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    Hi ive been playing single tarkov for quite a while now, but from the start my biggest struggle was LOW FPS in game. I have 3080, 10700k, 32gb 3200 RAM, and game installed on m.2 ssd. On bigger maps i ussualy get about 40/50 fps and its really painful playing like that. Is anyone else having this problem?

  • Unfortunately, that's a mixture of BSG's incompetence to develop a proper optimized game after all these years together with the fact that SPT runs the server on the same machine.

    You probably noticed that if you go for a RAID without bots, it runs ok-ish in the 60-120FPS depending on your machine and map you're running.

    There are a few solutions in SPT:

    1. Limit the number of bots the game is spawning (I don't use mods for that, but edit SPT\Aki_Data\Server\configs\bot.json - Open with Notepad++, check bottom of page for number of bots on each map and adjust as you please).

    You are using SWAG and SVM, so you might want to check the options in these mods before editing the file I previously mentioned.

    2. Use a mod that limits the bots from spawning or limit the bots from moving - limiting calculations. I suggest AI Limit but I'm not sure it works with 3.6.0 right now. Haven't tested. You could give it a try and let us know it if works or post in the support thread.

    Side notes:

    1. Since BSG "optimized" the game with the latest patches, the FPS dropped even further, especially on Streets.

    2. You can further optimize the FPS when using scopes, since BSG couldn't figure it out how to develop that and made it picture-in-picture (PiP), meaning everything is rendered twice (once through the scope and once the field of view around it), which cripples any GPU/CPU. Besides Amand's mode, which you already have, another mod that helps a bit would be DERP Dynamic External Resolution Patch (DERP)
    Check if Fontaine's FOV fix or ACOG4Life mods are conflicting with DERP. They shouldn't, but I'm not using them together to confirm or deny.

    I hope it helps, though it's pretty annoying to not get at least 60FPS with pretty performant systems.

    Good luck! Cheers! :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by MrK ().

  • chomp

    Changed the title of the thread from “LOW FPS” to “[MODDED] LOW FPS”.
  • CWX

    Closed the thread.

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