Bitcoin Price Updater

  • wei added a new file:


    Updates your game's bitcoin price using real time BTC-USD data from multiple exchanges.

    Shouldn't require any configuration out of the box - extract, and put it in your user/mods folder.

    Your server logs should log out price changes every 10 minutes with the [BTC] prefix.

  • wei added a new version:



    * config not available after async function runs
    * default config should now be 10 minutes and not 10 seconds

  • wei added a new version:



    • Bitcoin amount multiplier (game says 0.2 BTC, so that's the default)
  • I think other flea market mods are changing the price back to the default price. I don't have access to your mods, so I won't be able to do anything about this. Can someone else double check if their bitcoin flea market price changes?

  • Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    I think other flea market mods are changing the price back to the default price. I don't have access to your mods, so I won't be able to do anything about this. Can someone else double check if their bitcoin flea market price changes?

    I have no other mods for the flea market other than the ability to sell items

  • wei added a new version:



    • Added config to change flea market price for bitcoin (though this depends on load order)


    • folder name so that it fits the standard name-mod structure

  • Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    I have no other mods for the flea market other than the ability to sell items

    OK I've added a config to change the flea market price for bitcoin.

    I can't tell how this might interfere with other flea market mods, and also this depends on load order of the mods.

  • Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    OK I've added a config to change the flea market price for bitcoin.

    I can't tell how this might interfere with other flea market mods, and also this depends on load order of the mods.

    works, thanks a lot

  • wei added a new version:



    • Updated for Alpha 8 pre-release (8.11)
    • Stick to v1.x for Alpha 7 releases
  • Gotta be real the idea seems pretty awesome, but considering how buggy the flea market is I get an issue being completely unable to sell BTC on the market, using the new VeryGery sell mod.

    Instead of trying to find a fix to an external mod, I think it'd be cool if you could change the price for mechanic and therapist.

  • Currently AKI is V 1.0.0-7.3 , the latest non-bleeding edge build, tarkov version

    Using 1.2.0 of your mod since that is the latest version for aki-7
    Therapist buys at 900k(ish) and Mechanic at 700k(ish)

  • Thanks for sharing the Bitcoin price updater file! As someone who dabbles in cryptocurrency trading, this could definitely come in handy.

    I've also been looking into some resources for both crypto and Forex trading. I recently stumbled upon some great professional trading books that have really helped me understand the markets better. They're not just for beginners, either - even experienced traders can learn a thing or two from these books.

    Anyway, thanks again for sharing the file, and let me know if you ever come across any other useful tools or resources for trading. Cheers!

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