Stuck on "Local game is starting"

  • Issue is in the title.

    I've found one other thread where someone has had the same issue and he apparently fixed it by clearing the cache and temp files, and turning off Windows proxy.

    Not sure what cache he means or where it is, but clearing the temp files didn't work. I also don't use Windows proxy, i have NordVPN but shutting that down didn't fix it either. Not sure why it would anyway since it worked fine since December last year with and without VPN.

    Everything was working fine yesterday.

    The only map where the issue doesn't appear is Factory.

    Can't be a RAM issue either, i have RAM cleaner activated but my RAM usage never goes above 11gb anyways (i have 16gb).

    I have also tried creating a new profile but the issue still persists.

  • Have you installed any mods since then? I cant say I fully understand this error, but I have underlined what is standing out to me.

    So i would suspect either an incorrect value in the mod that loads after vamps pocket mod, specifically to do with boss waves, set to medium?
    Or the mod is incompatible with R8?

  • When the issue first started happening i don't think i changed anything, maybe i tweaked some settings in "Aki_Data\Server" but i just looked through all the config files and couldn't find anything relating to bosses apart from "bossEnabled": false, in "Aki_Data\Server\eft-inraid\src\config.js". Is there another setting i might have missed?

    So the good news is, it definitely has something to do with bosses. I just tried to load with bosses disabled and everything works perfectly fine.

    The bad news is, i don't think it has something to do with the mods. I just deleted all the mods, cleared the temp files, cleared the game settings, and created a new profile, but the issue still persists.

  • Yeah that is very odd, You are sure you dont have Andrudis QOL installed? (this appears to be what loads after pockets on your last log, and first option being PVP rules? anything set to medium that shouldn't be?

    If not, and all mods are removed, have you made any edits yourself to the base files?

  • I figured it out. I did a full clean re-install and compared the Server folders with WinMerge.

    The problem was that i apparently changed

    "difficulty": {

    "boss": "hard",

    "follower": "hard"


    "difficulty": {

    "boss": "hard",

    "follower": "medium"

    in "Aki_Data\Server\ext-additions\src\config.js".

    It was just my dumbass playing around with config files that shouldn't be played around with.

    But thanks for your help anyway, i appreciate it man. :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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