No bots/only bosses spawning & failure to extract after update to 3.2.3

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    With 3.2.3 (new hotfix), bots often fail to spawn correctly, my last run on shoreline had only Sanitar+guards and no other bots, despite bot amount being set to high and the difficulty set to "as online". I have only encountered this problem after updating to 3.2.3 - 3.2.2 works just fine and I never had any trouble with bot spawns on that version.

    In cases where this happens I am also unable to extract correctly and have to close the client with Alt+F4.

    I have heard reports that this is due to a bug in the base game itself, but seeing how I have been on the same version of the game I don't really see how that could be the case, on top of the only happening with 3.2.3 - which introduced bot caching. A fix would be appreciated.

    Edited once, last by Janghe21 ().

  • People are saying the main game needs an update for bots to be fixed. The best guess is to wait for BSG to release a new version and to wait for AKI to be updated as well.

    Why does the "main game" need an update to "fix" bots that are actually working fine in 3.2.2 but broke in 3.2.3? The "main game" hasn't broken bots for me, the update from 3.2.2 to 3.2.3 did.

    I don't know what BSG messed up with their servers this time, but the whole point of this project is to not have to use their servers because you're running your own local server. The only thing that changed is my AKI version.

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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