Game crash after a certain amount of time during raid

  • The problem I'm having is that after a certain amount of time in raid, the game just crash and exit to the launcher. This problem doesn't occur if I don't get into a raid and just chill in the menu building my kit.

    I already tried the "default" and "web socket" thing.

    Thank you for any help.

  • I think I'm using a profile from B1 or B2. I'll try making a new one and see what happens.

    Keep you posted.


    Edited once, last by GregWayland: Nope, tried with a fresh character; after 1 raid in factory I've tried customs, and at a certain point the game crashed and went back to the launcher. ().

  • I have found the solution, thanks to @sptarkovp1 for shining light on the solution.
    When you first run the server a pop up box will appear, asking for admin privileges so it can find your SSL certificate.
    If you click no then it will cause this error, because the certificate it is expecting is not there.
    So to fix. you are going to need to go right back to the start, copy your live files into a new folder, run the patcher, install AKI, run the server and click yes to the box that pops up.
    Read it first
    Information on what it is doing…at-is-an-ssl-certificate/
    This issue is still under investigation, some setups seem to auto deny the certificate, and it is required for the game to run correctly.
    I would expect a hotfix in the future if this doesn't work for you, and I will try to remember to keep y'all threads individually updated as we find out more.

  • I'll try it right away! Thanks for all the help!!!

    Edited once, last by GregWayland: Nope not even this is working. Maybe, as you said, something is denying the certificate, even when I clicked yes when prompted. Thanks anyway for looking into this! ().

  • Tried this and I still get the same issue, tried on a clean install and it seemed fine at first but then it was like in the third raid when it crashed again. If a solution is found it will be really appreciated. Thank y'all

  • Tried with a fresh install with the new SpT-Aki. I've clicked yes when prompted. I've even given full control on properties for Tarkov.exe, launcher and server. Ran them as administrator. Nothing. At a certain point the game just crash, close and go back to the launcher.

    I'm not complaining, just posting something I tried to keep a record.

    And for all the modders thanks for all the work you're doing!

  • Do you still have the client log for this by chance? (this one isn't telling me anything) you can find it in the route/Logs/<profile_name>

    Just deleted the folder... I'm trying with a fresh install, if it happens again I'll post the log here.

    Edited once, last by GregWayland: Ehm... now it's just stuck on the loading screen after a fresh install :( ().

  • Do you still have the client log for this by chance? (this one isn't telling me anything) you can find it in the route/Logs/<profile_name>

    Ok, now it's not stuck anymore (I was downgrading to the wrong version of the client). Fresh install but the crash happened again. In the logs folder I don't have a file with the profile name, but various other:

    application, assebundle etc

  • OK I don't know what version you are up to, as this has been going on for some time now.
    I highly suggest using the latest AKI version (1.1.0) This works with the current live version of EFT, so there is no need to downgrade.
    The log in question is here

    Sorry it was not the profile name but the version number, derp is me.

  • I think this is a optimization problem on BGS side. The last thing I tried (believe it or not) was just to change from fullscreen to borderless windows. I've stayed on the raid as long as I could and it seems to have worked. Will try again tomorrow and keep you posted.

    Edit: nope, not even that worked. I've even tried undercloaking the gpu as some videso suggested

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