trap added a new file:
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You can setup the mod configuration in user/mods/Trap-AIO/src/config/config.js
- Raid time extended to 8 hours
- 75% Airdrops chance on all maps
- All items weight divised by 4
- Magazine case weight set to 1 Kg
- THICC weapon case weight set to 2 Kg
- THICC item case weight set to 4 Kg
- Fast magdrill
- More loots (loose loot included)
- Stimulants injectors can be used 3 times
- Examine all items by default (except for keys and cards)
- Keys/cards infinite uses
- Color ammo according to the penetration
- Bigger Gamma secure container (6x6) (except if Trap's Progressive Stash mod is present)
- Bigger Kappa secure container (6x10) (except if Trap's Progressive Stash mod is present)
- Bigger keytool (14x14)
- All cases can be put in backpacks
- Reduced insurance time return for prapor and therapist to 1 hour
- Reduced scav cooldown to 10 minutes
- Can wear MP7-A1, MP7-A2, MP9 and MP9-N in the pistol holster
Flea market
- Disable the BSG blacklist
- All items are sellable on flea
- No durability required to sell an item
- Instant sell
- No fees
- Instant construction time
- Instant production time (except for physical bitcoins)
- Stash vertical size set to 256 (except if Trap's Progressive Stash mod is present)
Bots (disabled since Trap's AIO v3, prefer use SWAG + DONUTS mod)
All AIs bots are easyAIs bots don't use grenades100% chance a PMC is USECConvert 60% of scavs in PMCsConvert 100% of rogues in PMCsConvert 100% of raiders in PMCsMore bots on all maps (2 additional bots per wave)Boss disabled by default in the raid menu