Maps loading slowly

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    Hey guys, dipping my toes in. Enjoying the 3 raids I've done so far. Only complaint is that the game loads crazy slow. No crashing, no bugs, no problems, install was quick and easy, but it's taking me 10 minutes to load into Streets.

    So far I've run Streets, Factory, Reserve. Streets took 10 minutes, Reserve takes around 5, and Factory is maybe 30 seconds. I imagine that this is due to the size of the maps and just how much stuff is in them. I'm mostly just wondering if there are any fixes or workarounds that I haven't thought of.

    Currently loading from a Samsung 2tb SSD, RTX 3060ti, Ryzen 7 3700x, with 16gb of ddr4 ram.

    • Official Post

    RAM is very important for loading into maps, < 16GB will often double/triple load times (16gb is often still low for maps like streets/lighthouse)

    You could try closing programs that use RAM while playing SPT, e.g.:



    Steam/Epic/EA launcher

  • I'll give it a shot, thanks. Should I also set the server to high priority or just the game for RAM?

    Edit: Even just closing out of Chrome was a drastic increase, and I also set the game to Realtime priority for RAM. Loading quickly enough to be happy, now, thanks.

  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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