[MODDED] No raiders spawning on reserve

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    I have ran reserve about 10 times now, and no raiders are spawning in the underground bunker.

    I found a thread talking about this issue back in 2022 and it suggested a mod called chomp-raiderspawnfix.

    however it seems that mod hasn't had support in a few years. Is this still an issue for anyone else?

    I'm making sure that kiki all bosses is at 100% and I'm enabling bosses in raids.

    Any alternative fixes?

  • chomp

    Changed the title of the thread from “No raiders spawning on reserve” to “[MODDED] No raiders spawning on reserve”.
  • How are you confirming there's no raider spawns? Are you using a tool?

    No... However, I have now ran reserve over a dozen times and counting and still no raiders. with kiki boss on 100% they should be spawning every time right? I guess technically I am using one tool. A mini map that shows enemy locations on the map. through research I know that turning on the power in the bunker also has a chance to spawn 5 raiders. And this has not worked for me either. I keep an eye on the mini map to see if more pop in when i turn on the power, and nothing ever happens there either. IDK maybe I'm getting horrible RNG. but from my understanding kiki boss should be guaranteeing the spawn. Maybe I'm wrong. Ill run it a dozen or so more times tonight after work and see if anything changes.

  • How are you confirming there's no raider spawns? Are you using a tool?

    Alright. So after a lot of trail and error. and playing reserve over 20 times. I think I have finally determined the issue. Using the help of mini maps that show me enemy locations, purple and blue dots being bosses, guards, and wouldn't you know it... raiders. I have killed every single special dot on the map a few times over. and have determined that the raiders are in fact, spawning. The problem is, no matter how long I sit down in the bunker, the raiders never come down. I see them sitting on the map moving here and there, but mostly staying in a small area. So. the good news is raiders are spawning. The bad news is, they don't come down into the bunker for me to kill them and finish the quest.

    Could big brain be causing this issue, or some kind of other AI mod? Or do I just need to sit in the bunker in hopes that one time they will randomly decide to head down into it?

  • I just edited the .json file on my profile and changed it so the quest is completed. I guess I've somehow been the only one to have this issue. that's just my luck right?? haha. oh well. At least I can move on now :D

  • I just edited the .json file on my profile and changed it so the quest is completed. I guess I've somehow been the only one to have this issue. that's just my luck right?? haha. oh well. At least I can move on now :D

    You know what's funny actually is I was literally just doing the Cleaner quest to kill 40 raiders and even setting them to 100% spawn rate I was getting at most like 5 or 6 per raid and the PMC's kept killing them. As I am typing this I am also using profile editor to mark the quest as done because it's getting annoying. Sorry I don't have any new info to add but you're definitely not the only one having an issue.

  • [ SOLUTION! ]

    I had the same issue and I found a way to fix that. Raiders on train station have bigger chance to spawn for some reason.

    Go to SPT folder => SPT 3.9.x\SPT_Data\Server\database\locations\rezervbase and look for file "base.jason".

    Then open it with any text editor but i highly recommend to use VS Code or at least Notepad++. CTRL + F and type in the search bar

    "BossChance" it will highlight all boss types AI in the file (probably 5 at the moment). Now you are interested on the ones that have spawn area set to => "BossZone": "ZoneRailStrorage", and "BossZone": "ZoneSubCommand". We are looking for "ZoneSubCommand" (Bunker).

    Now you have two options to fix the problem:

    - Set field "ForceSpawn" from 'false' to 'true' e.g. => "ForceSpawn": true,


    - Change the "BossChance" to higher number on bots spawning in bunker and lower on bots spawning on the train station

    You can play around with timings and delays but it's up to you. I also recommend try to play with "BossEscortAmount"

    because sometimes it feels like "MaxBotCap" affects the number of spawned raiders as well as some of them are torned into PMC which can be change using SVM => "https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/379-server-value-modifier-svm/"

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