• TorturedChunk added a new file:


    This mod sends you random rewards when you level up and can be used with fresh or existing profiles. Items and amount of items are randomly picked based on the Trader and/or options you configure.

    • For SPT-AKI 3.8.0 : No support will be provided on previous versions.
    • If you are updating, remove all old versions of this mod first. Backup as needed.


    This mod makes a small modification to your profile(s) to track your level vs. last level. It does this by adding LevelRewards.LastLevel to your profile. While I have had zero issues while testing, it is always best to backup your profile if you have concerns. Alternatively, you can use the DontTouchMyProfile config option to write to a separate file (src/lastlevel/PROFILEID_NAME.json). If you use DontTouchMyProfile and later update SPT-AKI or LevelRewards, it would be up to you to also backup the file mentioned so you dont get flooded with rewards when migrating your profile to the new version. Just wanted to give everyone options.

    This mod also runs on a the route of items/moving to check you level and give rewards. Moving items in your stash or buying something will trigger the route and the mod, thus giving your rewards. This is typically only an “issue” when skipping levels as you wont see the messages come through until you move/buy something.


    • Extract/UnZip to folder in your SPT-AKI Directory
    • Configure the mod via Config (Default Config is: ENABLED and is for a relaxed/fun (less hardcore) setup)
    • Launch SPT-AKI


    • For issues, errors or installation problems, please use the support thread. If the comments section is used for these, I will ignore it.


    • 1.2.0 (SPT-AKI 3.8)
      • SPT-AKI 3.8 Compatibility
      • Updated Blacklist
      • Code Rework (LevelBasedRewards (parent work & weighting WIP))
      • Fixed missing levels (again, again)


    • src/config/main.json
      • Mod is ENABLED by default. Recommended options are set by default.
      • Some options have changed, please review to ensure it fits your play style.
    Option Values Description
    LevelRewardsEnabled true false Enables/Disables mod
    EnableGiftItems true false Enables/Disables gift sets.
    GiftItemChancePercentage number The percentage chance you will receive Gifts. Default is 10% of the time.
    EnableSkipLevelRewards true false Enables/Disables rewards for any skipped levels. Mainly for migrating a profile that you never used with this mod and want the rewards from all previously gained levels. Also good for profile editor leveling on fresh profiles (Level 1) to gain rewards for each level skipped starting from level 1. ie. Level 1 manually edited to Level 20 profile will give 19 rewards. I recommend caution when using this depending on how high your level is as it will flood your messages and could cause issues or delays.
    LevelBasedRewards true false (WIP) Utilizes your level to determine what items are available to you. Does not work when LimitRewardsToTrader is enabled. This is a WIP and really just testing right now to see how it balances out. Weighting has been added to assist in the types of items you get, but still WIP.
    RandomTrader true false Enables/Disables Rewards sent from a random trader. System is default if set to false. Locked traders (Jaeger etc.) will be excluded until unlocked. If you have any custom traders the Enum must match base._id to work properly. This is dependent on the trader creator.
    CustomTrader true false Enables CustomTraderId to be used if you have a specifc Custom Trader that you want to give the rewards. Enum must match base._id to work properly. This is dependent on the trader creator.
    CustomTraderId string Enter the Id of the Custom Trader to be used. Only works when CustomTrader is true. Enum must match base._id to work properly. This is dependent on the trader creator.
    LimitRewardsToTrader true false If RandomTrader is true, and this option is also true it will limit the items you receive to the items that the selected Trader offers for sale at your current Loyalty level. Fence will be excluded from the trader list for RandomTrader if this is enabled.
    RewardsFoundInRaid true false Enables/Disables reward items being marked as Found In Raid.
    RewardTimeOutInDays number Sets the timeout in days for you receive the rewards from the trader once they have been sent. Default is 3. Only affects new messages and any current messages with rewards not claimed will have the original timeout if this is changed.
    DontTouchMyProfile true false If enabled, it will not modify your profile to track your last level reward and instead write to a new file (src/lastlevel/PROFILEID_NAME.json). Enable this if you have any concerns about the mod touching your profile(s). If you used this mod Pre 1.0.2 it will also remove the original modifications to your profile from this mod. Toggling this on and off will revert the changes made for each option. See disclaimer above for more info.
    RewardBlackList itemId[] If there are specifc items that you never want to be rewarded, enter the item ID in the list. Quest items, Golden Zibbo for example, are already excluded from rewards. EnableGiftItems is excluded from this option. Use the item finder to assist with finding the IDs of what you want to blacklist. https://db.sp-tarkov.com/search
    LevelRewardsDebug true false Displays log messages in the server window for various functions.
    • src/config/rewards.json
    Option Description
    Base Do Not Change This!
    Dialogue You can edit/make your own dialogue messages here if you want. I may decide to localize the messages for each language but is not a priority right now. If you want to contribute to this, let me know.
    Chance These are the gift sets I worked with ShadowXtrex (Lone_Simon’s - Welcome Gifts) on. Also includes BSG Promo code rewards. You can add your own if you want but no support will be provided if modified. These are only used when EnableGiftItems is true

