SamSWAT's Fire Support - Arys Reloaded

  • Arys added a new file:

  • Nympfonic added a new version:


    Fixes the mod breaking after the first raid you run, hopefully for real this time lol

    If you downloaded 2.2.0, please update to this version otherwise you will experience the problem mentioned.

  • Nympfonic added a new version:

    • Improvement: if you have selected a support request but have not confirmed it with LMB, either pressing ALT + RMB, or switching from the rangefinder to another weapon or item will cancel the support request
    • Fixed missing Black Hawk helicopter rotors (the old ones went for some cigarettes and never came back :( )
    • Fixed the direction that the A-10 approaches in; it now actually follows the path shown with the marker
    • Fixed an audio bug with the A-10 strafe on its first use in every raid, where its engine sound was loud and immediately played after confirming the strafe request
    • Resolved a NullObjectReference exception when extracting with the Black Hawk helicopter
    • Some code refactors/improvements

    I highly recommend updating to this version as the fixes will improve your immersion and has a nice new improvement :)

  • Nympfonic added a new version:


    Bugfix: Fixed A-10 audio desync

    Tested on 3.7.4, should work for 3.7.1+

  • What's the deal with the helicopter? I'm always under it, the extraction time goes down, and it leaves.

    No idea mate, it works fine for me and everyone else so far.

    What SPT version are you on?

    If you are on 3.7.1+, you're gonna need to send me your log files:

    • Logs/<your most recent log folder>/traces.log
    • BepInEx/LogOutput.log

    Upload the log files here:, and post the link in your reply here.

    If you're on 3.6.x, then I can't help you.

  • Arys added a new version:


    Updated for SPT-AKI 3.8.0

    Apache and other features will be coming in a future update.

    When? When it's ready.

  • Arys added a new version:


    Bugfix: Fixed being unable to call fire support in Ground Zero

  • Arys added a new version:


    Bugfix: Fixed locale issue with A-10 weapon and ammo (thanks to Ereshkigal for reporting)

    This should be the last release until the Apache update.

  • hi,it works well,but when i use the fire support hit glass in shoreline by accident, it will make game lag and sometimes brokes the game

    That's to do with how BSG coded the windows breaking unfortunately. Breaking multiple windows simultaneously can cause huge FPS drops/freezing.

  • Extract no longer working with latest update to SPT, call in the helo for pickup, it comes in, countdown gets to zero and nothing happens, it glitches out, leaves me there and i cannot get to my inventory or the pause menu

    SPT-Aki CodePaste
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.

  • Just an idea, what if USEC had the A-10 Warthog as standard, but the BEAR would have the SU-25K as the fire support plane, i dont know how much work is in these type of mods, i just tought it would be cool.

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