
  • Andrudis added a new file:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Hey again,

    Not usre if this is meant to happen but when I completed the gunsmith part 1 helper task then handed the gun in I got a mail saying that I had failed part 2 but still gave the items as a reward

  • Not usre if this is meant to happen but when I completed the gunsmith part 1 helper task then handed the gun in I got a mail saying that I had failed part 2 but still gave the items as a reward

    Thank you for letting me know! I believe you are using Strict version of Gunsmith Assistant bundle. Fix will be deployed in a few minutes

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • It's ok dude, liking the mod btw, I do have a suggestion with it with the 5.45x39 ammo quests after you've done the first SP round one and you start the next one and where you need to find in raid the SP rounds, I dont think I've ever seen those rounds in a game, couldn't they be made a non FIR part?

  • I updated to the latest version of the Mod and now when I turn in quests I get a endless loading wheel and a "hands are busy" error in my stash.

  • I updated to the latest version of the Mod and now when I turn in quests I get a endless loading wheel and a "hands are busy" error in my stash.

    What was the previous version you updated from?

    Have you started/completed "Polikhim hobo"?

    Did you run "Weapon Expert" bundle before update?

    Did you use any of Alternative bundles?

    What locale do you use? Is it default EN or something else?

    In short - there are some quests started that either do not exist any more or have their QuestId changed. This can be known issue with some vanilla quests like "Polikhim hobo" or some bundles from my mod. You can use Profile Editor to look for such quests and change their status,

    I'll need your client and server logs to investigate further

  • I dont think I've ever seen those rounds in a game, couldn't they be made a non FIR part?

    Thank you for feedback, I'll look into it and maybe change something in quests conditions. Meanwhile you can bypass this by using Ereshkigal-AkiConfigurator -> BoughtItemsFIR and buy problematic items from Flea Market - you will get FiR items you can turn in for quest.

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Another Suggestion I've just remembered is, are you able to check what version the profile has (standard, EOD etc) and hide the storage quests from Warden if you already have the upgrade from your edition

  • I'm getting the same error when I complete any quest from the mod and need to restart my server every time it happens. I'm in the default EN locale with no other quest mods. I believe I accepted the weapon expert quests before the update but I never actually got to completing them. I have all of the main quests done though. Updated from 8.3 to 8.4, and then 9.0 in the past couple hours.

  • I believe I accepted the weapon expert quests before the update

    Ok, did you copy Weapon Expert bundle from \\_AlternativeBundles\\ to \\db\QuestBundles\\? Did you try to rollback to previous bundles? The only possible problematic bundle I can think of right now is "Hideout Assistant" because it had some requirements changed recently - you may want to try to rollback that one.

    Could you please share you logs and/or profile? It is definitely some issue with 1 or more quests missing or having incorrect status and that causes all other quests to behave like that,

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