    Mod Compatibility

    • Custom Traders will need to have their ENUM and base.id match to be part of the RandomTrader or CustomTrader features. This is dependent on the Custom Trader creator, not LevelRewards. A good/correct example is Food&Drink trader by Revingly.
    • No known issues with other mods. If you experience any issues specifc to another mod, please let me know so I can address it.


    • ShadowXtrex for the collaboration on the Lone_Simon’s - Welcome Gifts re-release.
    • Everyone in the modding community who has helped me learn everything
    • SPT-AKI dev team for this amazing creation
    • Flaticon.com
  • How does this mod determine what items it gives you if you have gift packs disabled? Would be a nice to have a more "playthrough friendly" where I can remove certain items from being dropped such as high tier ammos at low level like this photo. https://i.imgur.com/srnDSrU.png [Got these rewards at level 3]

    Right now it is 100% random for the item selection so everything in the handbook has a chance to be given. I got a Red Rebel yesterday so I understand the need. I am working through some ideas for weighted selection and/or level based, as well as a possible blacklist config option. Stay tuned!

  • Right now it is 100% random for the item selection so everything in the handbook has a chance to be given. I got a Red Rebel yesterday so I understand the need. I am working through some ideas for weighted selection and/or level based, as well as a possible blacklist config option. Stay tuned!

    What I was going to suggest is maybe something trader based? Have items that you already have unlocked through traders be way more weighted than items you don't have access to. As well as the rare and exotic items in the game be less weighted as they probably won't randomly be dropped to you. Level Based could work well as well as most traders are level locked.

  • TorturedChunk added a new version:


    1.0.2 (SPT-AKI 3.5.3)

    • Added DontTouchMyProfle config option
    • Added RewardsFoundInRaid config option
    • Added RewardBlackList config option
    • Added LimitRewardsToTrader config option
      • The idea behind this is, if RandomTrader is disabled (false), Fence is the one sending you everything because he has access to everything available in Tarkov. If RandomTrader is enabled (true) this will also be true for all traders except if LimitRewardsToTrader is enabled (true), then the randomly picked trader will send rewards from their available items based on your Loyalty Level.

    Work In Progress (Pending 1.0.3/4)

    • Guns are not built and only the receiver is given. WIP
    • Better way to select # of items to give (current range is inconsistent and could have odd results for LimitRewardsToTrader depending on your Loyalty level) WIP
    • More dialogues for Traders WIP

  • What I was going to suggest is maybe something trader based? Have items that you already have unlocked through traders be way more weighted than items you don't have access to. As well as the rare and exotic items in the game be less weighted as they probably won't randomly be dropped to you. Level Based could work well as well as most traders are level locked.

    Check out the new version and let me know what you think. I appreciate the feedback!

