gifts.js:10:41)

    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1105:14)

    at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1890:32)

  • FYI the links to the download info under section "Content" just 404 error

    • 👀 Thank you I will fix that, but these are not the download links

    • luckily ill still figured it out by myself

  • I got some of the gifts but not them all. How do I get the rest? Be gentle, I have no clue what to do...

    • I can be gentle, yeah, but in the download page I write the instructions 👀

      Quote from Welcome Gifts v360.0.1
      * Vanilla preset AKA 2023 is the default preset now.* Custom dev gift from default preset is not available anymore.
      * The other presets are in _Optional folder. To install the preset enter to the preset folder and copy and replace the content in the root mod folder

      If you want the older gifts you need to follow the 3rd * instructions
      For example _Optional/2019-2023/ copy the content and paste it in the mod root folder, and replace all (if the system don't ask you that you didn't paste it in the root folder

    • Sorry mate, can't get it to work, no worries :thumbup:

  • were some things taken off? The Christmas MK17 isnt in the thing anymore, along with the RD and some others.

    Edit: All the kits from 2022 and lower do not appear in the system to give to me. Confused if this is only me or what.

    • The gifts appear 1 time per profile wiped.

      If you don't want to wipe with the 2023-2019 db, you can add it to your profije.json, the file are in the download site

    • Excuse my stupidity, but how do I do that- Like, add that to my profile or smth...?

    • check dm

    • yep, looking

  • The MDR Kill tube is bugged and starts blinking when i try to equip it