Medical Attention

  • jbs4bmx added a new file:

  • Code
    Mod MedicalAttention package.json contains an invalid version string
    Invalid mod (MedicalAttention) encountered

    Probably version string doesn't accept alphabets?

  • jbs4bmx added a new version:

  • jbs4bmx added a new version:


    New feature added... "Heal-over-time" function for med kits.

    Now you can specify which med kits you want to provide you with a heal-over-time function.

    Med kits selected to have the heal-over-time function enabled on them will no longer be able to fast heal body parts. They will only provide a heal-over-time function. (For that reason, I recommend only enabling it on smaller med kits that you are less likely to use.)

    • You can use the heal-over-time function of one med kit in conjunction with the fast healing of another med kit.
    • In other words, apply heal-over-time with your first med kit, and then fast heal the critical body part.
    • That way you can get back into the game and let 'heal-over-time' continue to heal the less damaged parts as you go.
  • jbs4bmx added a new version:


    Update to SPT 3.10.x

    Now includes new feature to allow walking and running while performing surgeries or healing. Options to enable these functions are available in the F12 Menu while in game.

  • When I go to use a CMS kit or surgical kit to fix a blacked body part it cause my player model to freeze and i have to {use hands not busy mod} to get unstuck from the position it also doesn't heal the blacked limb.first one is mods. second one is plugins don't know what could be causing this.

  • Would it be possible to incorporate the fast-healing mod into this? All it did was make it so that the less a limb is damaged the actual use time of the med item is shorter. Saves you having to salewa 5 damage on a part and it take the entire animation. I updated the mod for 3.9.2 but haven't set up my area for 3.10 development yet.

  • Would it be possible to incorporate the fast-healing mod into this? All it did was make it so that the less a limb is damaged the actual use time of the med item is shorter. Saves you having to salewa 5 damage on a part and it take the entire animation. I updated the mod for 3.9.2 but haven't set up my area for 3.10 development yet.

    quite possibly. no promises.

    I now have the privilege of more duties at work so finding time has been an issue lately.

  • I have to ask because i've been here for half hour confusing myself.. I've gone through all the comments and every .json, .js etc but I'm missing where the "How many uses" settings are? Or they built in? Trying to lower pills from 24 to something a little lower.

    When messing with other mods sometimes I forget what's controlling what.. But I removed all other 'Medical Mods' so shouldn't be any issue there. Thanks

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