  • Just installed the mod, and I set EnableSkipLevelRewards to 'true' and I did not receive any reward for my previous levels. I was thinking that with this enabled in the config that I would get rewards for my past levels gained? Am I incorrect there?

  • Did you enable the mod?

    I have the mod installed here: F:\SPT_3-5-3\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.2\

    this is my main config:


    "Enabled": true,

    "EnableGiftItems": true,

    "EnableSkipLevelRewards": true,

    "RandomTrader": true,

    "LimitRewardsToTrader": false,

    "RewardsFoundInRaid": true,

    "DontTouchMyProfile": false,

    "RewardBlackList": [



















    "debug": false


  • Cant you attach your profile?

  • So before I attached the profile, just to be sure, I re-booted the game. I had an insurance message from therapist. Once I claimed that insurance I got 16 messages that popped in that all have attachments. It appears everything is working at this point.

    Thank you for the quick replies and your time!

    Ahh! Yes, the messages run off an items/moving route so you have to change something about your stash, buy something or receive other messages and they come through. I'll update the information for the mod to help others with this in the future. Thank you!

  • TorturedChunk added a new version:


    1.0.3 (SPT-AKI 3.5.3)

    • LimitRewardsToTrader now builds the traders full guns properly
    • Added guns to be built vs. receiver only - 10% chance (excluding LimitRewardsToTrader and EnableGiftItems - These are always built.)
    • Added a few more dialogues
    • Code cleanup (ish)

    Work In Progress (Pending 1.0.4/5)

    • Better way to select # of items to give (current range is inconsistent and could have odd results for LimitRewardsToTrader depending on your Loyalty level) WIP
  • This mod is fantastic! It's been working extremely reliably despite myself not acting responsible with profile edits the last few days. I've broken every other mod and this one just keeps doing its thing making sure I have my birthday gifts right on time. Leveling up is hella fun now, thank you for the excellent work on this one!

  • This mod is fantastic! It's been working extremely reliably despite myself not acting responsible with profile edits the last few days. I've broken every other mod and this one just keeps doing its thing making sure I have my birthday gifts right on time. Leveling up is hella fun now, thank you for the excellent work on this one!

    That is awesome to hear! Thank you so much!

  • TorturedChunk added a new version:


    1.0.4 (SPT-AKI 3.5.5)

    • Minor changes & SPT-AKI 3.5.5 Compatibility

    Work In Progress (Pending 1.0.5)

    • Better way to select # of items to give (current range is inconsistent and could have odd results for LimitRewardsToTrader depending on your Loyalty level) WIP
  • TorturedChunk added a new version:


    1.0.5 (SPT-AKI 3.6.1)

    • 3.6.1+ Only moving forward. Use 1.0.4 for older versions of SPT-AKI.
    • Rework of Random Trader assignment
    • Updated messages to new the mail service versus depreciated Dialogs. Allows for easier control of who the message comes from and future compatibility. By default, rewards will now come from the System using a generic level up messages. Use RandomTrader if you prefer custom messages from traders.
    • Added CustomTrader and CustomerTraderId config options.
    • Added RewardTimeoutInDays config option.
  • Attached is my profile.

    Getting this error:

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'unlocked')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'unlocked')

    at getRandomTrader (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\logic\functions.js:47:39)

    at Object.getRewards (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\logic\functions.js:195:26)

    at Rewards.runLevelRewardsLogic (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\logic\levelrewards.js:91:40)

    at Object.action (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\mod.js:27:59)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:51:61)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:72:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:145:38)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:52:43)

    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:513:28)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'unlocked')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'unlocked')

    at getRandomTrader (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\logic\functions.js:47:39)

    at Object.getRewards (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\logic\functions.js:195:26)

    at Rewards.runLevelRewardsLogic (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\logic\levelrewards.js:91:40)

    at Object.action (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SPT 3.7.1\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.5\src\mod.js:27:59)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:51:61)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:72:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:145:38)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:52:43)

    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:513:28)

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