SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement

  • Solarint added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.5.8. REQUIRES Big Brain Update 0.14 AND WayPoints

    More fixes to avoid bots looking in the wrong direction.
    More fixes to avoid despawned and disabled bots causing errors and weird behavior.

  • Solarint added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.5.8. REQUIRES Big Brain Update 0.14 AND WayPoints

    • Updated for SPT 3.6.0

    Thanks to DrakiaXYZ for helping get this updated while I work on SAIN 3.5.

  • Solarint added a new version:


    The User Customization Update.

    1. Added Presets.
      1. Change any SAIN Config option at the click of a button, share settings easily. Example preset included in Bepinex/Plugins/SAIN/Presets folder. Loading the game with the preset will generate config .json files.
      2. Hundreds of new config options and documentation.
        1. Documentation is incomplete, still WIP.
    2. Revamped GUI.
      1. Default key is f6, and can be changed in the Bepinex Config Menu (f12)
      2. Still WIP, a few visual bugs are present.
      3. Pause the game while in the editor with the config hotkey, or by pressing the "Pause Game" option at the top of the GUI.
      4. Remember to hit "Save" after editing settings for your changes to be exported.
      5. Edit any settings in-game, hitting save sends the changes to bots who have already spawned.
    3. Fixed Blind-fire issues.
      1. Bots will no longer blind fire at weird times, and are less accurate while doing so.
    4. Personality Customization.
      1. Edit any aspect of SAIN personalities in the GUI, with support for custom Personalities! Example custom personality in the SAIN/Presets/Example Preset/Personalities folder.
    5. Reworked No Bush ESP
    6. Fixed numerous rare and not-so-rare errors.
    7. Hundreds of tiny changes all around the code to fix niche issues.
    8. Fixed bots leaning rapidly sometimes.

    Let me know if you find any issues by creating an issue on my Github!

  • The personalities tab seems to be missing a save feature. I have been trying to turn off Chads and Gigachads, but there is no option to save it.

    Ah, its an oversight. If you hit save in the global settings or bot settings, it'll export it.
    Edit: Actually it seems it'll be overwritten on accident. I'll have a fix out today or tomorrow, but you'll need to edit the personality .json files directly and restart your game. By default they are in Bepinex/plugins/SAIN/Presets/SAIN Default/Personalities.

    Edited once, last by Solarint ().

  • Ah, its an oversight. If you hit save in the global settings or bot settings, it'll export it.
    Edit: Actually it seems it'll be overwritten on accident. I'll have a fix out today or tomorrow, but you'll need to edit the personality .json files directly and restart your game. By default they are in Bepinex/plugins/SAIN/Presets/SAIN Default/Personalities.

    Great! Thank you!

  • Solarint added a new version:



    1. Added Global Vision Speed Modifier to Global Settings / Vision
    2. Added Global Faster CQB Reaction toggle to Global Settings / Aim
    3. Added a few new advanced vision settings to Global Settings tab that control bot vision at night, and what time is consider night-time for bot vision.


    1. Fixed Personalty Settings not being saved, added missing "Save" button to tab.
    2. Added more feedback sounds to some toggles.
    3. Fixed disabling a personality not actually doing anything (oops)
    4. Fixed preset being reloaded when opening Home tab.
    5. Added tool tips to "Save" buttons to explain exactly what they do.
    6. Added "Save All Changes" to the top of the GUI.
  • Solarint added a new version:

  • You can adjust the config files yourself if you wish. You can also hit F12, click on SAIN, there will be a check mark that says Open Editor Disabled, click that. You can click around and edit scav aiming, aggression, boss aggression, lots of things to adjust. Just set to your liking.

  • Solarint added a new version:


    This version will only work with SPT 3.6.0 and 3.6.1. REQUIRES Big Brain Update 0.2 AND WayPoints

    1. Reworked Search for bots.
      1. Uses new peeking behaviors. Bots will slow peek around corners.
      2. Bots will be far more cautious when searching for enemies and will hold corners in between moving.
        1. The amount of time they hold a position depends on personality.
        2. Aggressive personalities are more likely to move directly to their search target, and can sprint to it, if they decide to.
      3. Still being worked on and likely needs a few changes.
        1. Bots sometimes "peek" between odd positions
        2. Bots will sometimes lose interest too quickly and start looking around.
    2. Difficulty Presets.
      1. Select from 5 pre-made presets in the GUI. Currently they only edit global settings, but I will continue tweaking and expanding on them in the future.
    3. Revamped GUI.
      1. Simplified and clarified a lot of stuff.
      2. Fixed Visual bugs.
      3. Completely reworked Bot Settings tab.
        1. You can now edit multiple bots and difficulties at once, and compare their values next to each other.
          1. Known issue: sometimes the values you are viewing can extend off the screen if too many are selected at once.
      4. Added Ability to create new presets while in-game.
      5. Added ability to resize GUI from the "Advanced Tab".
      6. Optimizations galore.
    4. More Config Options.
      1. Added a suite of new config options for the those who like to tweak stuff.
    5. And a ton of tiny fixes and changes that are too numerous to list.

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