Reshala spawning with PL-15 and never his golden tt?

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    Alright, so yes I know I have a shit ton of mods but thats what I find fun about spt, anyways the title is exactly what it sounds like, Reshalla NEVER and I mean NEVER spawns with his golden TT, I have tested 10 plus raids and not one time did he have it, all he has is a pl-15 pistol, idk if there is a certain mod that has changed this, any help would be appreciated since it can halt my progression.

  • Realism has an option called "Force Boss Items" in the config, "Bots" section, to make it so boss's spawn with their unique equipment, in this case Reshala's Golden TT, turn that on if you like.

    I noticed that and turned it on, but the weirdest thing is it seems every boss IS spawning with their unique items, except reshala still, I have gotten the golden tt once out of maybe 50 raids with reshala

  • You can change the spawn chance yourself in the bossbully.json file in SPtarkov/AKI_data/Server/database/bots/types.

    The Golden TT looks like its has a spawn chance of 1/7 if these values correlate to exact spawn chance: value/total values.

    This is the holster section at line 112. I am not sure if other mods change the equipment of bots.

  • so ive done this and its done nothing, what value would it be to be 100?

  • I changed my file to the below picture and the next two rounds in a row he spawned with the Golden TT. The items in order of the file if you did not search the ID's on the sptarkov database are:

    113:Golden TT

    114:HK USP

    115: PL-15

    This json file is from 3.5.0(not current 3.5.3) and if you use a mod that changes AI this could also change the loadouts.

  • so ive done this and its done nothing, what value would it be to be 100?

    "5b3b713c5acfc4330140bd8d" is the Golden TT

    You'll want to navigate to 'Aki_Data\Server\database\bots\types' and open up the bossbully.json - Search for 5b3b713c5acfc4330140bd8d - Any value higher than 1 should spawn TT more often than the other ones.

    Try setting it to 55.

    I think each number represents a % chance in this case. Above SecondaryPrimaryWeapons are Primary, and the AK-101 is set to 45, and that's the primary he spawns the most often with. Leading me to believe the values represent a percentage chance of spawning.

  • I fixed it, for some reason the 6193 was set to 5 and not the golden tt, i switched the values and that made it fair chances again.

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