After updating to the latest SPT-AKI version, the traders prices are all 99999999999

  • Hi all,

    just to give you a tiny overview - I had to do a complete reinstall as my game became corrupted because I made a slight error of deleting the wrong files and I lost all of my data because I forgot to make a back-up (and this time I intend not to make the same mistake twice lol). I took the right steps for installing to the latest version, started the server SUCCESS across the board, made a new account, no infinite loading at the start so all good there. The only issue I have right now is that the traders' prices are all 999999999... and I don't understand why this is happening. Have I done something wrong or is this just what happens?

    Before updating my game however I was able to modify the traders' prices and insurance percentages but I can't seem to do any of that now, if anyone can shed some light on these little niggles I would greatly appreciate it.

    (If I have entered any of the information above wrong I apologise in advance)


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