
  • Member since Feb 27th 2023
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  • hey is there anyway u could help me please, i want to download dadmoad but its telling me im missing a package.. any idea ?

    • I don't know what "dadmoad" is. Please ask for help in the comments page for the mod.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • What is the reason for this

    [Questing Bots] Enabling advanced_eft_bot_count_management will instruct EFT to ignore this mod's PMC's and PScavs when spawning more bots.

    • BSG's approach with streets and Ground Zero is to keep spawning Scavs until the bot cap is reached, and this often prevents new PMC's from spawning in. The Questing Bots advanced spawning system "tricks" EFT into thinking that the PMC's and PScavs it spawns are human players and therefore don't count toward the bot cap. This allows me much better control over spawn times.

      EDIT: This conversation should be kept in the mod comment page.

  • 你好,你这个MOD可以修改PMC上限么。谢谢!

    • Please post a question in the comments page of the mod for which you need help. Also, please use English for communicating on this site. That's in the site rules, and it's the only language I speak. Sorry.

  • Thanks for Hardcore mod, I wonder if it is within the rules of HC that if you barter with all FIR items, then the item you receive is also FIR.

    • For live Tarkov, no, but I think the SPT devs might be adding that capability into the game. I'll have to see when 3.5.1 is released.