MOAR + Bagels - Ultra lite spawn mod

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Major Release

    • Added difficulty module, POOP-like bot difficulty added!
      PMCS difficulty is now dependent on their level, fear the Chads... laugh at the Timmy's!
      Scavs difficulty progresses as the raid does, just like in live!
    • Rewrote config files, split them into spawning/difficulty settings
    • Added an example folder for ease of copying!

    Let me know what you think!
    And have fun!

  • So far this is the ONLY mod on this site that I can quickly make my game turn into a battle royal mode on maps like Custom, Factory, and Labs. Interchange has been difficult since the spawn zones are so far apart.

    I appreciate the work man, this is the most affective and most simple mod to mess with the AI spawn amount. I have tried messing with SWAG DONUT, BETTER SPAWN PLUS...etc. and it's a giant headache with a crap ton of config files all over the places and when you change the don't even see the differences.

    I DO NEED YOUR HELP, however, so I'm just trying to make maps like Interchange and Streets to be more like an all out warzone.
    A few things that I'm focusing on trying to achieve are:
    - Make PMCs spawn more in groups as in a team of 5 or 4.
    - Make Scavs spawn more in clustered so when they face off against a group of PMC they have more of a fighting chance against gigachads.

    - Trying to have a solution for some kind of "AI despawning" so that on those maps I mentioned, they will only spawn around 1000 meters around my position so that I can see and engage in the action.

    If you can help me pin point some important configs that can achieve that.
    As far as de-spawning, the only thing I know of is the AI Limit mod but I have yet to know if it truly works as intended with your mod.

  • DewardianDev

    Changed the title of the thread from “MOAR Bots - Spawning/Difficulty” to “MOAR - Ultra lite spawn mod”.
  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    The "Moar is less" update:

    • Dramatically simplified all code and configs.
    • Removed all code not related to spawning/waves
    • Built/tested for use with FIKA
    • Maintained all the boss/invasion config options.

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Minor update

    • Adds pmc/scav difficulty setting (0 - 1.5, defaults 0.3/0.5)
      These affect the bots spawned difficulty: easy,medium,hard,impossible.
      Similar to SWAGs setting of the same name.
    • Adjusted waves for all maps, waves should be a lot more consistent in general.
      Factory should be less of a gong-show.

    8) :thumbup:

  • I am curios that config option scavHotZones and pmcHotZones, where I think is it related to these areas will spawn bots right? If so what are the conditions that bots will spawn on these areas? Let's say I want to make bots able to spawn on dormitory when in map customs, by adding the zone in this config will works right? Also is it possible to spawn bots that may camp on extractons?

  • I spent a lot of time in the donuts configs and I realized that their plugin is no good and urgently needs a replacement! (And yes, i explored source code of donuts on Github and had confirmed my mind)

    1. In their plugin, bot despawning only works if an extra bot was spawned. This leads to the fact that at the start, the created snipers occupy the wild slot and are inactive if they are disabled by QuestingBots or AiLimiter, and if they are not disabled, they spend computer resources analyzing the territory where there is no one.

    2. In their plugin, spawn zones are selected by config files, after which the randomizer, without taking into account the large or small distance to the player, randomly selects a spawn point, which can be far or close to the player. On the one hand, it is good when it creates a fight somewhere far away, the atmosphere, but on the other hand, this leads to the fact that the bot can appear too close to the player, and this sometimes happens.

    3. Their plugin does not have the concept of "delay before first spawn". We can't write a config file that "waits 10 seconds, then creates 3 bots every 2 seconds, then turns off or goes into cooldown."

    4. In their plugin, the bot spawn point is selected with a tolerance, which often leads to spawns in water or in a wall. That is, the coordinate is set precisely, but the tolerance is 10 meters, and the enemy ends up behind a fence, where there is no way to get through.

    5. In their plugin, there is no division of "who to spawn". So at the start of the game, I would like to place bosses and snipers on the map, that is, set the "type of bot" to create. As a result, the wave that spawns the starting bots sometimes places wild snipers, and sometimes a group of regular wild ones with a 100% chance. I would like to always have snipers, but I can only do this sometimes.

    6. Would be great to create inventory presets, because Buyanovs bots often stop shooting cause of weapon break or wrong ammo loaded, or even because wrong ammo inside inventory... Also that bots very like to build anti-meta uncomfortable weapons with low ergo and high recoil, because bots almost not affected with it. When you take that weapon - its damaged and constructed by crazy engineer and just unable to use.

    6. Their plugin also likes to ignore MinDistanceToPlayer, and sometimes takes it into account too much. So I want to create a group of PMCs in the distance, and a group of scavs next to them, so that they create the effect of a shootout in the distance. But the limitation does not allow them to be created next to each other. And this is correct, sometimes it is necessary. But it happens that it is not taken into account and then the enemy appears right in front of your nose. I think this is because at the moment when the trigger appeared, the task of which is to create a bot, I was at an acceptable distance. And while the timer was running, I came closer to it and got enemies right in front of my face. It is especially funny to see a respawn inside a two-story dormitory at customs. The trigger is created when I am on the approaches, then I run inside to hide from external enemies and immediately a squad of PMCs comes out of the kitchen, which was definitely not there.

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Major update!!!!!

    • Adds presets (Similar to swag, easy to create your own)
    • Adds STARTING-PMCS setting and presets!
    • Adds "moreGroups" option in the config
    • Fixes a number of small bugs!

    That's all for now! 8) :thumbup:

    Will update wiki soon :/

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Bug fix

    • Fix for morePmcGroups and related presets causing game not to load.

    That's all for now!

    ?( :thumbup:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Fika/Memory optimization update

    • Reduces total memory usage by 1/300th!
      My caching method was using far more memory than needed and I didn't notice until running the update on a dedicated server with 2gb total memory. :/
    • No gameplay changes, may notice a speedier load time on server start/onRaidEnd.

    That's all for now!


  • Hello,

    I really like the mod, especially the beginning of the raids feel very live like! Thanks for the great work!

    However, for me, the later parts of the raids feel a bit empty. So I tried to optimize it a bit for me in the configs.

    I tried to figure out all the config files but after looking at them I was more confused how the spawning works than before.


    What do I need to do to make the presets work? Do I need to copy the code from the preset file into the config file? Or is there another way?

    How can I easily increase the amounts of Bots? I tried to increase "defaultMaxBotCap" but that did not help much as the maximum that I have set is usually not even reached during a raid (I use the raid review mod to check this).

    In an earlier post here in the forum I have read that ""pmcWaveCount" is the amount of PMCs that will be spawned during a raid. So a pmcWaveCount of 7 does not mean that there are 7 waves but 7 PMCs that will be spawned during the waves. Did I understand that correctly?

    I looks like a lot of work was beeing put into setting up the configs / presets, but it would be great if there would be a bit more explanation about how they work to avoid confusion.

  • DewardianDev added a new version:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Small Patch

    • Fixed an issue where the bepinex config wasn't saving when applying custom values on reset.
    • A few small optimizations for an incoming update.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:

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