Kalashnikov Enhanced Modding

  • BALIST0N added a new file:

  • Seems its only the magpul uppers that are broken

    Also I discovered after I restarted my game some of my aks either have duplicated lowers, the uppers are deleted or have weird positioning

    can you disassemble entierly the weapon -> save and restart -> try to reassemble ?

    there is a possible bug due to the fact the mod modify slots on new weapon but if you had some weapon already built on your stash these can create weird things,

    also do you have OTHER mods that modify weapons ?

  • can you disassemble entierly the weapon -> save and restart -> try to reassemble ?

    there is a possible bug due to the fact the mod modify slots on new weapon but if you had some weapon already built on your stash these can create weird things,

    also do you have OTHER mods that modify weapons ?

    confirmed that my aks builds that where made prior to the installation of the mod are bugging out and no I haven't got any mods that modify weapons

  • BALIST0N added a new version:

    MOE's are broken again they have no textures this time.

    the magpul build form peacemaker had doge box but when inspect it MOE is fine, which is weird because if you inspect it MOE itself or attach it to another gun it is bugged

    UPDATE 1

    Only the MOE olive drab variant has textures and is also the only one that's causing doge box to appear on the image when attached to a gas tube

    UPDATE 2

    Seems the other MOE's get their textures when the matching lowers are paired with it and it also seems if for example if you have a MOE FDE lower equipped, the BLACK FDE and OD will show textures however the PLUM and GREY will not

    Edited 3 times, last by El_Gringo ().

  • the doge box picture is because your icon cache has took a "screenshot" of the build before the update, for this you have delete your icon cache again, but i suggest you wait until we fix this texture issue

    speaking of texture issue, we are looking into it, we probably missed something that can break texture, we are sorry for the inconvenience

  • the doge box picture is because your icon cache has took a "screenshot" of the build before the update, for this you have delete your icon cache again, but i suggest you wait until we fix this texture issue

    speaking of texture issue, we are looking into it, we probably missed something that can break texture, we are sorry for the inconvenience

    ok, no problem mate

  • На резерве в чёрном коне на 3 этаже ящик есть. там АК спавнится. и балодоря данному моду он спавнится нерабочим. визуальный баг с цевьём TRAX.....



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