ShadowXtrex added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreFirst! You had any issue? Well, your first step is avoid report it in the comments. These comments will be ignored.
To report issues please use the SUPPORT THREAD here in the Hub.About the redistribution:
- You are NOT allowed to republish, alter or include in a package here or any other sites without my permission or EFCL Team.
- Also, you are NOT allowed to redistribute it in any type of mod-pack. Wherever you host it.Here you can find some custom profiles based in my gameplay from SPT 3.7.6.
Inside every folder you will find the Readme with the content.(Unavailable until 3.1.1) Now is available the option to unlock the trader quest rewards from the assort.
The option is disabled by default, but you can activate it in
The database management is as follows:
CodeDisplay Moremodfolder/ └───db └───dev └───Example ├───BEAR/ ├───Inventory.json <- Inventory items. ├───Skills.json <- Skills and masteries. └───Suits.json <- Suits unlocked ├───USEC/ ├───Inventory.json <- Inventory items. ├───Skills.json <- Skills and masteries. └───Suits.json <- Suits unlocked ├───Bonuses.json <- Common config: Stash size ├───Hideout.json <- Common config: Hideout modules build. ├───locale.json <- Will be used in a future update for the description of the profile. ├───Traders.json <- Common config: Traders loyalty and unlocks info. └───WeaponPresets.json <- Common config: If you want to add any weapon presets, you can add it here.
If you want to make a profile you can use the dev folder.
Pay attention to config.jsonc file, because you need to enable the devProfile.
All file are required to make it work.
You can find the content of the profiles in:
You need to extract the content of the 7z file in the loader root folder
To extract it you can use:
- You MUST use 7zip to extract (