AI Amount & Raid Time Limits

  • Echo55 Hey man, thanks for the response. Yeah, I've used similar mods before but I've started to thin out my mod list by editing the majority of my changes myself considering that there are very few changes that I actually like to make anyhow. It seems most of these mods offer much more than I'm interested in and that it was easier to go the route of making the changes manually.

    That being said, I haven't seen SVM before and that may be worth looking into. Thanks for the recommendation.

  • Echo55 Gave SVM a spin and unfortunately it isn't compatible with FAIT as a good portion of it forces an overwrite on the AI changes of FAIT, regardless of whether they're in play or not.

    At this point, I have all of the changes made that I want short of setting "AI Amount" to medium permanently in the files. If anyone knows where that can be located that would be greatly appreciated.


  • What do you mean it isn't compatible with FAIT? You asked how to change AI amount and raid time. If you tried adjusting things that multiple mods will adjust, then only one is actually taking effect because of load order. Or it doesn't work altogether. Just use FAIT to lower the AI amount and not SVM. Or vice versa. Don't set them both to be enabled and then put different values in each. You can choose to disable spawn/gear/behavior changes while still using FAIT. Same with SVM.

    SVM has the option to set default AI amount to medium at the pre-raid screen if that's what you're talking about. It's under Raid Options>Raid startup settings.

    The people who make these mods have good understanding of how the whole thing works, so they make it simple to adjust values with their mods. If you're struggling with the simple stuff, I would not venture into trying to hunt down and edit game files unless you're willing to deal with breaking your game.

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