[MODDED] Stuck on Local Game Starting

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file
    BepInEx log file
    Server log file
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    From BSG's official website
    List of used mods
    "MFAC Eyewear"
    "Virtual's Custom Quest Loader"
    "y1305 items preview"
    "zExtra RM Ammo"

    1) I know there's a lot of mods, but when you're bored and have a lot of space, you get carried away.
    2) Scav runs work, it's mainly PMC raids that I can't access for some odd reason.
    3) This happened two-three raids after I got presets from a friend and added them to my profile via the profile editor. The said presets are made with vanilla assets, so I don't think it should be of a big issue.

    4) I can't even access the Hideout, to add insult to injury.

  • You do have a lot of mods and from what I can see you are using "y1305 items preview" and "RaiRaiTheRaichu-AllTheClothes-1.3.0" which I know from personal testing can cause the game to infinite load or get stuck at local game starting.

    Further to this, I see you have "!BoopsQuestAPI-1.1.0" and "BoopsQuestAPI-1.1.1" in your mod list, I would recommend removing !BoopsQuestAPI-1.1.0 as this looks to be a previous version for that mod. Give this a try and see if it allows you to play.

    It's hard to pin point your issue(s) due to the amount of mods you have and not enough information given: is there any red error text in the console? Is there any error messages in game if you press "`" (tilde key next to 1) ?

    I know it's been a few days since you posted this thread, hopefully you have fixed your issues but if not please update, cheers!


  • Hi Rad Roach, thank you for reaching out, first of all!

    It seems that as soon as I made a new profile, it seems to work flawlessly once more, which is, well, shocking with the amount of stuff I pack into. I know this is own my own volition, so don't worry.

    No, sadly, the issue hasn't been fixed quite yet. While the game continues to work on other profiles, the one where this error occurs continues to be glitched.

    Tried multiple methods: back up save from Profile Editor, deleting mods, etc, etc. but sadly, to no avail.

    This is the last 3 messages that happen before the console readout stops.

  • Hi buddy, it's not a problem at all I like to help people!

    Just from your explanation I assume your original profile has become corrupted and will not function, have you tried temporarily removing your mods and leaving that profile in its folder? Have you been in to the profiles' json file and messed with anything in there?

    What I would like you to do please is go to: https://jsonlint.com/ and copy and paste your profile in to this and click "Validate JSON" on the bottom-left of the screen and let me know what it says. What this will do is show any errors or mischaracterisations inside the json file OR if it doesn't show anything wrong then the profile is most likely corrupted.


  • Once again, thank you!

    Regardless, yes that is correct. I have tried removing my mods and whatnot - still borked. I haven't been messing much with the raw .json file, I remember the last thing I did was porting in imports that me and a friend shared.

    Did as you asked - the website says that the .json is valid. I use VSCodium for all of my .json needs - so it'd would tell me something in the end.

  • No problem my friend.

    Copy that. I'm afraid to say that your profile is probably toast at this point, these kind of things happen from time-to-time if you change some things inside the json file and/or a mod conflicts with it and corrupts it.

    As a precautionary measure for the future, always make a copy of your profile just in-case something weird happens and make sure you double-check that your mods are up-to-date and work properly with the current version of SPT (for example, 3.6.1).

    Apologies for not fixing your issues, I know it sucks losing a profile or a saved game and having to start over again but this is all a learning tutorial on how to get things working properly and knowing how to fix them yourself or with some help.

    If you need anymore help going forward feel free to DM me and I'll do my best to help you :thumbup:


  • Kippa

    Closed the thread.

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