Unknown Error on purchase or trade with any vendor

  • As per the title I am experiencing an "Unknown Error" when trying to purchase or trade with any vendor and a "Cannot read property 'StackObjectsCount' of undefined" error when trying to insure any item.

    When trading item for item, the item(s) required for the trade disappear from my inventory, the unknown errror message pops up and the vendors item will not appear in mine. When buying with money nothing happens, I dont lose money and I dont get anything.

    The errors only appear after a few hours of play so I'm not really sure if its a mod problem or not.

    My best guess if it turns out to be a mod problem though is its either something that I have in my inventory or me having too much in my inventory due to kiki-BiggerStash increasing my inventory size beyond standard game limits.

    The fact that it only happens after quite a while into the save makes it hard to test if individual mods are causing it.

  • There is a number of errors in the log, like:


    Item deserialization error: No parent with id 6538d352b90bbc3d2c4af924 found for item 3caba77bbaa7c1c0f3fff536|

    check you profile for items with second GUID (between '...for item' and '|')

    Most likely those are corrupt items that cause issues.

    It could be BiggerStash or any mod that adds new items to the game (maybe you removed any mod that added those items previously)

    Removing items with those ID from profile should resolve the issue, but make backup first

  • Looks like FEi#9 to me. Give the solution there a try.

    Trying FEi#9 doesn't seem to do anything except set all items in my inventory to a value of 1. Nothing about problematic items in the server console.

    Removing items with those ID from profile should resolve the issue

    the item with id 3caba77bbaa7c1c0f3fff536 (the one you took as example) is the only one I could find and was some type of cartridge. Deleting said item seems to have done nothing.

    All error entities with "no parent with id hideout found for item x" do not exist in the save file so I have no idea what those are even supposed to be or where I would even begin looking for them.

    I have not removed any mods at any point.

    I made a fresh save for now and I guess I'll report back in a few hours if something happens

    Edited once, last by Argo ().

  • The information provided in FEI#9 is to give you the ID's that you need to remove from your profile (IE broken items)

    It will still require further work from your part, to remove any found items from your profile.

  • The information provided in FEI#9 is to give you the ID's that you need to remove from your profile (IE broken items)

    It will still require further work from your part, to remove any found items from your profile.

    Yes I understand that.

    No item ID's are listed in the server log though.

    This is why I'm saying that it doesnt do anything besides set prices to 1, which indicates that that part of the replaced code works as it should.

  • OK after going for a walk something has occurred to me. In relation to

    There is a number of errors in the log, like:

    check you profile for items with second GUID (between '...for item' and '|')

    Most likely those are corrupt items that cause issues.


    the item with id 3caba77bbaa7c1c0f3fff536 (the one you took as example) is the only one I could find and was some type of cartridge. Deleting said item seems to have done nothing.

    I notice that it was just the one item that you attempted to remove. Did you go through all the item errors listed in your client log? (as there were quite allot)

    this continues for 56 occurrences.
    Of note, you may have more than one instance of an item id in your profile. It is important to delete all data blocks that reference an ID that you are removing.

  • I notice that it was just the one item that you attempted to remove. Did you go through all the item errors listed in your client log? (as there were quite allot)

    Of note, you may have more than one instance of an item id in your profile. It is important to delete all data blocks that reference an ID that you are removing.

    At first I deleted the one instance of 3caba77bbaa7c1c0f3fff536 that was in my save file, some kind of cartridge with a StackObjectsCount of 30, in notepad++

    I've now tried some additional things like setting its encyclopedia entry to false, changing the stackcount higher / lower but all of that seemingly didnt do anything either so I'm not even sure if these cartridges are actually visible to me in game.

    None of the other item ID's (the ones with the no parent with id hideout error) seem to exist in my save file as I've aleady said in the comment you quoted.

  • None of the other item ID's (the ones with the no parent with id hideout error) seem to exist in my save file as I've aleady said in the comment you quoted.

    If those errors do not come from profile, then they may come from some mod that adds new items to the game. do you have any such mod installed?

  • If those errors do not come from profile, then they may come from some mod that adds new items to the game. do you have any such mod installed?

    I do.

    The mods that I know add new stuff are:

    KCH-VKS, Lirikanas Carriers and Plates and Lirikanas Pockets

    I also have justNU's AdditionalGear which adds some reskins and Ereshkigal's Advanced Custom Weapons which changes some things but I dont know if it adds anything new.

    The other mods like fin's aitweaks and Ereshkigal's configurator are all just qol stuff and I dont think they add anything new.

  • I would personnally try to empty the insured items list from the profile

    The insuredItems list is empty as I cannot insure anything due to the other error I listed in the OP: "Cannot read propety 'StackObjectsCount' of undefined" which is listed in the Server log.

    • Official Post

    Hello ! back at it again, sorry for the delay, try to go to line 24801 and replace this:

    By this part:

  • Hello ! back at it again, sorry for the delay, try to go to line 24801 and replace this with this

    Thank you very much this seems to have fixed it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

    I was able to buy items and insure all my things again after changing those lines.

    May I ask what item that is, if it even is an item ?

    • Official Post

    Simple, according to the errors i directly went into insurance issue part, to make sure it wasn't it, i asked you to check insured items.

    at Controller.insure (D:\Games\Escape from Tarkov SP\Aki_Data\Server\eft-insurance\src\controller.js:306:39)

    Tell us there's an issue with insure scripts, so after make sure it wasn't insurance issue, i went to the first line which is

    at HelpFunctions.payMoney (D:\Games\Escape from Tarkov SP\Aki_Data\Server\eft-helpfunctions\src\helpfunctions.js:361:37)

    So, with the error that tell us something is missing stackobjectcount and the error telling us there's an issue with payMoney function, i guessed that a money stack was missing his stackObjectCount property in your profile.

    I then checked for roubles stacks in your profile, and bingo, found one without a StackObjectCount property, so i just added it!

    There you go ~~

    With this, i'm closing the topic as it's resolved !

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