The object XXXXX was not found in the base object cache

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    Client log file…diEt5ZpdNARgRrZKHKSDn8V8H
    BepInEx log file…S7okos3f1bHAZ4eWhpdx4eQut
    Server log file…Bpye2QHfV7fWz1fktdUoMDG8M
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    List of used mods
    "order": [

    "Virtual's Custom Quest Loader",

    Hello Guys,

    I prepared a mods package and at some point I started seeing these messages in the server log. Is there a way I can fix it? Thanks in advance.

    the list of mods is in loading order (order.json)

  • LooseKeyModifier was causing this for me. Removing it stopped the errors. I think they're meant to be harmless anyway though, and your game should still run fine.. but someone might know better than me.

    Edit: I just asked in the Discord about LooseKeyModifier, and was given the advice that the warning messages are safe to ignore, quote: "it's a bug that should be fixed in the next SPT update."

    Hope that helps!

    Edited 5 times, last by Darragen ().

  • Thanks for the reply. :love:

    I did some tests... I deleted the mod "LooseKeyModifier" and in fact the problem was solved. I tried to put the mod back but I loaded it as the second to last and even so it seems that the problem has been solved.

    Thanks again for the suggestions :thumbup:

  • chomp

    Closed the thread.

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